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Student characteristics: learned helplessness, multiple intelligents, etc

Learned Helplessness expectation based on experience, that one's actions would ultimalely lead to failure. Can arise from inconsistent, unpredictable use of rewards and punishments by parents and teachers.
defensive sessimism a students way of protecting themselves from negative feedback.
Teacher effect on learned helplessness Give students opportunities for success in small steps, immediate feedback, and most important, consistent expectations and follow-through.
Multiple Intelligences Visual-Spacial Interpersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Musical Linguistic Logical-Mathematical
Visual-Spacial Intelligence People who think in terms of physical space. They like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps, daydream. Can be taught through drawings, verbal, and physical imagery.
Bodily-Knesthetic Intelligence They use their body effectively. They like movement, making things, and touching. Communicate well through body language and can be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning.
Musical Intelligence They show sensitivity to rhythm and sound. They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically, and tapping out time.
Interpersonal Intelligence They understand interacting with others. They can be taught through group activities, seminars and dialogues.
Intrapersonal Intelligence They understand one's own interests and goals. They're intuned with their inner feelings, wisdom, intuition & motivation. They are strong willed, confidence and opinions. Can be taught through independent study and introspection
Linguistic Intelligence They use words effectively. They like reading, playing word games, making up poetry, or stories. Can be taught by encouraging them to say and see words, and reading books.
Logical-Mathematical They use reasoning and calculating. They like to experiment, solve puzzles and ask cosmic questions. They can be taught through logical games, investigations, and mysteries.
Race and Acheivement Children who have color are more likely NOT to get into gifted programs. A-A from low-income homes considered a challenge because they were considered deficient and typically disadvantaged
Children found in Lower spectrum of achievement Afircan- Americans, Latino, & Native Americans White & Asian student in High-Achievement Spectrum
At-Risk Student Students who are subject to school failure because of their own characteristics and/or if inadequate responses to their needs by school, family, or community Ed. programs fall into 3 major categories: compensatory, early intervention, and special ed.
Characteristics of at-risk students come from impoverished or single-parent homes those who have marked developmental delays those who exhibit aggressive or withdrawn behavior or more likely to experience problems in school.
Socioeconomic Status-Definition A total combined total measure of a person's work experience and of and individual's or family's economic, social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.
Students with SES background academic skills more slowly than higher SES students acquire language skills more slowly, exhibit delayed letter recognition & phonological awaremess, at risk for reading difficulties high drop out rates (16.7% compared to HIF at 3.2%)
Ways to improve quality of schools in low-SES focus on improving teaching and learning continous PDD, create info-rich environment, building learning community, involve parents, increase funding and resources
equity Pedagogy explore multiple intelligences,teach toward self-directed learning learning styles inform teach, self-esteem oriented cont. asmt, high expect, co-op learn mastery teach & learn, project based learn, gender fair instruction, encourage crit think
Created by: nleavers
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