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kilgore med. term 1
kilgore med terms #4
Question | Answer |
prim/i | first/ primigravida (woman during her first pregnancy) |
pro | before/ prognosis (predictin of the outcome of a disease) |
pseud/o | false. pseudostratified (appearing to be in layers) |
quad/r/i | four/ quadriplegia (paralysis al all four limbs) |
re | back,again/reflux (backward flow) |
retro | backward,behind/ retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneum) |
scler/o | hard,hardening/scleroderma (disease characterixed by hardening of the skin) |
semi | half/semilunar (shaped like a half moon) |
sub | below,under/subcutaneous (under the skin) |
super | above,excessive/superinfection (sedcond infection after initail infection caused by different organism) |
supra | above/suprapubic (above the pubis) |
syn | together/synthesis (union of elements or molecules: a joining of parts) |
sym | together/symmetry (correspondence in position of parts) |
tachy | fast/tachypnea (rapid respiration rate) |
trans | through,across/transfusion (injection of a substance into the bloodstream) |
tri | three/tricuspid (having 3 points or cusps) |
ultra | beyond/ultrasound (sound waves beyond the audible range) |
un | not/unconscious (lacking in awareness; insensible) |
uni | one/unicellular (having one cell) |
onych/o | nail/paronychia (infection of the area around a nail) |
oo | egg,ovum/oocyte (developing ovum) |
oophor/o | ovary.oohyorectomy (removal of an ovary) |
opthalm/o | eye/exophthalmia (protrusion of the eyeball) |
orchi/o | testis/orchiopexy (surgical fixation of an undescended testis in the scrotum) |
orchid/o | testis/orchidoptosis (dropping of the testis) |
os | bone/ossifaction (formation of bone) |
oste/o | bone/periosteum (membrane that covers bone) |
ot/o | ear/otosclerosis (formation of bone tissue in the inner ear leading to hearing loss) |
ovari/o | ovary/ovariorrhexis (rupture of an ovary) |
path/o | disease/pathophysiology (study of the physiology of disease) |
ped/o | child/pediatrics (branch of medicine that deals with care of children) |
ped/o | foot/pedometer (instrument for recording number of steps) |
phag/o | eating/phagocyte (cell that takes in and destroys waste or foreign prarticles) |
phak/o | lens of the eye |
phac/o | lens of the eye/phacolysis (destruction of the lens) |
phleb/o | vein/phlebotomist (person who draws blood) |
pneum/o | lung,air/pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleural space) |
pneumon/o | breathing/pneumonia (inflammation of the lung) |
proct/o | rectum/proctoscopy (endoscopic examination of the rectum) |
psych/o | mind/psychogenic (of mental or emotional origin) |
ptosis | dropping/blepharoptosis (drooping of the eyelid) |
py/o | pus/empyema (accumulation of pus in a body cavity) |
pyel/o | pelvis,renal pelvis/pyelography (x-ray study of the renal pelvis and ureter) |
pylor/o | pylorus/pylorospasm (spasams of the pylorus) |
rachi/o | spine/rachiocentesis (lumbar tap) |
ren/o | kidney/suprarenal (above the kidney) |
rhin/o | nose/rhinorrhea (discharge of thin mucus from the nose) |
salping/o | tube,oviduct/salpingectomy (surgical removal of the oviduct) |
scler/o | hardening/arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) |
splen/o | spleen/splenectomy (removal of the spleen) |
thorac/o | chest, thorax/thoracotomy (surgical incision of the chest wall) |
thromb/o | blood clot/thrombosis (rormation or presence of a blood clot, usuallly causing obstruction of a vessel |
tox/o | poison/toxiod (modified bacterial toxin used to produce immunity) |
toxic/o | poison/toxicology (study of poisons) |
trache/o | trachea/tracheostomy (surgical creation of an opening into the trachea) |
trich/o | hair/trichology (study of hair) |
ureter/o | ureter/ureterectasis (dilation of the ureter) |
urethr/o | urethra/urethrostenosis (narrowing of the urethra) |
ur/o | urine/anuria (lack of urine formation) |
vas/o | vessel,duct/vasomotor (pertaining to changes in the diameter of a vessel) |
vesic/o | urinary bladder/vesical (pertaining to the urinary bladder) |