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dental chapter 36 54

questions for 36 and 54 dental assistant

what is the objective of oral evacuation systems? maintain an intraoral environment that keeps the operating field free of excess water, saliva, blood, tooth fragments, and excess dental materials.
which evacuators are used most throughout a restorative dental procedure? saliva ejector, high volume evacuator
what is the name of the small straw shaped oral evacuator used during less invasive dental procedures saliva ejector
are the following indications for using the saliva ejector: to control saliva and moisture accumulation, cementation of crown, flouride treatments? yes
what is placed on a saliva ejector to prevent suckback? one-way valve
what evacuator is used for most dental procedures, especially when the dental hand-piece is in use? high volume evacuator
the following purposes: retract tongue and cheek, keep mouth free of saliva, blood. debris, and water.reduce the bacterial aerosol spray caused by high-speed hand-piece describe the uses for which evacuator? high volume evacuator
large in circumference and designed with a straight or slight angle in the middle, designed with a straight or slight angle in middle, beveled working end, made of durable plastic or stainless steel, stainless steel tips must be sterilized before reuse? operative suction tips
smaller in circumference and is used to remove blood, tissue. and debris. describes which hve suction tip? surgical suction tip
the hve may be held in which grasps pen grasp, thumb to nose grasp
T/F regarding the position of the HVE: position the bevel to the parallel to the tooth surface true
T/F regarding the position of the HVE: position the HVE tip on the surface of the operative tooth closest to the dental assistant? truee
T/F regarding the position of the HVE: keep the HVE tip edge even with or slightly beyond the occlusal or incisal surface true
T/F regarding the position of the HVE: place the HVE after the dentist positions the handpiece and mirror false
the HVE must undergo what daily specific guidelines to maintain proper working order? follow infection control when handling contaminated items, flush hoses daily
what are the 2 types of rinsing procedures? limited area rinsing and full mouth rinse
what are the criteria for isolation techniques? easy to apply, protect soft and hard tissues, comfort for patient, isolate are of concern
what are the 3 most common isolation methods cotton roll, dry angles, dental dam
a dry angle isolator is a triangular absorbent pad that is places where? buccal mucosa over the sten sen's duct, which extends from the parotid gland and is located opposite the maxillary second molar
dental dam is placed before or after local anesthetic is administered? after
what stabilizes and stretches the dam so it fits tightly around the teeth and of the operators way? dental dam frame or holder
what is a dental dam napkin increases comfort by absorbing moisture protect patient face from direct contact with dam, reduce risk of latex sensitivity
parts of the clamp? bow jaw winged clamp
what is the order of use for instruments in an endodontic procedure? endodontic explorer, files, paper points, gutta-percha, glick 1
what are the causes for endodontic failure? accessory canal bot being treated, severely curved roots, and perforation of the canal
which vitality test is least useful? heat test
which hand-file has its spiral edges arranged so that cutting occurs only on the pulling stroke, making the dentinal walls smooth and easier to fill? hedstrom file
what is the natural rubber material used to obturate the pulpal canal after treatment is completed? gutta percha
what is the treatment that is used to attempt to save the pulp and encourage the formation of dentin at the site of the injury? pulp capping
what is the first step when performing an endodontic procedure? anesthesia, access perparation
decrease in living cells within the pulp causes fibrous tissue to take over pulpal canal, and is seen in older patients as well as in patients with traumatic injury to a tooth describes? pulp fibrosis
when the pulp displays symptoms of lingering pain and the clinical diagnostic findings show that the pulp is incapable of healing what are the treatment options for the patient? root canal or extraction
the following signs and symptoms, pain on occlusion, pain during mastication, sensitivity to hot or cold beverages, and facial swelling describes damage to what part of the tooth? pulp
what is endodontics? specialty of dentistry that manages the prevention diagnosis and treatment of the dental pulp and the peradicular tissues surrounding the root of the tooth.
what are the two causes of pulpal nerve damage? physical irritation trauma blow to a tooth or jaw
subjective examination chief complaint painful stimuli sensitivity to biting and pressure
objective examination extent of decay extensive restoration tooth mobility swelling or discoloration pulp exposure
what endodontic diagnostics tests are performed to test the vitality of the tooth? percussion test, palpation test, thermal sensitivity test, electric pulp test
how many radio-graphs are taken during root-canal therapy at least 5
an endodontic film must show how many mm beyond the apex of the tooth and surrounding bone or pathologic conditions? 4 to 5
a tooth that is non vital is said to be? necrotic or dead
what is indirect and direct pulp capping? indirect temporary procedure wherein most carious dentin cavity is not removed. direct pulp capping, indicated when pulp has been slightly esposed and temporary restoration are placed on cavity
what is the goal of direct pulp capping? in an attempt to save the pulp or covering of calcium hydroxide is placed over an exposed or nearly exposed pulp to encourage the formation of irritated dentin of the site of an injury
what is the difference between pulpotomy and pulpectomy pulpotomy is partial removal of dental pulp, pulpectomy is complete removal of dental pulp
what is the success rate for root canal therapy? 90 to 95 percent
what type of solution is sodium hypochlorite? diluted bleach
what does it mean to obturate the canal? to fill and close using the gutta percha
Created by: ebyalways
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