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Ch.8-The United States of North America
Question | Answer |
Founding Fathers did not envision the existence of.... | Political Parties. |
By 1792-93, two well-defined groups developed.... | a. Hamilton Federalists.b. Jeffersonian Republicans. |
Our two party system is largely owed to the clash between... | Hamilton and Jefferson. |
Federalists believed in gov't by upper class who seen as.... | the "best people". |
Federalist distrusted the.... | Common people. |
The Federalists supported a... | Strong central government. |
The Federalists believed that federal gov't should encourage business, not.... | Interfere |
Federalists dominated by.... | merchants, manufacturers, and shippers. |
Federalists were Pro-British in... | Foreign Policy. |
Foreign trade with Britain was the key in ______ plan. | Hamilton's. |
Many Federalists were.... | Mild Loyalists. |
Jeffersonians advocated the rule of the.... | People; government for the people. |
8 years before the Whiskey Rebellion, Shay's Rebellion had solidified beliefs that the powers of the _______ ________ must be increased lest the budding nation wither. | Federal Government. |
What did the nationalists argue for such a long time over? | Strengthened union of the states. |
A New York lawyer and close associate of George Washington who had served during the Revolution as his aide. | Alexander Hamilton |
How many states sent strong nationalist delegates to the Annapolis Convention in September 1786? | Five. |
55 men from _____ states assembled at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia where the convention opened in late May 1787. | Twelve. |
What state did radical localists held power and refused to send a delegation? | Rhode Island. |
Who were the best-known leaders present at the Convention at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia in late May 1787? | George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, George Mason, and Robert Morris. |
The supporters of the new Constitution immediately adopted the name Federalists to what? | Describe themselves. |
The Ratification of the Constitution lasted from _____ to _____. | 1787-1790. |
Anti-Federalist support was strong in.... | New York, Virginia, and North Carolina. |
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution? | the Bill of Rights. |
George Mason, the author of Virginia's Declaration of Rights, refuse to sign the Constitution because.... | It failed to contain similar provisions. |
The First Amendment prohibits Congress from.... | establishing an official religion and provides for the freedoms of speech and the press and the right of assembly and petition. |
Ratification of the Constitution was followed by.... | The first federal elections. |
In the spring of 1789 the new federal government assumed power in the temporary capital of.... | New York City. |
The inauguration of George Washington as the first president of the United States took place on.... | April 30, 1789, on the balcony of Federal Hall, at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets. |
Washington would serve as president until.... | 1797. |
The first years under the new federal Constitution were especially important for the future because.... | They shaped the structure of the American state in ways that would be enormously significant for later generations. |
James Wilkinson, a young American army officer from Kentucky, took loyalty oath to king of Spain in exchange for.... | Trading concessions. |
Wilkinson urged Kentuckians to set up an independent state, which could then enter into lucrative agreements with.... | Spain. |
The plot collapsed in ____ when Spain reopened the Mississippi River to U.S. ships. | 1788. |
Northerners feared that the opening of the west would draw away population, thus draining influence of the.... | East. |
America's Mediterranean commerce was being raved by.... | Pirates from Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco. |
In the fall of 1790, Little Turtle, a war chief of the Miami tribe of the Ohio Valley, lured an American expeditionary force led by General Josiah Harmar into the confederacy's stronghold in Ohio and..... | Badly mauled them. |
What did the XYZ affair do for Adams? | It sent his popularity soaring. |
The Federalist published. | 1787-88. |
England and France at War; American reaps trade windfall; Citizen Genet affair; President Washington proclaims American neutrality in Europe; British confiscate American vessels; Supreme Court asserts itself as final authority in Chisholm v. Georgia. | 1793. |
Agreement on site on the Potomac River for the nation's capital; Indian Intercourse Act; Judith Sargent Murray publishes "On the Equality of the Sexes". | 1790. |
President George Washington inaugurated in New York City; Judiciary Act; French Revolution begins. | 1789. |
Constitution Ratified; First federal elections. | 1788. |
Constitution Convention. | 1787. |
Annapolis Convention. | 1786. |
Bill of Rights ratified; Bank of the United States charted; Alexander Hamilton's "Report on Manufacturers"; Ohio Indians defeat General St. Clair's army. | 1791. |
Whiskey Rebellion; Battle of Fallen Timbers; Jay's Treaty with the British concluded. | 1794. |
Pinckney's Treaty negotiated with the Spanish; Treaty of Greenville; Thomas Paine publishes The Age of Reason. | 1795. |
President Washington's Farewell Address; John Adams elected president. | 1796. |
French seize American ships. | 1797-98. |
XYZ affair; "Quazi-war" with France; Alien and Sedition Acts; Kentucky and Virginia Resolves. | 1798. |
Fries's Rebellion. | 1799. |
Convention of ____; Thomas Jefferson elected president; Mason Locke Weems publishes "Life of Washington". | 1800. |
Solidified beliefs that the powers of the federal gov't must be increased lest budding nation wither. | Results of Shay's Rebellion. |
The Convention that called for meeting to revise A of C. | Constitutional Convention. |
Proposed scrapping the Articles of Confederation in favor of a "consolidated government" having the power to tax and enforce its laws directly rather than through the states. | Virginia Plan. |
William Patterson introduced a set of "purely federal" principles; He proposed increasing the powers of the central government but retaining a single-house Congress in which the states were actually represented. | New Jersey Plan. |
The Distribution of vote on Ratification was popular in.... | New York and Virginia. |
Allowed the creation of a strong national government while still providing an important role for the states. | Great Compromise. |
Madison's Council of Revision was stratched in favor with the implict power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. | Judiciary powers & Supreme Court. |
Southern delegates wanted to include ____ in the population to be counted for the purpose of determining state representation but exclude them when it came to apportioning taxes. | Issues concerning Slavery. |
The _____ rebels had raised some of the most issues of the day: the power and authority of the new federal government; the relation of the West to the rest of the nation; the nature of political dissent; and the meaning of the Revolutionary tradition. | Lessons from Whiskey Rebellion. |
Implemented the judicial clause of the Constitution and set up a system of federal courts. | Judiciary Act of 1789. |
Authorized the president to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected ____ during wartime. | The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act. |
Authorized the president to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected ____ during wartime. | The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act. |
Authorized the president to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected ____ during wartime. | The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act. |
Provided heavy fines and imprisonment for anyone convicted of writing, publishing, or speaking anything of "a false, scandalous and malicious" nature against the government or any of its officers. | Sedition Act. |