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Stack #181944

HCC 2008 pain management

Acute pain mild to severe, recent onset, usually associated with a specific injury, indicates damage or injury has occured, drwas attention to its existence, lasts from seconds to weeks, stimulates stress response which negatively affects health status
effective pain management can result in faster recovery and improved outcomes
Chronic pain can be limited intermittent or persistent, periods of remission and exacerbation, usually last 3-6 mo. or longer, can seldom be attributted to specific cause or injury, may be poorly defined onset, difficult to treat bc the cause or origin may be unclear
adverse effects of chronic pain fatigue, depression, disability
Cancer related pain may be acute or chronic, most pain related to cancer is a direct result of tumor involvement
pain classified by location ex. headache, pelvic pain, chest pain, healpful in communication and treating
pain classified by etiology burn pain, post-herpetic neuralgia, helps predict course of pain and directs plan for treatment, neuropathic eg phantom limb pain, diabetic neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia
unrelieved pain can affect the pulmonary, cardiovascular, GI, endocrine and immune systems
urelieved pain can triggor the stress response, increase metabolic ration, increase cardiac output, impair insulin response, increase fluid retention
effects of chronic pain suppresses immune function, may promote tumor growth, can cause depression fatigue and disability, may result in high doses of opioid meds to control chronic progressive pain
Cutanous(superficial pain) involives skin and sub-Q tissue
Somatic pain bone, muscle and ligaments Visceral pain, occures when organs are abnormally stretched and becomes inflammmed; abdominal area and chest
Neuropathic pain injury of abnormal functions or peripheral nerves or the CNS, causes chronic pain burning stabbing pain, diabetic neuropaty; metabolic and vascular changes, sensory loss
phantom pain painful sensation perceived in a missing body part
Intractable pain that is resistant to treatment
Referred pain perceived in an area distant from the point of origin
threshold the smallest stimulus for which a person reports pain
Four stages of Pain transduction, transmission, perception, modulation
gate control theory area in dorsal horn acts as a gate; can increase or decrease the # of nerve impulses from the PNS to the brain, ^ activity of small fibers opens gate allowing pain to enter brain, ^ activity of large fibers close the gate
pain perceived when stimuli to brain _______ a threshold limit surpass
factors affecting the pain experience culture, ethnicity, family, gender, age, religious beliefs, environment and support, anxiety and other stressors, past experience
behavioral responses to pain moving away, grimacing, moaning, crying, restlessness, protecting the painful area
physiologic responses to pain tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea, dilated pupils, muscle tension
pain guidelines for children avoid Im, careful calculations, check contraindications for children some meds safe for adults are not for children
Faces sale and Visual Analogue Scale(VAS)
Faces Scale 0-5 with a face that describes level of pain, used for children and adults who dont speak the language
0-10 primarily adults, 0=no pain 10= worst pain you ever felt
pain diagnosis look at cause, acute or chronic, symptoms, factors influencing the pain
planning main management goals for the pt vary depending on diagnosis: relieve pain and suffering and improve quality of life; determin clients need, stregth and rescources, disscuss location of near pain center, document
Implementing and Evaluation implement actions, evaluate attainment of goals and effectiveness of actions, revise terminate of alter plan of care
Analgesics drugs used to relieve pain, work by reducing an individual perception of pain and alters persons discomfort
Catergories of Analgesics poiods and carcotic, non-opiod, adjucant
Opiod Analgesics used to treat moderate to sever pain, inhibit relese of substance "P" in the peripheral and central nereves by reducing the perception of pain sensation in the brain, provide a sense of euphoris by binding opiates receptors, derived from opium
major side effects of Opioid analgesics ar ______ related CNS
Unacceptable potential of abuse; Heroin cocaine LSD
Schedule II high potential for abuse and dependence: opioids, amphetamines
Schedule III Intermediate potential for abuse; codeine+ acetaminophen, hydrocodone+ acetaminophen
Schedule IV less abuse potential than schedule III, minimal dependence; lorazepam alprazolam daixepam(valum)
Schedule V minimal abuse potential: codiene cough syrup, lomotil
Commonly used Opioid analgesics morphine: prototype, Fentanyl, Meperidine(Demerol)
Routes of Analgesic Administration Oral(PO)-preferred route, IM, IVP, Epidural analgesia(PCEA), Patient Controled Analgesia(PCA), transdermal patch fentanyl(duragesic), Nasal(Stadol), rectal
Remember when the route of a med is changed the _____ must also be changed dose
Common side effects of opioid narcotics resp depression, sedation: drowsiness, slurred speech, impaired mobility, coordination, hypotension, nausea and vomiting, constipation, pruritis(itching), urinary retention
Nursing Implications w/ pt on Analgesics monitor vital signs, respiratory status level of consciousness, affectiveness of pain management, catheter insertion site(epidural,IV), narcan availability(opioid), PREVENT CONSTIPATION (stool softener or laxative up front)
Naloxone(Narcan) is the drug of choice for opioid overdose
Naltrexone(ReVia) is used for opioid and alcohol dependence
Nalmefene(Revex) similar to narcen but longer lasting action is mainly used for treatment of methadon overdose
Adjuvant Drugs does not provide analgesia by itself it is usually used in conjunction with another drug to enhance its medical effectiveness
threshold the msallest stimulus for which a person reports pain
addiction behavioral patterns of substance use characterized by compulsion to take the drug primarily to experience its psychic effects
tolerance the max amount of pain a person can tolerate
dependence withdrawal symptoms may occur if medication is stopped.
