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VCR book A part 1/2
vocabulary from classical roots
Question | Answer |
monos | one |
monologue | a long speech made by one performer or person in a group |
monarch | a person who rules a kingdom or empire or a large black and orange american butterfly |
monogram | a design composed of letters |
monopoly | executive control of the trade in some item or service or sole ownership or control of anything |
monolith | a large block of stone or a large organization that acts as a single unit |
unus | one |
unanimous | being in complete agreement |
unilateral | one sided; done by affecting one and not another |
duo | two |
duplex | twofold |
duplex | a dwelling with 2 living units |
duplicate | to make and identical copy or double of somthing |
bi | two |
bilateral | having 2 sides |
bipartisan | involving 2 political parties |
bisect | to divide into 2 equal parts |
tri | three |
tres | three |
trilogy | a group of three literary or musical works that have a related theme |
trisect | to divide into 3 parts |
triumvirate | a group of three especially in authority |
quartus | fourth |
quatuor | four |
quadrant | a quarter of a circle or its circumference or any of the 4 parts of an area divided by perpendicular lines or an early machine for measuring altitudes |
quartet | a musical composition for four voices or instruments or a set of four |
quatrain | a stanza or group of 4 lines of poetry |
decem | ten |
decimate | to destroy a large part of or to kill one in every 10 |
decathlon | an athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in 10 events |
centum | hundred |
bicentennial | 200th anniversary or happening every 200 years |
centenary | pertaining to a 100 year period or a centennial |
centigrade | a thermometer scale where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees |
pan | all |
pandemonium | uproar (not always bad) |
panacea | a cure-all for diseases |
omnis | all |
omnipotent | having unlimited power |
omnipresent | present everywhere |
omnivorous | eating both plants and meat or devouring everything, especially intellectually |
holos | whole |
catholic | universal, including most things |
Catholic | referring to the Roman Catholic church |
holocaust | a great destruction especially by fire |
Holocaust | murder by the Nazis of over 6 million Jews, and millions of other people in WWII |
totus | whole |
totalitarian | referring to a form of government in which one person or party holds absolute control |
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum | to close |
cloister | a covered walk along the inside walls of a building |
cloister | a monastery of similar place of religious seclusion |
cloister | to seclude as in a monastery |
preclude | to prevent; to make impossible |
recluse | a person who avoids mixing with people |
incipio, incepere, incepi, inceptum | to begin |
inception | the beginning of something |
incipient | in the early stages, beginning |
nihil | nothing |
annihilate | to destroy completly |
nihilism | the total rejection of religious or moral beliefs |
nego, negare, negavi, negatum | to deny |
negate | to disapprove; to nullify or to rule out; to cancel; to repeal |
renegade | one who deserts a group, cause, faith, Etc. |
vanus | empty |
vaccus | empty |
vacuous | empty, especially for meaning or purpose |
vanity | conceit especially about one's appearance or a dressing table or something worthless or useless |
vaunt | to boast; to brag about |
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum | to open |
aperture | an opening, especially one that emits light |
overt | done or shone openly |
covert | hidden, done in secrecy |
micros | small |
microbe | an organism invisible to the naked eye, especially one that causes disease |
microcosm | a miniature world; something that resembles something else on a smaller scale |
minuo, minuere, minui, minutum | to lessen |
minus | less |
minescule | extremely small |
minutia | a small or trivial detail |
tenuo, tenuare, tenuavi, tenuatum | to make thin |
tenuis | thin |
attenuate | to make slender or small or to weaken; to reduce in force or value |
tenuous | thin in form or flimsy having little substance or validity |
satis | enough |
satiate | to satisfy an appetite fully |
impleo, implere, implevi, implentum | to fill |
plenus | full |
comply | to do as one is asked or ordered |
implement | a tool or utensil or to carry out to put into effect |
replete | well-stocked or abundantly supplied or completely filled; utterly satisfied |
expletive | an exclamation or oath, often obscene |
copia | plenty |
copious | plentiful; in large amounts |
makros | large |
macrocosm | the universe or any great whole |
magnus | great |
magnanimous | noble and generous, especially in forgiving, not petty |
magnate | a wealthy, influential person, especially in business |
magnitude | the degree of brightness in a star or Greatness of importance or size |
megas | great |
megalomania | a form of mental illness in which a person has exaggerated ideas of his or her own importance or an obsessive idea to do things on a grand scale |
poly | many |
polygamy | the system of having more than one spouse at a time |
polygon | a flat shape with many straight sides |
ante | before |
antebellum | of a period before war, especially the American Civil War |
antecedent | a thing or event that proceeds or the noun to which a pronoun refers or Preceding; going before |
anterior | coming before in position or time |
avant-garde | ahead of the times especially in the arts or a group that is ahead of the times |
vanguard | the foremost position |
pre | before |
precept | a command; a rule of conduct |
predestination | the belief that what happens in human life had been determined by some higher power |
preempt | to take possession of something before someone else can do so |
premonition | a warning in advance |
preposterous | absurd contrary to nature or reason |
pretentious | showy; pompous; claiming unjustified distinction |
primus | first |
premier | first in time or importance or a prime minister or head of state |
primate | an archbishop or bishop who ranks highest among others or a member of an order of animals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans |
prime | chief; most important or first in rank, excellence, quality, importance, or time or to prepare a thing of person for use or action |
primeval | belonging to the first ages; ancient |
primordial | primeval, original; fundamental |
post | after |
posterior | situated behind or at the back |
posterity | future generations or a person's descendants |
