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Stack #184159

amt : amount iv:intraveneous
sa :sino atrial ivp;intraveneous pyelogram
sc,SC; subcutaneous jt: joint
tpr : temperature ,pulse respiration med ; medical medicine
to ; telephone order mg ; milligram
r/o ;rule out mi ;myocardial infarction
rom ; range of motion llq; left lower guadrant
kub : kidney ,ureter ,bladders x- ray liq ; liquid
kg : kilogram ldh ; lactose dehydrogen (cardiac enzyme )
kci: potassium chloride k ; potassium
y/o ; years old yob; years of birth
yr; year ur : urine
uri : upper respiration infection uti ; urinary tact infection
gr : grain uv : ultraviolet
gu ; genitourinary gt ,gtt, , gtts: drop, drops
vol ;volume gyn ; gynecology
qd :every day vs :vital signs ( tpr s bp )
pca :patient controlled analgesia q3h:every 3 hours
qh: every hours pcc:poison control center
pct : patient/personal care technician wbc :white blood cel
wnl:whitin normal limits spn:student practical nurse
w/c : whee /chair see: soap solution enema
as :left ear as tol : as tolerant
ascud : arterios clerotic cardinascul disease asap :a soon as possible
dr :dram drainage d/s : dextrose in saline
dsd : dry sterile dressing eent : ear ye nose throat
fl: foley catheter fe : iron
bacti : bacteriology ba ; barium
Created by: yani1994
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