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Bonnie Branch MS 8th

energy source an object that is the supplier of energy
energy receiver an object to which the energy is transferred
wave a continuous succession of pulses
transverse wave a wave in which the motion of the material (medium) is perpendicular to motion of the wave
amplitude the height of a wave crest. It is related to a wave’s energy
wavelength the distance between identical points along a wave
frequency the number of waves produced per unit time
compression (longitudinal) wave a wave in which the motion of the material (medium) is parallel to the motion of the wave
pitch the quality of a sound dependent mostly on the frequency of the sound wave
ultrasound compression waves at much higher frequency that animals or humans can hear
fault a fracture in rock, along which the rock masses have moved
earthquake a sudden motion or shaking of the earth
P wave a seismic wave that involves motion in the direction in which it is traveling: it is the fastest of the seismic waves
S wave a seismic wave that involves vibration perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling: it arrives later than the P wave
L wave a seismic wave that travels along the surface of the Earth: they are the last to arrive at a location
seismograph an instrument that detects seismic waves
tsunami a great sea wave produced by an earthquake (or volcanic eruption) on the ocean floor
mechanical energy the energy transfer involved in an interaction that causes one or both objects to change position
constant speed neither speeding up nor slowing down
linear relationship the relationship between two quantities that, when plotted against each other on a graph, produce a straight line
slope the tilt or slant of a straight line on a graph: the rise divided by the run
average speed the distance traveled divided by the time taken
nonlinear relationship the relationship between two quantities that, when plotted against each other on a graph, do not produce a straight line
velocity how fast an object is moving in a given direction
acceleration the change in velocity per unit time
energy ability to do work or cause change
potential energy stored energy
kinetic energy energy in motion
Created by: kjanelli
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