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Den 125

Chapter 1.2.3.

Alveolar bone growth or border of the maxilla and the mandible, makes up and forms tooth sockets
Condyloid posterior growth on the ramus of the mandible, articulates with the temporal bone and the TMJ
Coronoid anterior growth on the ramus of the mandible that serves as an attachment position for the temporalis muscle
Infraorbital a growth process from the zygomatic bone
Mastoid growth on the temporal bone behind the ear that is used for muscle attachment
Pterygoid Hamulus a hook like end that serves as a site for muscle attachment
Styloid small pointed growth from the lower boarder of the temporal bone, serves as a bone position for attachment for some tongue muscles
Foramina of the Cranium where injections of anesthesia are placed
Lining Mucosa mucus membranes that line the inner surface of the lips and cheeks
Maxillary Sinus also known as the ATRIUM OF HIGHMORE
Frontal the projection of the maxilla meeting with the frontal bone to form the eye orbit
Incisive Foramen opening in the maxilla behind the central incisors on the midline
Filiform Papillae the smallest hair like papillae on the dorsal side of the tongue. DOES NOT SENSE TASTE
Eruption moves toward the oral cavity and enters through the tissue
Attrition surfaces wear away
Apposition mineral salts and organic matter are set in place
Histordifferentiation branch into different tissues
Morphodifferentiation change into other shapes
Initiation development of the dental lamina
Proliferation small buds appear until all deciduous teeth are apparent
Calcification tooth tissues harden and set
Morphology the study of tooth formation and shape
Posterior Teeth Premolars and molars
Facial surface of all teeth toward the cheeks and lips
Buccal posterior tooth surface toward the cheeks
Labial anterior tooth surface toward the lips
Lingual the surface of all the teeth toward the tongue
Mesial the surface of the tooth closest to the midline
Distal the surface o the tooth furthest from the midline
Incisal cutting edge of the anterior teeth
Occlusal grinding or chewing surface of all posterior teeth
Apical tip of the root
Clinical Crown visible in the oral cavity
Pterygoid growth of the sphenoid bone extending downward from the bone
Hyper over/excess
Hypo under/below
Macro large
Micro small/minute
Pan panoramic/ all around
Ultra extreme/beyond
Algia pain
Ate, Ize use/action
Cyte cell
Ectomy surgical removal
Ology study of
Opsy view
Phobia dread/fear
Plasty surgical repair
Rrhea discharge
Scope instrument
Tomy incision
Trophy development
Created by: red112409
Popular Dentistry sets




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