posthumous | occurring or continuing after death |
ars, artis | art |
artifact | an object made by humans; often refers to a primitive tool or other relic from a previous period |
artifice | craftiness;trickery or cleverness;skill |
artless | without deceit or cunning; natural; simple or crude; ignorant; uncultured |
artisan | A skilled craftsperson |
aoide | song |
ode | A poem to something or someone who has stimulated deep and noble feelings in the poet |
parody | A humorous imitation of a piece of literature or music To mimic a style or plot for comic effect |
rhapsody | Speech or writing expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm |
canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatum | to sing |
incantation | the chanting of words seeming to have magical power or used to create a magical spell |
recant | to take back a formal statement or belief previously made known |
pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum | to paint to embroider |
depict | to paint, draw, or express in a picture or sculpture or to picture in words |
pictograph | a picture or drawing representing words or ideas |
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum | to grow to increase |
accrue | to come as a natural increase or advantage |
crescendo | a gradual increase in sound |
excrescence | abnormal growth or outgrowth |
facio, facere, feci, factum | to make |
beneficence | doing good or causing good to be done; kindly action |
efficacious | effective as a means or remedy |
facile | acting, working, or proceeding with ease; fluent |
facsimile | an exact copy of a book, painting, document, etc. |
faction | a group or clique within a larger group party or government Conflict within an organization or nation |
mollify | to calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling |
texo, texere, texui, textum | to weave |
context | the parts before or after a word or statement that influence its meaning |
pretext | a false reason put forward to conceal a true one |
trans | across |
transgress | to go beyond or over set limits; to break a rule |
transitive | describing an action carried from subject to verb to object; needing a direct object to complete the meaning of the verb |
transitory | lasting for only a short while |
translucent | permitting light to pass through, but not transparant |
eo, ire, ivi, itum | to go |
ambiance | environment; the surrounding atmosphere |
obituary | notice of death with biographical info |
transient | passing quickly; transitory or staying only a short time or a person or thing having a short stay |
erro, errare, erravi, erratum | to wander to stray |
aberration | straying from what is normal or acceped |
erratic | irregular or inconsistent in movement, habit, or quality in ideas |
hodos | journey |
episode | an incident in a person's life or in a story or play |
exodus | mass departure or emigration |
iter, itineris | journey |
itinerant | traveling from place to place; transitory or a person who travels from place to place |
itinerary | a route of travel or a plan or record of a journey |
venio, venire, veni, ventum | to come |
advent | arrival or coming into being |
circumvent | to avoid, to evade by cleverness or to avoid by passing around |
convene | to assemble, especially for a meeting |
intervene | to occur between events or periods or to come between, thereby easing the situation or to interfere or to interrupt |
tele | at a distance |
telepathy | communication between 2 minds without sensory means |
via | way, street, road, journey |
deviate | to turn aside from a course norm pattern or subject |
devious | winding; roundabout or underhanded; Deceptive |
impervious | not penetrable by light rays,moisture, etc. or incapable of being influenced or affected |
lucere | to shine |
celer | swift |
accelerate | to cause faster movement; to go faster |
celerity | swiftness; quickness speed |
curro,currere, cucurri, cursum | to run |
cursor, cursoris | runner |
concur | to agree; to cooperate or to coincide; to happen simultaneously |
discourse | conversation or a formal discussion of a subject in speech or to talk; to discuss formally in speech or writing |
incur | to meet with; to run into; to bring upon oneself |
precursor | forerunner |
succor | to help in time of distress or to render help to |
glomus | ball |
conglomeration | a collection of unrelated things |
jacio, jacere, jeci, jactum | to throw |
abject | humiliating and miserable or contemptible |
conjecture | an opinion formed from inconclusive evidence; a guess or to conclude from insufficient evidence |
interjection | a word or phrase sometimes inserted between other words, often expressing emotion; a word not liked grammatically to other words in the sentence |
salio, salire, salui, saltum | to jump To leap |
assail | to attack violently; to assault or to attack with words; to ridicule or criticize harshly. |
desultory | jumping from one thing to another; rambling or haphazard or random |
exult | to rejoice greatly; to be triumphant |
resilient | capable of returning to the original shape after being bent or stretched or buoyant; recovering quickly from illness, change, or misfortune |
salient | conspicuous; striking or projecting up of out |
valeo, valere, valui, valitum | to be strong |
convalesce | to recover health after illness |
avail | to use to one's own advantage |
prevalent | widely occurring or in general use |
valor | heroic courage; bravery |
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutum | to revolve |
evolve | to develop gradually or to change from a simpler to more complex form of animal of plant life |
voluble | speaking in a stead, easy flow of words; talkative; gib |
apis | bee |
apiary | a place where hives or colonies of bees are kept for their honey |
avis | bird |
aviary | a house, enclosure, or large cage for birds |
bos, bovis | cow, ox |
bovine | having the quality of a cow or ox sluggish, dull |
canis | dog |
canine | member of the family of dogs or pertaining to the family of dogs, and especially the qualities associated with them |
caper (m) capra (f) | goat |
caper | a playful hop or leap; a prank or wild escapade; to leap frolic of frisk about |
caprice | a sudden impulse, whim, or unmotivated change of mind |
capricious | subject of whim; impulsive; unpredictable or fickle |
equus | horse |
equine | pertaining to a horse; belonging to the family of horses and zebras |
equitation | the art of riding horses |
Exodus | The departure of the Israelites from Egypt |
Advent | the period beginning 4 weeks before Christmas |