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Ch.8-The United States of North America

Founding Fathers did not envision the existence of.... Political Parties.
By 1792-93, two well-defined groups developed.... a. Hamilton Federalists.b. Jeffersonian Republicans.
Our two party system is largely owed to the clash between... Hamilton and Jefferson.
Federalists believed in gov't by upper class who seen as.... the "best people".
Federalist distrusted the.... Common people.
The Federalists supported a... Strong central government.
The Federalists believed that federal gov't should encourage business, not.... Interfere
Federalists dominated by.... merchants, manufacturers, and shippers.
Federalists were Pro-British in... Foreign Policy.
Foreign trade with Britain was the key in ______ plan. Hamilton's.
Many Federalists were.... Mild Loyalists.
Jeffersonians advocated the rule of the.... People; government for the people.
8 years before the Whiskey Rebellion, Shay's Rebellion had solidified beliefs that the powers of the _______ ________ must be increased lest the budding nation wither. Federal Government.
What did the nationalists argue for such a long time over? Strengthened union of the states.
A New York lawyer and close associate of George Washington who had served during the Revolution as his aide. Alexander Hamilton
How many states sent strong nationalist delegates to the Annapolis Convention in September 1786? Five.
55 men from _____ states assembled at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia where the convention opened in late May 1787. Twelve.
What state did radical localists held power and refused to send a delegation? Rhode Island.
Who were the best-known leaders present at the Convention at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia in late May 1787? George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, George Mason, and Robert Morris.
The supporters of the new Constitution immediately adopted the name Federalists to what? Describe themselves.
The Ratification of the Constitution lasted from _____ to _____. 1787-1790.
Anti-Federalist support was strong in.... New York, Virginia, and North Carolina.
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution? the Bill of Rights.
George Mason, the author of Virginia's Declaration of Rights, refuse to sign the Constitution because.... It failed to contain similar provisions.
The First Amendment prohibits Congress from.... establishing an official religion and provides for the freedoms of speech and the press and the right of assembly and petition.
Ratification of the Constitution was followed by.... The first federal elections.
In the spring of 1789 the new federal government assumed power in the temporary capital of.... New York City.
The inauguration of George Washington as the first president of the United States took place on.... April 30, 1789, on the balcony of Federal Hall, at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets.
Washington would serve as president until.... 1797.
The first years under the new federal Constitution were especially important for the future because.... They shaped the structure of the American state in ways that would be enormously significant for later generations.
James Wilkinson, a young American army officer from Kentucky, took loyalty oath to king of Spain in exchange for.... Trading concessions.
Wilkinson urged Kentuckians to set up an independent state, which could then enter into lucrative agreements with.... Spain.
The plot collapsed in ____ when Spain reopened the Mississippi River to U.S. ships. 1788.
Northerners feared that the opening of the west would draw away population, thus draining influence of the.... East.
America's Mediterranean commerce was being raved by.... Pirates from Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco.
In the fall of 1790, Little Turtle, a war chief of the Miami tribe of the Ohio Valley, lured an American expeditionary force led by General Josiah Harmar into the confederacy's stronghold in Ohio and..... Badly mauled them.
What did the XYZ affair do for Adams? It sent his popularity soaring.
The Federalist published. 1787-88.
England and France at War; American reaps trade windfall; Citizen Genet affair; President Washington proclaims American neutrality in Europe; British confiscate American vessels; Supreme Court asserts itself as final authority in Chisholm v. Georgia. 1793.
Agreement on site on the Potomac River for the nation's capital; Indian Intercourse Act; Judith Sargent Murray publishes "On the Equality of the Sexes". 1790.
President George Washington inaugurated in New York City; Judiciary Act; French Revolution begins. 1789.
Constitution Ratified; First federal elections. 1788.
Constitution Convention. 1787.
Annapolis Convention. 1786.
Bill of Rights ratified; Bank of the United States charted; Alexander Hamilton's "Report on Manufacturers"; Ohio Indians defeat General St. Clair's army. 1791.
Whiskey Rebellion; Battle of Fallen Timbers; Jay's Treaty with the British concluded. 1794.
Pinckney's Treaty negotiated with the Spanish; Treaty of Greenville; Thomas Paine publishes The Age of Reason. 1795.
President Washington's Farewell Address; John Adams elected president. 1796.
French seize American ships. 1797-98.
XYZ affair; "Quazi-war" with France; Alien and Sedition Acts; Kentucky and Virginia Resolves. 1798.
Fries's Rebellion. 1799.
Convention of ____; Thomas Jefferson elected president; Mason Locke Weems publishes "Life of Washington". 1800.
Solidified beliefs that the powers of the federal gov't must be increased lest budding nation wither. Results of Shay's Rebellion.
The Convention that called for meeting to revise A of C. Constitutional Convention.
Proposed scrapping the Articles of Confederation in favor of a "consolidated government" having the power to tax and enforce its laws directly rather than through the states. Virginia Plan.
William Patterson introduced a set of "purely federal" principles; He proposed increasing the powers of the central government but retaining a single-house Congress in which the states were actually represented. New Jersey Plan.
The Distribution of vote on Ratification was popular in.... New York and Virginia.
Allowed the creation of a strong national government while still providing an important role for the states. Great Compromise.
Madison's Council of Revision was stratched in favor with the implict power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. Judiciary powers & Supreme Court.
Southern delegates wanted to include ____ in the population to be counted for the purpose of determining state representation but exclude them when it came to apportioning taxes. Issues concerning Slavery.
The _____ rebels had raised some of the most issues of the day: the power and authority of the new federal government; the relation of the West to the rest of the nation; the nature of political dissent; and the meaning of the Revolutionary tradition. Lessons from Whiskey Rebellion.
Implemented the judicial clause of the Constitution and set up a system of federal courts. Judiciary Act of 1789.
Authorized the president to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected ____ during wartime. The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act.
Authorized the president to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected ____ during wartime. The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act.
Authorized the president to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected ____ during wartime. The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act.
Provided heavy fines and imprisonment for anyone convicted of writing, publishing, or speaking anything of "a false, scandalous and malicious" nature against the government or any of its officers. Sedition Act.
Created by: Hayley01
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