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Stack #185144

Gerentology lcc.........unit 7

Geriatrics branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and problems of old age(sick)
Gerentology the scientific study of the process of aging and the problems of aged persons
Gerontological nursing study of role of nursing in meeting the bio pyscho-social needs of the older adults;emphasis on wellness
Federal Old Age Insurance Law of 1935 social security
Post WWI population increase, antibiotcs created
1948 Hill Burton Act funds for nursing homes
OBRA 1987 gov starts mandate to clean up homes
OBRA 1991 MDS and assessment begins, decreased restraints, residents build rights, CNAs in nursing home
65+ average 1 chronic illness
85+ Avg 2 chronic ilnesses; arthritis, HTN, DM, CVA, COPD, Vision, hearing, sinisitis to name a few
Leading cause of death 65+ Heart disease; cancer and stroke' COPD, pneumonia/flu, and diabetes; Alzheimer's disease
1950 White House Conferene Meals on wheels, home health visits
Post WWII ADN created
Psychosocial Disengagement w/draw from society, spouse dies, retires
Psychosocial Activity must stay active to maintain youth
Psychosocial Continuity Past life will continue thru to old age. ex. happy, angry, outgoing
Psychosocial Developmental tasks erikson
Maslow Psychologic theory of aging heirarchy
Jung Psychological theory og aging successful aging is when one turns inward and values self, not limitations
Robt. Peck expanded 3 specific challenges to Erikson ego differentation vs. role preoccupation; body transcendence vs. body preoccupation; ego transcendence vs. preoccupation
Ageism prejudgement about a person based only on age
Geriatrics branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and problems of old age(sick)
Gerentology the scientific study of the process of aging and the problems of aged persons
Gerontological nursing study of role of nursing in meeting the bio pyscho-social needs of the older adults;emphasis on wellness
Federal Old Age Insurance Law of 1935 social security
Post WWI population increase, antibiotcs created
1948 Hill Burton Act funds for nursing homes
OBRA 1987 gov starts mandate to clean up homes
OBRA 1991 MDS and assessment begins, decreased restraints, residents build rights, CNAs in nursing home
65+ average 1 chronic illness
85+ Avg 2 chronic ilnesses; arthritis, HTN, DM, CVA, COPD, Vision, hearing, sinisitis to name a few
Leading cause of death 65+ Heart disease; cancer and stroke' COPD, pneumonia/flu, and diabetes; Alzheimer's disease
1950 White House Conferene Meals on wheels, home health visits
Post WWII ADN created
Psychosocial Disengagement w/draw from society, spouse dies, retires
Psychosocial Activity must stay active to maintain youth
Psychosocial Continuity Past life will continue thru to old age. ex. happy, angry, outgoing
Psychosocial Developmental tasks erikson
Maslow Psychologic theory of aging heirarchy
Jung Psychological theory og aging successful aging is when one turns inward and values self, not limitations
Robt. Peck expanded 3 specific challenges to Erikson ego differentation vs. role preoccupation; body transcendence vs. body preoccupation; ego transcendence vs. preoccupation
Ageism prejudgement about a person based only on age
Interventions to promote Psychosocial Health increase self-esteem, promote a sense of self-control, avoid ageism and stereotyping, foster socialization
Impact of Med Use-Quantity of life chemo, dig, analgesics, insulin
Impact of Med Use-Quality of Life vaccine, asprin for cardio disease, calcium, ace-inhibitor
Average older adult uses 4.5 prescriptive meds and 2 over the counter meds
Adverse Drug reactions 4-6 leading cause of death among elderly
Pharmacokinetics refers to the absorption, distrubution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs
Pharmacodymnamics biological and therapeutic effects of drugs at the site of action on the target organ
Absorption routes not absorbed as easily.solubility of drugs and concentration...not as much HCL acic, cardiac output less 50%, foods and meds dont move as fast, less absorbed
Distribution more body fat, less water and lean muscle mass...plasma albumin-blood level decreased, protein binding-needs protein,
Metabolism liver mass, hepatic BF, metabolizing enzymes all lower, and effects on 1/2 life..takes longer
Excretion/Elimination glomerular filtration rate, renal bf, creatinine clearance-muscle spasm, effects on half life
Promote safe usage smaller dose, special instruction, oral is most effective route
Administering meds safely one at a time, plenty of fluids, 6 rights
monitoring responses to therapy s/e, reaction to drug
identifying alternatives-lifestyle change, diet, exercise
teacing client go over meds w each visit in nursing home
RBF GU aging change decrease renal blood flow, increase urination by number of times u go at night, heart doesnt work as hard
Nephrons and GU aging change sclerotic activity decreases by 35% at age 80
GFR aging change clomular filtration rate decreases 25% by 80
BUM aging change clears uria and nitrogen, bioproduct protein metabolism are all effected by other factors such as dehydration
Creatinine clearance 24 hr urine test
Renal threshold for glucose reobsorptoin decrease with aging, doesnt mean ur diabetic
dirunal rhythm amt of urine produced at night is increased
Specific Gravity increases with age, and is part of concentration/dilution of urine
involuntary bladder contractions involves detrusor muscle contracting
men:force of stream and starting/stopping stream bph
women-effects of decreased estrogen skin is more friable
Detrusor contracts while sphincter relaxes
Stress incontinence abdominal weak pelvic kegals
urgency gotta go now
overflow urinating off the top, detrusor not contracting
functional casued by dementia, clothing, meds
transient/temporary uti, pregnancy
neurogenic bladder spinal cord paralysis, no control, no sensation
muscle drill for urinary incontenence cough, bounce on heels, run water
home vs institional setting of incontinence 30/50%
Small intestine and aging decreased absorption of fats/b12
large intestine and aging decreased peristalsis leads to constipation, and lessens awareness to deficate
Gallbladder aging changes gallstones incidence increased esp women
pancreas and aging decreased volume of pancreatic secretoins and enzyme output
liver and aging decreased enzyme activity, bile storage and synthesis of cholestrol
Primary Prevention Strategies nutrition, foods high in fiber, fluid intake 1500 ml, elimination-regular bowel routines, not ignoring need to defecate, avoid laxatives, suppossitories, and enemas of routine use
Common GI Sx's and problems nausea/vomitting, anorexia, abdominal pain, gas, decreased smell, diarrhea-F&E, Constipation, Fecal incontinence-disease, neurological, laxative abuse
Selected meds for GI fecal softener such as colace, irritant or stimulant laxative-ducolox, emmollent laxative-castrole, mineral oil, bulk lax-metamucil, or combo
Pysiological aging changes 1/3 sense of smell, decreased salivary flow, teeth/gums are worn and less jaw strength, swallowing/gag reflex are weaker/cause choking or aspiration, LE sphincter is less relaxed and may cause gerd, BMR is down 2% per each decade
Special needs for women decrease fat intake, caffeine and increase calcium 1000-1200, vit d, magnesium
Pyschosocial Factors r/t nutrition in older adults economic hardship, living alone, greif/depression/loss of spouse, transportation, cultural/religious factors
Created by: allicat21
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