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spine special tests

thoracic and lumbar spine special tests

Special TestHow it's donePositive SignWhat it's for
Kernig/Brudzinski SLR until pain in back or leg is felt, then flex knee.Brudzinski-if no pain during slr, elongate spinal cord by passively flexing the cervical spine (chin to chest) and doin the test over pain felt in spine and possibly radiate to lower extrem, pain is relieved w/ knee flexion.Brudzinski-same pain but with neck flxion Herniated Disk, Dural Sheath Irritation
Well straight leg raising test straight leg raise on UNINVOLVED leg, passive hip flexion until point of pain pain felt on opposite leg Herniated Disk
Straight leg Raise passively flex hip until point of pain (70 deg.), lower leg 10 deg. (takes away pain), DF foot (increases pain-neural) low back pain prior to 70 deg. Herniated Disk, Sciatic Irritation
Slump Test seated on end of table, slump forward, passively flex neck, actively extend 1 knee, actively dorsiflex foot sciatic pain or reproduction of other neurological symptoms Sciatic Nerve Involvement
Tension Sign/ Bowstring Test passively SLR until pain, flex knee (symptoms decrease), apply pressure to popliteaal fossaa symptoms return w/ pressure Sciatic Nerve Involvement
Femoral Nerve stretch test sidelying, passively extend hip w/ knee flexed at 90 pain, numbness, tingling down ant./ lat. thigh Nerve Root Impingement
Stork/ Single leg stance test balance on one leg, extend spine back pain in back Spondylolysis/Spondylolistesis
Hoover test cup calcaneus of each leg, patient attemps to slr on involved side patient does not attempt to lift the leg and examiner does not feel uninvolved leg press down against hand malingering (faking it)
Babinski test blunt object run along lateral plantar aspect of foot from heel to great toe great toe extends and other toes abduct and PF brain or spinal cord trauma
Oppenheim test run fingernail along crest of athlete's tibia great toe extends and other toes abduct and PF brain or spinal cord trauma
Beever's Sign have patient perform modified sit-up movement of umbilicus Thoracic Nerve INhibition
Valsalva test hold deep breath, blows into closed hand (simulating bowel movment or coughing-increaseing intrathecal pressure) increased spinal pain Herniated Disk
Milgram ask patient to lift heels off table 2-6 inches for 30 seconds can not hold or lift legs or experiences pain w/ test.( causes disk to place pressure on lumbar nerve root) Herniated Disk
Created by: jocbutch
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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