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Clinical Research
Clinical Research Quiz 2 pt 2
Term | Definition |
Cronbach’s alpha/ Coefficient alpha | a reliability index that estimates the internal consistency or homogeneity of a composite measure composed of several items or subparts; DOESN’T evaluate fluctuations over time as a source or unreliability |
Concurrent validity | the degree to which scores on an instrument are correlated with an external criterion, measured at the same time; an instrument’s ability to distinguish individuals who differ on a present criterion |
Difference between predictive and concurrent validity | The difference in timing of obtaining measurements on a criterion |
Confirmability | a criterion for integrity referring to the objectivity or neutrality of the data & interpretations |
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) | a factor analysis designed to confirm a hypothesized measurement model, using maximum likelihood estimation |
Construct validity | t/ validity of inferences from observed persons, settings, & interventions in a study to the constructs that these instances might represent; w/ an instrument, t/ degree to which it measures the construct under investigation |
Content validity | t/ degree to which the items in an instrument adequately represent the universe of content for the concept being measured |
Convergence | an approach to construct validation that involves assessing the degree to which 2 methods of measuring a construct yield similar information; evidence that different methods of measuring a construct yield similar results |
Correlation coefficient | a tool used to quantitatively describe the magnitude and direction of a relationship btw 2 variables |
Credibility | in QUALITATIVE research, the confidence in the truth of the data (in QUANTITATIVE research, the like term is internal validity) |
Criterion-related validity | degree to which scores on instrument are correlated w/ external criterion (i.e. if scores on scale of attitudes toward premarital sex correlate highly w/ subsequent loss of virginity in sample of teenagers, then attitude scale would have good validity) |
Cut-off score | a key in developing new diagnostic or screening measures; uses a score to distinguish cases & noncases |
Data triangulation | use of multiple data sources for the purpose of validating conclusions |
Dependability | in QUALITATIVE research, the stability of the data over time & conditions; (in QUANTITATIVE research it’s reliability) |
Discriminability | the ability to differentiate the construct form other similar constructs |
Equivalence | degree to which two or more independent observers or coders agree about scoring; high agreement= measurement errors hv bn minimized |
Error of measurement | the difference between true and obtained scores that is a result of factors that distort the measurement |
Face validity | refers to whether t/ instrument appears, on the face of it, to be measuring the appropriate construct |
Factor | a dimension that represents a relatively unitary attribute |
Factor analysis | method for identifying clusters of related variables |
Internal consistency | t/ degree to which the subparts of a composite scale are all measuring the same attribute or dimension, as a measure of the scale’s reliability |
Interrater (interobserver) reliability | t/ degree to which 2 raters/observers, operating independently, assign the same ratings or values for an attribute being measured or observed |
Inverse relationship | incr in one variable are associated with decr in the 2nd variable. |
Investigator triangulation | use of 2 or more researchers to analyze and interpret a data set, to enhance rigor |
Item analysis techniques | type of analysis used to assess whether items on a scale are tapping the same construct and are sufficiently discriminating |
Item response theory (IRT)/ latent trait theory | a measurement perspective where the focus is on the item rather than the overall scale or rests, and procedures involve examining a person’s response to each item |
Known-groups technique | technique for estimating the construct validity of an instrument through an analysis of the degree to which the instrument separate groups predicted to differ based on known characteristics or theory |
Measurement | involves assigning numbers to represent the amount of an attribute present in an object or person, using a specified set of rules |
Member check | method of validating the credibility of qualitative data through debriefings & discussions w/ informants |
Method triangulation | use of multiple methods of data collection about the same phenomenon, to enhance rigor or validity |
Multitrait-multimethod matrix method (MTMM) | using multi measures to assess instrument’s construct validity; instrument valid due to relation btw it & other measures of same attribute (convergence) & a weak relationship btw it & measures purporting to measure diff attribute (discriminability) |
Observed (obtained) score | w/in classical measurement theory, the actual score/numerical value assigned to a person on a measure; obtained score can be conceptualized as having two parts—an error component and a true component. |
How is obtained score calculated? | Obtained score = True score + Error |
Peer debriefing | sessions w/ peers to review & explore various aspects of a study, sometimes used to enhance trustworthiness in a qualitative study |
Perfect relationship | a correlation btw 2 variables such that the values of one variable permit perfect prediction of the values of the other; designated as 1 or -1 (i.e. assuming that tallest person is heaviest person, 2nd tallest is 2nd heaviest, etc.) |
Persistent observation | a QUALITATIVE researcher’s intense focus on the aspects of a situation that are relevant to the phenomena being studied |
Person triangulation | collection of data from diff levels of persons, w/ the aim of validating data through multiple perspectives on the phenomenon |
Positive relationship | relationship btw 2 variables where high values on one variable tend to be associated with high values on the other (i.e. as phys activity incr, hrt rate incr too) |
