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Misrepresentation of the true size and shape of an object is the definition of?
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What is the most important factor in controlling distortion?
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Misrepresentation of the true size and shape of an object is the definition of? Distortion
What is the most important factor in controlling distortion? OID
What keeps distortion to a minimum? Increased SID
What are the 2 types of distortion that can reduce the quality of a radiograph? Size and shape
What occurs when the SID is increased? Image is reduced
What size focal spot is used when doing macroradiography? .3mm
When an object is placed halfway between the tube and the film, the image will be how many times larger? 2 times
What percentage increase is usually used for magnification radiography? 100%
The ratio of SID to SOD represents which of the following? Magnification ratio
Tube angulation will produce which type of distortion? Elongation
Magnification distortion can be used to an advantage for which of the following radiographic procedures? Cerebral angiography
Changing the shape of an object is called? Distortion
An x-ray tube that is designed for magnification radiography is referred to as what? A fractional focus tube
What factor can affect shape distortion? X-ray tube angulation
What advantage is there to magnifying an object? Small objects become visible
A misrepresentation of the shape of an object may be caused by? An angled object, an angled x-ray tube, or an angled cassette
What would not be used to minimize radiographic distortion? Shortest possible exposure time
To avoid shape distortion, what must be paid close attention to? Part angulation
How does magnification affect radiographic quality? Decreases detail
Which of the following will produce the largest image? 40" SID, 3" OID
If the SID is increased the same as the OID, what will the resultant radiograph show? An increase in size distortion
Size distortion is affected by? Geometric factors
What can be done to help compensate for an angled part? Align tube, part and film
What is the magnification factor if an object measures 4 cm, but the radiographic image is 8 cm? 2x
What will occur when the OID is decreased? The image is closer to actual size
Which of the following will produce the smallest image? 72" SID, 2" OID
If the SID increases, how is distortion affected? Distortion goes down
If the air-gap technique is used, how is distortion affected? Distortion goes up
If the SOD increases, how is distortion affected? Distortion goes down
If the phospor size increases, how is distortion affected? It has no effect
If the grid ratio increases, how is distortion affected? It has no effect
If the tube angle increases, how is distortion affected? Distortion increases
Created by: rad1958tech
Popular Radiology sets




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