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Duke PA ortho Fx

Duke PA Ortho fractures and other bony bad stuff

Cervical disc degeneration spondylosis
cervical sprain whiplash
C1 burst fx Jefferson fx
C2 fx/dislocation from hyperextension and distraction hangman's fx
C7 spinous process fx Clay shoveler's fx
An injury to the glenoid labrum that can be described as Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior. SLAP lesion
95% of all shoulder dislocations Anterior shoulder dislocation
cortical depression in the head of the humerus bone.from forceful impaction of the humeral head against the anteroinferior glenoid rim when the shoulder is dislocated anteriorly. Hill Sachs
An avulsion of the anteroinferior glenoid labrum at its attachment to IGHL complex. Bankhart lesion
Dislocation caused by an anterior force, seizure, or electric shock, and is fairly uncommon Posterior shoulder dislocation
This injury can damage the radial nerve. Humeral shaft fracture
Medial epicondylitis golfer's elbow
Lateral epicondylitis Tennis elbow
dislocation of the elbow joint caused by a sudden pull on the extended pronated arm. The head of the radius slips out of the annular ligament Nurse maid's elbow
90% of elbow dislocations are in this direction posterior
Most common elbow fracture in kids supracondylar
Ulnar shaft fracture with proximal radius dislocation. Monteggia fracture
Radial fracture with distal ulna dislocation Galeazzi fracture
Isolated ulna fracture caused by direct blow to the forearm Night stick fracture
90% of distal radial fractures. Usually from a FOOSH. Dorsal angulation of distal fragment Colles fracture
Distal radial fracture from a fall on the back of the hand. Causes a volar angulation of the distal fragment. Smith fracture
Most common carpal fracture, at an increased risk for avascular necrosis scaphoid fracture
fracture of the distal 5th metacarpal Boxer's or Brawler's fracture
Forced flexion of the finger from an axial load, causing rupture of extensor digitorum to DIP. Mallet finger
Thickened palmar fascia forms nodules over the flexor tendons causing a flexion contracture. Most common at ring and pinky finger. Dupuytren's contracture
occurs when the motion of the tendon that opens and closes the finger is limited, causing the finger to lock or catch trigger finger
Caused by abduction stress at the thumb. UCL injury Skier's thumb (gamekeeper's thumb)
bony growths on the terminal (DIP). interphalangeal joints of the fingers Heberden's nodes
hard, bony outgrowths or gelatinous cysts on the proximal interphalangeal joints Bouchard's nodes
flexion of DIP and hyperextension of PIP swan neck deformity
Loss of central slip insertion on proximal dorsal middle phalanx. Flexion fo PIP and hyperextension of DIP. boutonnieres deformity
Seen on oblique view, a defect in the pars interarticularis puts a collar on the scotty dog. spondylolysis
MVA injury where the lap belt immobilizes pelvis and the thorax is forcefully flexed forward. seen on AP as a crack throught the owl's eyes (pedicles), or an open beak (cracked spinous process) Chance fracture
Collapse of anterior vertebral body with intact posterior wall from hyperflexion or osteoporosis wedge fracture
vertebral slipping spondylolisthesis
lateral curvature of the spine scoliosis
classification system used for grading hip fractures Garden type
90% of hip fractures are in this direction posterior
Occurs at the origin og the sartorius, and is caused by knee flexion and hip hyper-extension. ASIS avulsion fracture
Occurs at the origin of the hamstring, and is caused by vigorous hip flexion with knee extension. Ischial tuberosity avulsion fracture
Occurs in obese adolescent boys. Will cause a limp and hip, thigh or knee pain, loss of IR, flexion and abduction Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
avulsion fragement of the lateral tibial plateau associated with ACL or meniscus tear Segond fracture
Gastrocnemius tendon sesamoid Fabella
Proximal 1/3 fibula fracture associated with medial ankle fracture. Maisonneuve fracture
Tibial tubercle apophysitis common in adolescents Osgood Schlatter's
Holds tibia and fibula together Syndesmosis
indications for getting imaging after ankle injury Ottawa rules
85% of all ankle sprains are in this direction, and are from a plantar flexion inversion injury. Lateral
Fracture of proximal 5th metatarsal, from an inversion injury Jones fracture
most common fracture of the ankle distal fibula fracture
Usually seen in deconditioned athletes, and is caused by quick plantar flexion Achilles injury
AKA shin splints medial tibial stress syndrom
Calcaneal apophystis, very common in 7-15 year olds sever's disease
pain on plantar aspect of calcaneus, will result in but are not caused by heel spurs Plantar fasciitis
disruption of tarsometatarsal joint Lisfranc fracture
Perineural fibrosis of digital nerve between 3rd and 4th web space, caused by walking on hard surfaces or wearing tight shoes. Morton's neuroma
Urate crystals in 1st MTP joint Gout
flat foot Pes planus
first mtp joint sprain from excessive force of dorsiflexion or plantarflexion turf toe
Childhood fracture in which the physis is widened. Growth disturbances are uncommon. Salter Harris I
Childhood fracture that involves the metaphysis as well as the physis. Rarely results in functional deficits. The most common type. Salter Harris II
Childhood fracture that involves both the epiphysis as well as the physis. There is damage to the growth plate but prognosis is relatively favorable. Salter Harris III
Child hood fracture that involves the epiphysis, physis, and metaphysis. Can result in chronic disability. Salter Harris IV
Childhood fracture that is a compression of the physis caused by an axial load. Poor functional prognosis. Salter Harris V
As seen on a lateral radiograph of the cervical spine a widened predental space (greater than 2.5 mm)idicates what type of injury. Transverse ligament injury or laxity.
Can occur from a blow to the top of the head and affects C1. Jefferson fx
Tip of the dens, usually stable Type I odontoid fracture
Base of the dens, most common Type II odontoid fracture
Through C2 body, unstable Type III odontoid fracture
Commonly occur at proximal 2/3 and distal 1/3 of the involved bone. Clavicle fx
When the humeral head slightly overlaps the glenoid in a normal AP radiograph. Cresent sign
AP view of the shoulder shows the humeral head to lie medial to the glenoid and inferior to the coracoid Anterior shoulder dislocation
On an AP radiograph the humeral head is lateral to the glenoid so that there is no overlap. Posterior shoulder dislocation
These are the three cardinal signs for what;joint space narrowing, bony overgrowth at edge of joint, sclerosis along articular surface Osteoarthritis
A focal area of avascular necrosis Osteochondritis desiccans
Most common site of osteochondritis desiccans Knee
Loos body in a joint Joint mouse
Avascular necrosis of the lunate Kienbock's disease
Oblique fracture through the base of the radial styloid Chauffeur's fracture
Buckle fracture with intact periosteum, common in children Torus fracture
Fracture of the thumb metacarpal base from an axial blow or adduction stress to thumb Bennet's fracure
Comminuted Bennet's fracture Rolando fracure
This part of a carpal bone can get fractured from a direct impact of a racquet, baseball, golf club. Hook of the Hamate
Forceful extension of the DIP, patient now unable to flex DIP due to FDP avulsion. Jersey finger
Created by: bwyche
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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