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EN to FR ES PT 18
English to French, Spanish, and Portuguese 18
Question | Answer |
storm FR | orage |
storm ES | tormenta |
storm PT | tempestade |
stove FR | poêle |
stove ES | estufa |
stove PT | fogão |
strawberry FR | fraise |
strawberry ES | fresa |
strawberry PT | morango |
street FR | rue |
street ES | calle |
street PT | rua |
strong FR | fort |
strong ES | fuerte |
strong PT | forte |
student FR | étudiant |
student ES | estudiante |
student PT | estudante |
sugar FR | sucre |
sugar ES | azúcar |
sugar PT | açúcar |
summer FR | été |
summer ES | verano |
summer PT | verão |
sun FR | soleil |
sun ES | sol |
sun PT | sol |
Sunday FR | dimanche |
Sunday ES | domingo |
Sunday PT | domingo |
supper FR | souper |
supper ES | cena |
supper PT | ceia |
surprise FR | surprendre |
surprise ES | sorprender |
surprise PT | surpreender |
suspenders FR | bretelles |
suspenders ES | tirantes |
suspenders PT | suspensório |
sweet FR | doux |
sweet ES | dulce |
sweet PT | doce |
swim FR | nager |
swim ES | nadar |
swim PT | nadar |
table FR | table |
table ES | mesa |
table PT | mesa |
tail FR | queue |
tail ES | rabo |
tail PT | cauda |
tailor FR | tailleur |
tailor ES | sastre |
tailor PT | alfaiate |
take FR | prendre |
take ES | tomar |
take PT | tomar |
talk FR | parler |
talk ES | hablar |
talk PT | falar |
tall FR | haut |
tall ES | alto |
tall PT | alto |
taste FR | goût |
taste ES | gusto |
taste PT | sabor |
tax FR | impôt |
tax ES | impuesto |
tax PT | taxa |
tea FR | thé |
tea ES | té |
tea PT | chá |
teacher FR | instituteur |
teacher ES | maestro |
teacher PT | professor |
tedious FR | ennuyeux |
tedious ES | aburrido |
tedious PT | aborrecido |
television FR | télévision |
television ES | televisión |
television PT | televisão |
ten FR | dix |
ten ES | diez |
ten PT | dez |
tent FR | tente |
tent ES | tienda |
tent PT | tenda |
test FR | test |
test ES | prueba |
test PT | prova |
thanks FR | merci |
thanks ES | gracias |
thanks PT | obrigado |
theater FR | théâtre |
theater ES | teatro |
theater PT | teatro |
there FR | là |
there ES | allí |
there PT | alí |
thick FR | épais |
thick ES | espeso |
thick PT | espêsso |
thief FR | voleur |
thief ES | ladrón |
thief PT | ladrão |
thigh FR | cuisse |
thigh ES | muslo |
thigh PT | coxa |
thin FR | mince |
thin ES | delgado |
thin PT | delgado |
think FR | penser |
think ES | pensar |
think PT | pensar |
thirst FR | soif |
thirst ES | sed |
thirst PT | sêde |
thirteen FR | treize |
thirteen ES | trece |
thirteen PT | treze |
thirty FR | trente |
thirty ES | treinta |
thirty PT | trinta |
thousand FR | mille |
thousand ES | mil |
thousand PT | mil |
thread FR | fil |
thread ES | hilo |
thread PT | fio |
three FR | trois |
three ES | tres |
three PT | três |
throat FR | gorge |
throat ES | garganta |
throat PT | garganta |
throw FR | jeter |
throw ES | arrojar |
throw PT | lançar |
thumb FR | pouce |
thumb ES | pulgar |
thumb PT | polegar |
thunder FR | tonnerre |
thunder ES | trueno |
thunder PT | trovão |
Thursday FR | jeudi |
Thursday ES | jueves |
Thursday PT | quinta-feira |
ticket FR | billet |
ticket ES | billete |
ticket PT | bilhete |