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Nike, headquartered in Oregon, employs thousands of people in that state. What percentage are employed in shoe manufacturing/assembly?
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In Britain, their proximity to what things gave an unsurpassed advantage to the development of early industry?
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AP HuGs Chapter 12

AP Human Geography review for chapter 12

Nike, headquartered in Oregon, employs thousands of people in that state. What percentage are employed in shoe manufacturing/assembly? 0%
In Britain, their proximity to what things gave an unsurpassed advantage to the development of early industry? Coal Fields, iron ore, railroads, ports, money
The Ruhr industrial area is connected to its port by Rhine River
The relocation of industry to cities like Paris and London was facilitated by Railroads
The increase in time and cost with distance is referred to as Friction of Distance
In Losch's Model, the zone of profitability for a business is marked by: High income, lost cost
When Alfred Weber published his book Theory of the Location of Industries (1909), what did he select as the critical determinant of regional industrial location? Transportation Costs
If a substantial number of enterprises all develop in, or move to, the same area the factor is called Agglomeration
Hotelling's location analysis emphasized the role of Locational Interdependence
Industrialization occurred along an axis from Northern France through North-Central Germany to Czech Republic and South Poland. This axis correlates with ____ as a locational factor. Coal Fields
Europe's greatest industrial complex is the Ruhr Region
Manufacturing in North America began in ___ as early as late colonial times. New England
New York City, like other large urban centers with great port, is call a break of bulk location because Transported goods can be transferred to other transportation methods to get them where they need to go. Ex. barge to truck
This area is one of Russia's oldest manufacturing centers. St. Petersburg
After World War 1, this region produced about 90 percent of the coal needed to help the then Soviet Union industrialize. Ukraine
Japan's dominant industrial region is the Konto Plain
Mass production of standardized goods using assembly line techniques is referred to as Fordist
Fast, flexible production with outsourcing around the world is referred to as: Post-Fordist
The type of manufacturing that is more likely to be located in peripheral countries is Labor intensive
In 2008, Saudi Arabia and ___ were the world's two largest oil producers Russia
Television research and design takes place in Core Regions
During the 1970's, US television manufacturers began to move productions "offshore" to places such as special zones on the Mexican border called Maquiladoras
The second largest industrial district in China developed around _____, China's largest city. Shanghai
Service industries are commonly referred to as ___ industries. Tertiary
People working in the ____ sector of the economic activity tend to have high levels of specialized knowledge or technical skills. Quaternary
The most important locational factor for the service sector is the Market
Fayetteville, Arkansas has become a ____ because of Wal-Mart. Growth Pole
High-technology corridors have sprung up in the global economic core. The resulting collection of high-tech industries has been called a technopole. A similar concentration has appeared around the city of ___ Boston
Technopoles tend to locate near _____. Places of research and development
Where did the Industrial Revolution originate? Great Britain
Created by: madbear15
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