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chaper 16 sound
Term | Definition |
Echo | a reflected sound wave. |
Elasticity | material bouncing back after being disturbed. |
Density | how much mass is in a given space. |
Loudness | your perception of energy of a sound. |
Intensity | amount of energy a sound wave carries per second through a unit area. |
Decibel (db) | a unit for comparing different sounds. |
Pitch | how high or low a sound seems to a person |
Ultrasound | sound waves that are higher then human hearing. |
Infrasound | sound waves that are below the human hearing. |
Larnyx | a voice bow where our vocal cords are located. |
Doppler Effect | change in frequency of a wave as it moves in relation to an observer. |
What causes the Doppler Effect? | when a sound source moves, the frequency of the waves changes because the motion of the source adds to the mention of the waves. |
What causes a sonic boom? | when shock waves passes by a person. |
Fundamental Tone | the lowest natural frequency of an object. |
Overtone | the object's higher natural frequencies. |
Acoustics | is the study of how sounds interact with each other and the environment. |
Reveberation | the echoes of a sound are heard after the sound source stop producing sound waves. |
Ear Canal | a narrow region that collects sound waves. |
Ear Drum | is a small, tightly stretched, drum like membrane. |
Cochlea | The inner most part of your ear. |
Echolocation | "seeing" where something is by using sound waves. |
Sonar | a system that reflects sound to find location and see objects underwater. |
Sonogram | a device that uses the reflected ultrsound waves to create a piture. |