Predictive validity | t/ adequacy of an instrument in differentiating btw people’s performance on a future criterion (i.e. school correlates high school students’ grades /w performance in college) |
Prolonged engagement | in QUALITATIVE research, the investment of sufficient time during data collection to have an in-depth understanding of the group or phenomenon under study, thereby enhancing credibility |
Psychometric assessment | an evaluation of the quality of an instrument, based primarily on evidence of its reliability and validity |
Reliability | accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a study; the degree of consistency or dependability /c which an instrument measures an attribute |
Reliability coefficient | an index of the magnitude of the test’s reliability; this allows test-retest reliability comparison to be performed objectively |
Researcher credibility | the faith that can be put in a researcher, based on his or her training, qualifications, and experience |
Sensitivity | the ability of screening instruments to correctly identify a “case” that is, to CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE A CONDITION |
Specificity | t/ ability of screening instrument to CORRECTLY IDENTIFY NONCASES |
Stability | t/ extent to which similar scores are obtained on separate occasions |
Test-retest reliability | t/ assessment of the STABILITY of an instrument by correlating the scores obtained on 2 administrations |
Theory triangulation | use of competing theories or hypotheses in the analysis and interpretation of data |
Thick description | a rich and thorough description of the research context in a qualitative study |
Time triangulation | the collection of data on the same phenomenon or about the same people at diff points in time, to enhance validity |
Transferability | in QUALITATIVE RESEARCH the extent to which qualitative findings can be transferred to other settings; (in QUANTITATIVE research, it’s called generalizability) |
Triangulation | the use of multiple sources or references to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth; people combine qualitative interviews /c quantitative study tools |
True score | a hypothetical score that would be obtained if a measure were infallible |
Trustworthiness of data | the degree of confidence QUALITATIVE researchers have in their data; it’s assessed using credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, & authenticity |
Validity | complex concept that broadly concerns the SOUNDNESS of a study’s evidence—that is, whether the findings are unbiased & well grounded; the degree to WHICH AN INSTRUMENT MEASURES WHAT IT’S INTENDED TO MEASURE |
Clarity | scale items should be clear, unambiguous items; words should be carefully chosen with the educational & reading level of the target population in mind; to be considered while wording items for scale |
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) | a factor analysis designed to confirm a hypothesized measurement model, using maximum likelihood estimation |
Construct | an abstraction or concept that is deliberately invented by researchers for a scientific purpose (i.e. health locus of control) |
Content validation | t/ process in which the items in an instrument adequately represent the universe of content for the concept being measured |
Cut-off point (score) | a key in developing new diagnostic or screening measures; uses a score to distinguish cases & noncases |
Difficulty levels | an item analysis technique which indicates how “difficult” each item is |
Domain sampling model | Random sampling of a homogeneous set of items from a hypothetical universe of items relating to the construct |
Eigenvalues | in FACTOR ANALYSIS the value equal to the sum of the squared weights for each factor |
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) | A FACTOR ANALYSIS undertaken to explore the underlying dimensionality of a set of variables |
Factor analysis | method for identifying clusters of related variables |
Factor extraction | 1st PHASE of FACTOR ANALYSIS, involving extraction of as much variance as pos thru t/ successive creation of linear combinations of variables in data set; condensing items to smaller no. of factors & used to identify t/ no. or underlying dimensions |
Factor loadings | in FACTOR ANALYSIS, t/ weight associated w/ variable on a given factor |
Factor rotation | t/ 2ND PHASE OF FACTOR ANALYSIS, during which, the reference axes for the factors are moved to more clearly align variables w/ a factor; makes factors more interpretable |
Goodness-of-fit statistic | Testing hypothesized measurement model against actual data, showing correlation & indicating if model is a good fit |
Item analysis | a type of analysis used to assess whether items on a scale are tapping the same construct and are sufficiently discriminating |
Jargon | terms that might be well-known in one field of existence, but not in another; should be avoided in forming scale items |
Latent variable | underlying construct; an unmeasured variable that represents an underlying, abstract construct |
Maximum likelihood estimation | an estimation approach in which the estimators are ones that estimate the parameters more likely to have generated the observed measurements |
Measurement model | in structural equations modeling, the model that stipulates the hypothesized relationships among the manifest and latent variables |
Oblique rotation | in FACTOR ANALYSIS, a rotation of factors such that the reference axes are allowed to move to acute or oblique angles and hence the factors are allowed to be correlated; greater than 90-degrees; allows correlated factors |
Orthogonal rotation | in FACTOR ANALYSIS, a rotation of factors such that the reference axes are kept at right angles, and hence the factors remain uncorrelated; maintains independence of the factors |
Principal components analysis (PCA) | a widely used FACTOR extractor method where weights for the first factor are compute such that the avg squared weight is maximized |
Readability | t/ ease with which materials can be read by people w/ varying reading skills, often empirically evaluated through readability formulas |