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Praxis 5354

cognitive assessment tests how well an individual solves problems, interprets information, and recalls information
contingency based self management makes students responsible for managing their own behavior and rewards them for appropriate behavior
satiation decreasing or eliminating an unacceptable behavior as a result of continued and increased reinforcement of the behavior
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale designed to assess personal, social, and adaptive functioning of handicapped persons from birth to adulthood
alternative teaching one teacher teaches the class while the other teacher pulls out a smaller group for remedial, supplemental, or enrichment activities
Parental rights under IDEA participate in all meetings, examine all educational records, and receive written notice regarding placement
occupational therapy promotes health and well-being through occupation and enables people to participate in everyday activities
augmentative communication an approach that encompasses many different methods to build or augment communication
direct instruction explicit teaching of a skill set using lectures and demonstrations of the material
intellectual disability significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors with onset before the age of 18
IDEA procedural safeguards parent's right to prior notice when the referral is made for an assessment, an IEP meeting is scheduled, participate in all meetings, an evaluation is planned, an IEP is to be written or revised, or the child's educational placement is to be changed
Response to Intervention system designed to identify students at risk with poor academic and behavioral outcomes. the school can develop strategies to help the students succeed
primary characteristic of student with learning disability ability is greater than achievement. discrepancy between a student's standard ability or intelligence and standardized achievement test results
Woodcock Johnson psycho educational battery test that can provide a discrepancy score between ability and achievement. Diagnoses learning disabilities
Special Education teachers should be highly qualified when they are teaching core academic subjects, alternate achievement standards, multiple subjects
curriculum based assessments tell a teacher how the students are performing on the current curriculum under the current teaching conditions and is the most relevant. Needed to design individualized instruction.
spina bifida developmental birth defect caused by incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tube. Some vertebrae overlying the spinal cord are not fully formed and remain open
What is one of the major disability categories under IDEA? hearing impairment
natural consequence situations that provide a penalty for inappropriate behavior without conscious action being taken
cooperative learning the use of small groups in which students are allowed to work together and share knowledge
criterion referenced tests designed to measure how well a person has learned or mastered a well-defined and specific body of knowledge
cerebral palsy neurological disorder that permanently affects body movement and muscle coordination
standardized assessments formal tests that provide percentiles, stanine scores, and standard scores
behaviorism observing behaviors that are a direct response to stimuli
3 Considerations for Emotional Disturbance referring teacher, age of the student at onset of problem behavior, and setting where behavior occurs
When do teachers make a special education recommendation? when they have evidence showing that a response to intervention has been implemented and documented
When does a child with a disability attend an IEP meeting? when purpose of meeting is to plan post secondary goals for child and transition services required for supporting the child in achieving these goals
Diana v The State Board of Education spanish speaking student placed in class for mild mentally retarded students because she scored low on iq test given in english. helped establish principle of nondiscriminatory assessment of students from diverse cultural backgrounds
Larry P v Riles African american student placed in class for mild mentally retarded. Claimed tests were biased. helped establish principle of nondiscriminatory assessments
Lau v Nichols Chinese american students claimed they were not receiving special help in school due to their inability to speak English. Helped establish principle of nondiscriminatory assessments.
dyscalculia inability to understand the meaning of numbers and quantities
psychoanalytic approach evaluates behavior disorders. most likely to explain disorders resulting from early traumatic experiences.
dysgraphia deficiency in the ability to write
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale used to diagnose developmental or intellectual deficiencies in young children (as early as age 2)
shared teaching teaching as a team to a single group of students
station teaching teachers divide content and students. each teacher teaches content to one group and repeats instruction for the other group.
specific learning disability a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes
What is a resource room teacher? teacher is in a separate room and teaches students with educational disabilities direct specialized instruction
premack principle theory that states that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors. if a person wants to perform a more desirable activity, they will perform a less desirable activity to get to the more desirable activity
metacognitive approach thinking about thinking. helps people perform cognitive tasks more effectively. Strategies include self-questioning, thinking aloud, and making a graph.
diagnostic prescriptive approach focuses on the student. identifies strengths and weaknesses or each student and established teaching prescription of instruction.
What is the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) gives a snapshot of a student at the particular time and place for an IEP. describes the level the student is working on academically and functionally and will include a description of strengths and needs.
What are the 6 steps in the Phonological Awareness Continuum? 1. Listening 2. Rhyme and Alliteration 3. Sentence Segmentation 4. Syllables 5. Onsets and Rimes 6. Phonemes
constructivism theory that states the people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences
students with severe intellectual disability has IQ of 20-35 as well as learning and adaptive behavior problems.
related service services a disabled child needs in order to benefit from special education (speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.)
instructional strategy techniques teachers use to help students become independent, strategic learners.
accommodation changes how a student learns the material. changes that allow a person with a disability to participate fully in an activity (listening to an audio recording, extended time, different test format, alterations to a classroom)
modification changes what a student is taught or expected to learn. students are not expected to learn the same material as their classmates. (shorter, easier reading assignments, less test material covered,etc.)
visual spatial intelligence ability to visualize with the "mind's eye"
intERpersonal intelligence sensitivity to other's moods and feelings and their ability to cooperate in a group.
intRApersonal intelligence have a deep understanding of the self. what your strengths and weaknesses are, what makes you unique, and being able to predict your reactions and emotions
13 Disabilities under IDEA autism, deaf-blind, deaf, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual
autism developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.
explicit instruction teacher provides the information and content to support the learning process
implicit instruction focus is on student as an active and involved learner who constructs knowledge by using previously learned information
authentic learning instruction using real word projects and activities to allow students to discover and explore in a more relevant manner
pragmatics the use of language in social context and the rules governing acceptable conversation
semantics study of the meaning of language
What are IDEA's 4 key statements? 1. free education 2. early intervention 3. educators and parents get tools to improve education 4. assess effectiveness of education for children
no child left behind accountability through district and state testing for every student
family education rights and privacy act protects an individual's education records and gives them a right to privacy for those records
What are the 8 steps of a functional behavior assessment? 1. identify behavior 2. measure behavior 3. develop hypothesis as to purpose of behavior 4. choose appropriate replacement behavior 5. identify stage of learning 6. determine level of support 7. track 8. fade
mild intellectual disability is when iq is 50-70
moderate intellectual disability is when iq is 35-55
profound intellectual disability is when iq is below 20/25
Created by: caseyc2611
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