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Sophomore Final
Vocabulary - The Paschal Mystery
Question | Answer |
1. angel | Based on a word meaning “messenger,” a personal and immortal creature with intelligence and free will who constantly glorifies God and serves as a messenger of God to humans to carry out God’s saving plan. |
2. anthropomorphic | Attributing human characteristics to something that is not human. |
3. concupiscence | The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin. |
4. etiology | A story that explains something’s cause or origin. |
5. Fall, the | Also called the Fall from grace, the biblical Revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world, expressed figuratively in the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis. |
6. figurative language | A literary form that uses symbolic images, stories, and names to point to a deeper truth. |
7. grace | The free and undeserved gift of God’s loving and active presence in our lives, empowering us to respond to his call and to live as his adopted sons and daughters. Grace restores our loving communion with the Holy Trinity, lost through sin. |
8. literary forms (genres) | Different kinds of writing determined by their literary technique, content, tone, and purpose (how the author wants the reader to be affected). |
9. original holiness | The original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him. |
10. original justice | The state of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation. |
11. Original Sin | From the Latin origo, meaning “beginning” or “birth.” The term has two meanings |
12. Parousia | The second coming of Christ at the end of time, fully realizing God’s plan and the glorification of humanity. |
13. primeval history | The time before the invention of writing and recording of historical data. |
14. religious truth | The deeper meaning that God reveals to us through historical events or texts; an interpretation of historical events or texts. |
15. Satan | The fallen angel or spirit of evil who is the enemy of God and a continuing instigator of temptation and sin in the world. |
16. scientific truth | Facts obtained and accessible through the scientific method. |
17. soul | Our spiritual principle, it is immortal, and it is what makes us most like God. Our soul is created by God. It is the seat of human consciousness and freedom. |
18. Tradition | Latin, meaning “to hand on” refers to process of passing on Gospel. Tradition, began with oral communication of Gospel by Apostles,written down in Scriptures, handed down & lived out in the life of Church, and interpreted by Magisterium w/ Holy Spirit. |
19. analogy of faith | The coherence of individual doctrines with the whole of Revelation. In other words, as each doctrine is connected with Revelation, each doctrine is also connected with all other doctrines. |
20. Annunciation | The event in which the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary to announce that she had found favor with God and would become the mother of the Messiah |
21. Ark of the Covenant | A sacred chest that housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments. It was placed within the sanctuary where God would come and dwell. |
22. Christological | Having to do with the branch of theology called Christology. Christology is the study of the person and life of Jesus Christ, his ministry, and his mission. |
23. Exile, the | The period of the Israelite captivity in Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. |
24. expiation | The act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing. |
25. foreshadow | To represent or prefigure a person before his or her life or an event before it occurs. |
26. Immaculate Conception | The dogma that Mary was conceived without Original Sin and remained free from personal sin throughout her entire life. |
27. Incarnation | From the Latin, meaning “to become flesh,” referring to the biblical Revelation that Jesus is both true God and true man. |
28. literal sense | A form of biblical interpretation that considers the explicit meaning of the text. It lays the foundation for all other senses of the Scriptures. |
29. monarchy | A government or a state headed by a single person, like a king or queen. As a biblical term, it refers to the period of time when the Israelites existed as an independent nation. |
30. Paschal Mystery | The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.. |
31. patriarch | The father or leader of a tribe, clan, or tradition. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were the patriarchs of the Israelite people |
32. Protoevangelium | The first announcement of the Good News and promise of God’s redemptive love through the person of Jesus Christ. |
33. spiritual sense | A form of biblical interpretation that goes beyond the literal sense to consider what the realities and events of the Scriptures signify and mean for salvation. |
34. theophany | God’s breaking into the human dimension so an individual's and community's understanding realities and events of the Scriptures signify and mean for salvation. |
35. Theotokos | A Greek title for Mary meaning “God bearer.”of God is deepened or changed. |
36. Torah | A Hebrew word meaning “law,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament. |
