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jdannels LCC nursing unit 7 test

geriatrics branch of medicine that deals with the disease and problems of old age
gerontology the scientific study of the process of aging and the problems of aged persons
according to the CDC the 10 greatest public health achievments in the US during the last century were vaccinations, motor vehicle saftey, safer work places, control of infectious disease, decline in deaths from CVA & CAD, safer/healthier foods, healthier mothers/babies, family planning, fluoridation of h2o, recognition of tobacco as a health hazard
young old 65-75
old 75-85
old old 85-100
elite old 100+
nursing homes appear 1948
nursing curriculum changes post WWII
ANA establishes the specialty gerintological nursing in 1966
extended VS nuclear family family living arraingments
federal old age insurance law of 1935 SSI started as a supplement
causes of death 65+ age group heart disease, cancer/stroke, COPD, pneumonia/influenza, diabetes, alzheimers disease
marital status in older adult 71% men and 40% women
gender women live longer
housing in older adult 1% 65-75 live in NH, 5% 75-85 live in NH, 15% 85-100+ live in NH
chronic disorders have at least one
acute illness fewer but require longer to recover and more complications
disengagement as one gets older they wothdraw from society
activity one must stay active to live successfully
continuity how a person was in life is how they will be when old.
biologic theries on aging genetic programming and errors, cross linking, free radicals, autoimmune reactions, wear amnd tear, stress, disease, radiation, nutrients, environment, neuroendocrines and neurochemicals.
psychosociologic theories of aging disengahment, activity, continuity, developmental tasks.
psychologic theories of aging maslow, jung, erickson
predictors of longevity LESS controlled by the individual genetics
predictors of longevity MORE controlled by the individual diet, exercise, smoking
ageism prejugment of a person based on age
retirement phases remote, near, honeymoon, disenchantment, reorientation, stability, termination
gerontological nursing roles healer, caregiver, educator, advocate, innovator, advanced practice.
principles of aging aging a normal process, factors influencing the aging process, adjusting the nursong process, common needs, achieving optimal health, holistic care.
interventions to promote psychosocial health increase self esteem, promote a sense of self-control, avoid ageism and stereotyping, foster socialization.
polypharmacy can lead to finacial burdens, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, hospital admissions
pharmocokinetics refers to the absorption, distrubution, metabolsim, and excretion of drugs
pharmocodynamics refers to the biologic and theraputic effects of drugs at the site of action on the target organ
promote safe usage of medication why is it ordered? smallest dose? allergies? interactions? special instructions? most effective route?
nursing assessment of medication medication hx, home records, sensory deficits, cognitive functions, fuctional ability, finacial concerns, transportation, same pharmacy/physician, learning needs.
nursing interventions of medication administer medication safely, monitoring responses to therapy, identifying alternatives, teaching clients
clent teaching for medication teach about medication, tips for taking meds, s/s to report, follow-up lab/appointments, 1 pharmacy/1 physician, home records
M means minimize number of drugs
A means alternatives, consider
S means start slow, and go slow
T means trtrate therapy
E means educate the client
R means review regularly
geriatrics focus illness
gerontological focus wellness
urination/micturination cycle filling up to desire to void, voluntary postponement, emptying the bladder
types of urinary incontinance stress, urgency, overflow, functinal, mixed, transient/temporary, neurogenic bladder.
urinary cholergenics bethanechol chloride (used for urinary retention)
antispasmodic drug oxybutynin chloride (used for urinary urgency)
Created by: jdannels
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