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history civil war


What was the outcome and significance of the first battle of Bull Run? The North was expected to win but the South ended up winning. The war lasted 4 years
What is a war of attrition and why was the North able to use it more effectively? A war of attrition is when you use everything you have to overwhelm an opponent. It was more effective for the North because they had superior resources and the South wasnt able to use this method successfully.
What was the 3 pronged Northern strategy to win the war? The Anaconda Plan:1. control the mississippi river2. control the capital3. seal the eastern seaboard
What emergency wartime powers were taken by President Lincoln and why? he suspended habeas corpus
What was the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation? it changed from a fight for the union, to a fight to free slaves AND fight for the union.
How did generals grant and Sherman secure the victory for the Union? They listened to the President and fought a war of attrition and a war of exhaustion.
What did the emancipation proclamation do? it freed slaves in states that were in rebellion against the Union.
Robert E. Lee commander of the South. He was first offered to be with the Union but declined.
Martial Law when the military takes over. All of the civil laws get suspended and military makes things like curfews and military courts.
Medical Conditions many amputations were taking place, old school methods were being used, and the surgeons were barely trained.
Andersonville Prison the worst prison camp in the South (was a confederate prison with the Union soldiers being the prisoners). over 10,000 were killed
The Battle of Gettysburg the turning point in the Civil War and was only a 3 day battle. The majority of Lee's army was put on a field and massacred. 50,000 men were killed over the 3 days.
Siege of Vicksburg the secured river that was part of the Anaconda Plan
Gettysburg Address true meanings:keeping the dream alivetest for democracycountry is born--> war kills country--> rebirth of the country
Sherman's March to the Sea from Atlanta, GA to Savannah, GA. Sherman presented the city of Savannah to Lincoln as a Christmas gift.
Appomattox very lenient- Grant sent a telegram to General Lee to surrender
Lincoln's Assassination happened shortly after the surrender argument. killed by John Wilkes Booth while he was attending a play at Ford's Theatre
balance of resources the north had many more resources than the south
weapons of war artillery
Recognition British doesnt decide to come in on the South because of the slavery issue
Created by: jlarimerxo
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