37. anamnesis | A strong, powerful remembrance that makes a person or action really and truly present. |
38. chastity | The virtue by which people are able to successfully and healthfully integrate their sexuality into their total person; recognized as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Also one of the vows of religious life. |
39. conscience | The “interior voice" of a person, a God-given sense of the law of God. Moral conscience leads people to understand themselves as responsible for their actions, and prompts them to do good and avoid evil. |
40. Eucharist, the | Called the Mass or Lord’s Supper, based on a word “thanksgiving,” it is the central Christian liturgical celebration, established by Jesus at Last Supper. In the Eucharist the sacrificial death and Resurrection of Jesus are both remembered and renewed. |
41. Kingdom of God | Culmination of God’s plan of salvation, Kingdom of God announced by Gospel & present in Christ. Kingdom is reign of God over hearts of people & development of social order based on unconditional love. Fullness of God’s Kingdom not realized end of time. |
42. legalistic | To focus strictly on what the law requires without considering the truth the law is intended to promote. Jesus taught that all law must be an expression of love for God and love for our neighbor. |
43. Passover | The night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of the lamb, and spared the firstborn sons from death. It also is the feast that celebrates the deliverance of the Chosen People from bondage in Egypt and Exodus |
44. poverty of heart | The recognition of our deep need for God and the commitment to put God above everything else in life, particularly above the accumulation of material wealth. |
45. redemption | Latin redemptio, “buying back”; to redeem is to pay price of freedom. Old Testament, refers to Yahweh’s deliverance of Israel. The New Testament, to Christ deliverance of Christians from forces of sin. Christ paid price to free us from slavery to sin |
46. Apostles | Term apostle “one who is sent” used in reference to any missionary of the Church during New Testament. In reference to 12 chosen by Jesus, known “the Twelve,” Refers to witnesses of Jesus whose ministry early Church was built successors are the bishops. |
47. beatific vision | Directly encountering and seeing God in the glory of Heaven. |
48. blasphemy | Speech or actions that show disrespect or irreverence for God; also, claiming to have the powers of God or to be God. |
49. chief priests | These were Jewish priests of high rank in the Temple. They had administrative authority and presided over important Temple functions and were probably leaders in the Sanhedrin. |
50. corruptible | Something that can be spoiled or contaminated or made rotten, especially to be made morally perverted. |
51. Evangelists | Based on a word for “good news,” in general, anyone who actively works to spread the Gospel of Jesus; more commonly and specifically, the persons traditionally recognized as authors of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. |
52. exegesis | The study and proper interpretation of the Scriptures. |
53. Gnosticism | A group of heretical religious movements that claimed salvation comes from secret knowledge available only to the elite initiated in that religion. |
54. mortal sin | Act contrary to will of God it results in complete separation from God and grace. Consequence of separation is eternal death. 3 conditions mortal sin: act involve grave matter, person must have full knowledge of evil, and person must give full consent. |
55. Passion | The sufferings of Jesus during his final days in this life |
56. procurator | A word used to describe Roman governors. These men had administrative and legal authority over a province or region of the Roman Empire. |
57. redemptive love | Love that is willing to give everything, even one’s own life, for the sake of redeeming, saving, or setting free another person. |
58. Resurrection | The passage of Jesus from death to new life “on the third day” after his Crucifixion; the heart of the Paschal Mystery and the basis of our hope in the resurrection from the dead. |
59. sanctifying grace | The grace that heals our human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with God by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity. It is a supernatural gift of God, infused into our souls by the Holy Spirit. |
60. Sanhedrin | An assembly of Jewish religious leaders—chief priests, rabbis, scribes, and elders—who functioned as the supreme council and tribunal during the time of Christ. |
61. sign | The Johannine name for a miracle of Jesus. |
62. theological virtues | The name for the God-given virtues of faith, hope, and love. These virtues enable us to know God as God and lead us to union with him in mind and heart. |
63. venial sin | A less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes one’s personal character and weakens but does not rupture one’s relationship with God. |
64. Ascension | The “going up” into Heaven of the Risen Christ forty days after his Resurrection. |
65. liturgy | The Church’s official, public, communal prayer. It is God’s work, in which the People of God participate. The Church’s most important liturgy is the Eucharist, or the Mass. |
66. paradox | A statement that seems contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is true. |
