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Med Terms- 24
Term | Definition |
endocrine system | plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis |
homeostasis | stable internal body environment |
hormones | travel through the blood to target organs |
hypersecretion | when a gland releases too much hormone |
adenocarcinoma | cancerous tumor gland |
adenomalacia | softening of gland |
parts of adrenal gland | adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla |
glucose | primary sugar used by body for energy production |
hyperglycemia | blood condition of excessive sugar |
orchiopexy | surgical fixation of the testes |
ovariorrhexis | ruptured ovary |
pancreas | secretes insulin and glucagon |
pancreatitis | pancreas inflammation |
parathyroid hormone | raises blood levels of calcium |
melatonin | plays a role on regulation body's circadium rhythm |
pinealectomy | surgical removal of a pineal gland |
pituitary gland | master gland |
hypopituitarism | condition of insuficient pituitary gland secretion |
polydipsia | too much thirst |
polyuria | condition of producing too much urine |
thymosin | important for immune system's development |
thymoma | thymus gland tumor |
thyromegaly | enlarged thyroid gland |
acromegaly | enlargement of bones of head and extremities |
adrenal virilism | excessive testosterone in females |
blood serum test | used to study function of endocrine glands |
corticosteroids | have strong ant-inflammatory action |
cretinism | results in poor physical and mental development |
Cushing syndrome | resulting from mypersecretion of adrenal cortex |
diabetes insipidus (DI) | caused by insufficient antidiuretic hormone |
diabetes mellitus (DM) | 2 forms: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1) and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2) |
dwarfism | lack of growth hormone |
exopthalmos | protruding eyeballs |
gigantism | excessive body growth |
glucose tolerance test (GTT) | test for initial doagnosis of diabetes mellitus |
goiter | enlargement of the thyroid gland |
Hashimoto disease | chronic form of thyroiditis |
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) | available in pill, injection, or adhesive skin patch forms |
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) | type 1; patient must take insulin injections |
myxedema | puffy and dry skin |
noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) | type 2 |
radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) | test of thyroid function |
tetany | nerve irritability and painful muscle cramps |
thyrotoxicosis | results from extreme hypersecretion of thyroid hormones |
Na + | sodium |