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history ch 13-14

sitting bull leader of Hunkapapa Sioux, didn't sign treaty of Fort Laramie
sand creek when Cheyenne and Arapaho return to Sand Creek reserve for winter S.R. Curtis wants to attack; Chivington attacks killing 150
john chivington attacked Cheyenne and Arapaho at sand creek
bozeman trail ran through Sioux hunting grounds in Bighorn Mountains
fetterman's massacre crazy horse ambused William J. Fetterman at Lodge Trail Ridge- killing 80 soldiers
red cloud sioux chief, unsuccessfully appealed to gov. to end white settlement on bozeman trail
treaty of fort laramie sioux agree to live on a reservation along missouri river since gov. closed bozeman trail
red river war war between Kiowa and Comanche; gov. herds people of friendly tribes onto reservations while opening fire on all others
general philip sheridan destory villages and ponies, kill and hang warriors, bring back women and children- red river war
black hills where miners found gold
george cluster reported black hills had gold -> gold rush
little big horn river battle between Cluster's troops and Sioux and Cheyenne -> natives win
crazy horse native warrior leader
william f. cody when sitting bull was forced to surrender in canada he became part of cody's wild west show
assimilation plan under which natives give up their beliefs and way of life and become part of white culture
a century of dishonor book written by helen hunt jackson- exposed government's broken promises to natives
dawes act aimmed to americanize natives- broke up reservations and gave some of the reservation land to individual natives while remainder would be sold to settlers- money would be used by natives to buy farm implements
ghost dance prophet told Siouz is they performd this ritual- native lands and way of life would be restored
battle of wounded knee Custer's seventh cavalry gather 350 indians, took away their weapons, and opened fire
vaqueros/cowboys americans learning from mexicans how to round up, rope, brand, and care for animals
longhorns/longdrive sturdy, short tempered breeds accustomed to dry grasslands; overland transport of animals
Joseph McCoy plans to create a shipping yard where trails and rail lines came together
Abilene tiny town who agreed to plan- center of shipping yard; chisholm trail- major cattle route from TX through OK to KS
wild bill hickok scout and spy during civil war, shot and killed while holding dad man's hand- pair of aces, pair of eights
calamity jane expert sharpshooter who dresses as a man
Joseph F. Glidden invented barbed wire
causes- end of open range overgrazing of land, bad weather, barbed wire
reasons- settlement of plains railroads, cheap fertile land
central pacific and union pacific huge railroad building companies, for every mile of track laid in state they recieved 10 miles of public land, for every mile of track laid in territory they recieved 20 miles
homestead act offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen or intended citizen who was head of household
exodusters blacks who moved from post reconstruction S to KS
Oklahoma Land Rush huge land giveaway, people took land ever before gov. officially declared it open -> sooner state
yellowstone national park set up in 1872 by government to protect wilderness
Frederick Jackson Turner wrote the signifigance of the frontier in american history- frontier made america unique
dugout and soddy homes dug into side of ravines or small hills; sod home warm in winter, cool in summer, lots of insects
morrill act gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges
hatch act established agricultural experiment stations to inform farmers of new developments
bonanza farms enormous single crop farms- failed b/c farmers became more and more in debts b/c trying to buy more and more land
problems of farmers crop failures, increased railroad charges
mary elizabeth lease spearker for Farmers' Alliance movement- lower interest rates on loans, gov. control railroads and banks
great american desert became the breadbasket of the nation
greenback and problems greenbacks- paper money that wasn't backed by gold or silver; out of circulation -> money to rise
bland allison act required gov. to buy and coin at least $2 million-$4 million worth of silver each month
oliver hudson kelley started the Patrons of Husbandry- organization for farmers that became popularly knows as the Grange- fighting railroads
populism the movement of the people- increase money supply, graduate income tax, federal loan program, senators by popular vote, single of termfor pres. and VP
panic of 1893 railroads go bankrupt, low gold supply, wall street crashed, silver mines close
bimetalism government would give citizens gold or silver in exchange for paper currency; silverites- farmers
gold standard backing dollars solely with gold, gold bugs
William jennings bryan democrat in favor of bimetallism, famous speech- cross of gold which won him democratic nomination
william McKinley republican gold bug, won president
black gold oil- Edwin L. Drake used a steam engine to drill for oil near Titusville, PN
bessemer process developed by Henry Messemer and William Kelly- injects air into molten iron to remove carbon and other impurities
William Le Baron Jenney home insurance building in Chicago
thomas alva edison pioneer on the new industrail frontier when he established the world's 1st research laboratory in menlo park, NJ- incandescent light bulb
george westinghouse along with edison made electricity safer and less expensive
Christopher sholes, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson typewriter, telephone which opened a worldwide communications network
George M. Pullman created a town for his sleepers/railroad cars buisness
transcontinental railroad where central pacific and union pacific railroads met at promontory, UT -> oter transcontinental lines
Profesor C.F Dowd came up with plan to divide earth into 24 different time zones
credit moblier part of union pacific- stockholders gave this company a contract to lay tract at 2-3x more then the actual cost and pocketing the profits; 20 reps in congress including Schuyler Colfax
granger laws farmers organization; grangers convinced state legislators to pass laws protectin farmers and citizens from the railroad abuses
Munn vs. Illinois railroads fought back- state won right to regulate railroads for the benefit of farmers and consumers
interstate commerce act reestablished right of federal gov. to supervise railroad activities and establish a 5 member interstate commerce commission
J.P. Morgan & Company large investors that reorganized the railroads
Andrew Carnegie started from nothing but bought stock and eventually started the Carnegie Steel Company- biggest producers of steel
vertical integration process in which owner buys out suppliers in order to control raw materials and transportation systems
horitonal integration companies producing similar products merge
social darwism some individuals of a species flourish and pass their traits along to the next generation while others do not- carles darwin and his book on the origin of species; natural selection- survival of the fittest
herbet spencer laissez faire- allow to do; no one has the right to intervene w/ business
John D. Rockefeller joined w/ competing companies in trust agreements handing stocks over to a group of trustees -> companies entitled to dividends on profits earned by the trust; not a legal merger
robber barons what critics called the tactics of industrialists
philantropist Rockefeller gave away $500 million establishing his foundation which provided funds for UOC and a medical institute
Sherman Antitrust Act illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or other countires- standard oil charged but just split up into invidivudal companies
problems of workers low wages, dangerous work conditions, long hours
national labor union formed by william H sylvis refused blacks -> colored national labor union
Uriah Stepehns created the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor- refused to strike ad instead advocated arbitration
samuel grompers led cigar makers internation union to join w/ other craft unions creating the american federaton of labor- used successful strikes
craft union skilled workers from one or more trades
industrial union skilled and unskilled workers in a specific industry
eugene v. debs formed american railway union- striked
socialism karl marx- extreme form of socialism- communism would overthrow capitalist system
wobblies also known as industrial workers of the world, headed by william haywood
great strike of 1877 baltimore and ohio railroad proposed 2nd wage cut in 2 months
haymarket affair protesting police brutality
homestead strike protest at carnegie steel company, henry clay frick hired detectives form the pinkerton agency
pullman strike pullman cuts wages but keeps rent for houses the same; strikers fired and blacklisted
mother mary harris jones united mine workers of america, marched 80 injured kids to pres. roosevelts home
pauline newman organized international ladies garment workers union
yellow dog contract wont join a union
Created by: casurfnsnowchick
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