67. Pentecost | The fiftieth day following Easter, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the early Apostles and disciples. |
68. righteous | To be sinless and without guilt before God. Can also be used as a noun. |
69. Sacrament | An efficacious and visible sign of God’s invisible grace, instituted by Christ. The Seven Sacraments are Baptism, the Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders. |
70. adoration | The prayerful acknowledgment that God is God and Creator of all that is. |
71. blessing | A prayer asking God to care for a particular person, place, or activity. A simple blessing is usually made with the Sign of the Cross. |
72. Chrism Mass | A special Mass usually celebrated during Holy Week in each diocese. During the Mass the bishop blesses the sacred oils and consecrates the Sacred Chrism used throughout the year, and diocesan priests renew their promises to their bishop. |
73. contemplation | A form of wordless prayer in which one is fully focused on the presence of God; sometimes defined as “resting in God.” |
74. doxology | The Christian prayers of praise that are usually directed to the Trinity. |
75. Easter candle | A large candle symbolizing the light of Christ that is first lit at the Easter Vigil and then is lit for all the liturgies during the Easter Season. It is also called the Paschal candle. |
76. Easter Vigil | The liturgy celebrated on Holy Saturday night. It celebrates the coming of the light of Christ into the world and is also the time when adults and older children joining the Church receive the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. |
77. Good Friday | The second day of the Easter Triduum on which we have the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion. |
78. Holy Thursday | The beginning of the Easter Triduum, starting with the evening celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. |
79. intercession | A prayer on behalf of another person or group. |
80. litany of the saints | A prayer in the form of a chant or a responsive petition in which the great saints of the Church are asked to pray for us. |
81. liturgical year | The annual cycle of religious feasts and seasons that forms the context for the Church’s worship. During the liturgical year, we remember and celebrate God the Father’s saving plan as it is revealed through the life of his Son, Jesus Christ. |
82. liturgy | The Church’s official, public, communal prayer. It is God’s work, in which the People of God participate. The Church’s most important liturgy is the Eucharist, or the Mass. |
83. meditation | A form of prayer involving a variety of methods and techniques, in which one engages the mind, imagination, and emotions to focus on a particular truth, biblical theme, or other spiritual matter. |
84. mysticism | An intense experience of the presence and power of God, resulting in a deeper sense of union with God; those who regularly experience such union are called mystics. |
85. Oil of the Catechumens | Blessed olive oil used to anoint those preparing for Baptism. |
86. Oil of the Sick | Blessed olive oil used in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to anoint the forehead and hands of people who are seriously ill or near death. |
87. petition | A prayer form in which one asks God for help and forgiveness. |
88. praise | A prayer of acknowledgment that God is God, giving God glory not for what he does, but simply because he is. |
89. prayer | Lifting up of one’s mind and heart to God in praise, petition, thanksgiving, and intercession; communication with God in a relationship of love. |
90. Sacrament | An efficacious and visible sign of God’s invisible grace, instituted by Christ. The Seven Sacraments are Baptism, the Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders. |
91. Sacred Chrism | Perfumed olive oil that has been consecrated. It is used for anointing in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. |
92. spirituality | In general, the values, actions, attitudes, and behaviors that characterize a person’s relationship with God and others. In particular, it refers to different schools of Christian prayer and action. |
93. Stations of the Cross | Images based on fourteen events in the Passion of Christ found on display in most Catholic churches. Also the devotional practice of private or communal prayer using these fourteen stations. |
94. Taizé prayer | A form of prayer developed by an ecumenical monastic community of men founded in the town of Taizé, France, by Br. Roger Schultz. The music used in this form of prayer repeats simple phrases from the Scriptures. Meditative in nature, the prayer encourages |
95. thanksgiving | A prayer of gratitude for the gift of life and the gifts of life. Thanksgiving characterizes the prayer of the Church which, in celebrating the Eucharist, offers perfect thanks to the Father through, with, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. |
96. Triduum | The three-day period of the liturgical year that begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and ends with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. |
97. venerate | To show respect and devotion to someone or something. |
98. vocal prayer | A prayer that is spoken aloud or silently, such as the Lord’s Prayer. |