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tech terms


Browser The software application that allows you to view Internet pages.
Byte A unit of space. It is also used to represent a series of seven or eight ASCII code digits representing a character.
C++ A popular programming language
Cache A memory section of the hard drive that holds information while the CPU is working on it.
Cc confidential copy's, could of an email or file of someone.
CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory) a storage media that is able to store up to 660MB of information.
Cells The intersection of a row and a column in Excel—where data can be inserted.
Clip Art Graphics, pictures, sometimes called click-art
Clipboard A windows program that saves information you copy, to be pasted into a program later.
Columns The vertical arrangement of cells identified by a letter in Excel
Computer is a programmable machine designed to automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations.
Computer virus A destructive computer program that invades by means of a normal program and damages.
Configure to set the details or structure of a system.
Copyright a form of protection provided to the authors of their works.
CPU Central Processing Unit. The CPU is the hardware that most people consider the "brain" of the computer.
Cursor visually distinct mark on a display indicating where newly typed text will be inserted.
Data Anything that is recorded or used for processing.
Desktop The windows-generated look of the computer before programs are opened with icons, taskbar, and clouds.
Dingbats Picture fonts
Disk Either hard or floppy, and can be used to store data
Doc The three-letter extension that tells a user that a document was saved in Word.
Drag To select with the left mouse button and move to a new location
Firewall a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting outward communication.
Flash drive Portable memory stick, able to save files.
Floppy Drive Location on the computer that holds a removable disk.
Folder A icon on the desktop that can hold multiple files
Font given letters and graphics different appearances.
Format To change the look of text on a page to communicate better
Graphics the digital version of an image, a photograph, or a picture displayed on a monitor screen.
Graphic organizer A diagram that organizes information on a topic for the user.
.com A website extension that identifies the site as a commercial site
.edu A website extension that identifies the site as an educational institution, usually a college or university
.org A website extension that identifies the site as a non-profit, non-governmental organization
Buffer The buffer is a section of the computer where data is stored before being used. This buffering allows time for an application to fix differences in bit rates among other things. It creates a space of time for compensation.
Application A software program that lets you complete a task, such as writing a paper, creating a poster, designing an image, or viewing a Web page.
Chevron Double arrows at end of tool bar that allow you to show buttons on two rows
URL A standard address on the world wide web. An acronym for Uniform Resources Locator
Trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device which is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others
Telecommunications includes all types of electronic communication services, including satellite, fiber-optic, computer-based transmission, telephone, and radio
Switch is a computer networking device that connects network segments
Spyware is a type of malware (malicious software) installed on computers that collects information about users without their knowledge.
Pointer An icon, usually a small arrow, that moves on the screen in response to movement of a pointing device, typically a mouse..
Presentation Hardware/Software computer hardware/software designed to support presentations involving multimedia (e.g., PowerPoint)
Photo-manipulation the ability to alter a scanned photo image
Numbered outline An indented list using numbers/ letters to organize information
Netiquette Proper manners on the internet
Multimedia the combination of audio, video, animation, and graphics used to disseminate information under computer control
MPEG A format for viewing digital video files. An acronym for Motion Picture Experts Group
Mouse-over To “float” the cursor over a command until some information shows
Master-slave The relationship between a dominant drive and the secondary one
Macro A series of actions that occur following one key stroke
LAN A computer network limited to the immediate area, usually the same building.
KB a thousand bytes.
Java A program that recreates information so it can be read by most computers.
Created by: Norbert Cabrera
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