principles of administering analgesics goal is to relieve pain, frequent and ongoing pain assessment, nursing must review pain scale, discuss benefits of pain scale, try various pain control methods, be open minded about alternative pain relief measures
pharmacologic measures ongoing assessment, evaluates whether med is working or not, monitor adverse effects, know peak action of the drug, administer in timely fashion at regular intervals, remember to the the client to ask of med before pain becomes severe
acute pain management--surgery discuss pain control alternatives w/pt before surgery, assist post op pts by helping to maintain a steady serun level (PCA pump), be advocate, individualize treatment, medicate prior to anticipated pain (dressing change, ambulation, physical therapy)
Postoperative pain management frequent regular dosing intervals in early post op period, then PRN (PCA, Epidural, IV, switch to oral ASAP)
Advantage of Postoperative pain management shorter hospitalization, reduce cost, early mobilization
Chronic pain management goal maximize function, enhance quality of life
Chronic pain managemnt medicate pt around the clock rather than prn, if possible give PO, allow client to control med regimen whenever possible
steps of pain control 1 NSAID or acetaminophen( ibuprofen, Naprosyn, tylenol), 2 add opioid analgesic to 1(codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone), 3 increase potency of opioid (morphine, Fentanyl, hydromorphone)
PCA pumps designed with safety mechanisms to prevent overdose and narcotic theft, most frequently perscriped is morphine, frequently given IV route howver it may be via and epidural catheter or subQ, lockout interval
Advantage of PCA consistent analgesic blood level maintained, client decides when a doses of opioid is needed, adminitered IV therfore absorption is faster and more predictable, client tends to use less medication bc can administer med before in severe pain
Bolus dose administered all at once into the vein
Continuous dose 2nd lower dose
lockout interval wont give more if pushed to much (ex. can only press ever 10 min)
Time Limit can only have so much med in certain amount of time
Nursing responsibility check allergy, monitor vitals sedation level pain control & side effects, verify correct settings, observe IV site(infiltration), monitor every 2 hrs for 24 hrs, Benadryl and Narcan avalible, teach pt & fam to use machine, family dont push for pt
other pain relief measures topically or mucous membranes(transdermal patch, subQ or near the surgucal site to relieve post operative pain, may be via epidural catheter
Epidural Administration catheter inserted into epidural space by ACP(acute care practitioner) analgesic is administered as a bolus or intermittenly via a continuous pump (PCEA), drug is usualy preservative free morphine or fentanyl, NO alcohol around insertion site
Nursing responsibilities with an Epidural catheter properly fastened, no alcohol at insertion site, elevate HOB 30 degrees, monitor site for infection, observe for headache hypotension, urinary retention and infection
Non opioid analgesics examples acetaminophen, prostoglandin inhibitor, antipyretic(reduces fever), analgesic (controls pain)
adverse affects of non opioid analgesics liver toxicity, rash, antidote mucomyst, precautions, DONT exceed 4 g per day
NSAIDs examples ibuprofen(motrin, Advil), Naproxen(Aleve), Keterolac(Tradol), Celecoxib(Celebrex), Anti-inflammatory(will cause fever to break), antipyretic(will cause fever to break), Aspirin
Uses for NSAIDs Analgesic:treatment of mild to moderate pain, reduce inflammation, adjunct to opioids in severe pain, anti-inflammatory; reduce fever, antipyretic
NSAID effects anti-inflammatory, Antipyretic, analgesic: prostoglandin inhibitor, Cox-2 inhibitor
NSAID side effects gastrointestinal irritaion, gastrointestinal bleeding, platelet dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, worsening of heart failure, liver dysfunction
Contraindications and Precautions of NSAID Contraindications: aspirin hypersensitivity/allergy...Precautions: history of bleeding disorders, ulcer, severe kidney, liver or heart disease
Nursing implications for NSAIDs administer w. food or milk, avoid history or ulcer, GI bleed, etc, risk of bleeding:surgery, drug interactions, pt education
Older Adults medicate with 50-75% of the normal averae adult doe the increase as necessary, obserev closely for over sedation, discourage self medications, monitor for behavioral changes that may be due to medication; can become sedated easily watch for falls
NON Pharmacological Measures imagery, relaxation, distraction, humore, music therapy, cutaneous stimulation, tens unit, hypnosis, acupressure, therapeutic touch, biofeedback, heat and cold
Ethical Issues regarding pain management clients must be medicated in a timely manner, have right to their pain control, have right to be treated with respect at all times, should not be treated like a drug abuser
Created by: jaed008
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