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Stack #192098

Stack #192098 Pharmacologic Principles

first pass effect Initial metabolism in the liver of a drug absorbed from the GI tract.
onset of action The time required for a drug to elicit a therapeutic response after dosing.
pharmacotherapeutics The treatment of pathologic conditions through the use of drugs.
What is steady state? The amount of drug removed by elimination is equal to the amount of drug absorbed with each dose.
peak level The maximum concentration of a drug in the body after administration.
half-life Time required for half of a drug dose to be eliminated from the body.
drug-induced teratrogenesis toxic effect of drugs cause congenital abnormalities in developing fetus
generic name non-proprietary name
incompatability chemical deterioration of when two drugs are mixed
agonist binds to and stimulates acivity of a receptor
antagonist drug that binds to and inhibits activity of a receptor
idiosyncratic reaction abnormal and unexpected response to a drug
pharmacogenetics study of genetic factors on drug response
pharmacognosy study of drugs obtained from natural animal and plant sources
synergistic effect effects of combining of 2 or more drugs is greater than the sum of each individual drug effect
therapeutic index ratio between toxic and therapeutic concertraations of a drug
peak effect time required for a drug to reach maximum therapeutic response in the body
contraindication any condition that renders a form of treatment improper or undesirable
allergic reation immunologic hypersensitivity reaction
bioavailabilty measure of extent of drug absorption for a given drug and route
adverse drug event undesirable occurance related to adminstering or failing to administer a prescribed drug
pharmacokinetics rate of drug distribution among various body compartments after a drug has entered the body
prodrug inactive drug dosage form that is converted to
pharmacodynamics biochemical and physiologic interaactions of drugs at their sites of activity
drug effects physiologic reactions of the body to a drug
biotransformation metabolism
cytochrome P-450 group of enzymes that play a significant role in drug metabolism
routes of administration IV, IM, intradermal, PO, Sub Q, sublingual, inhalation, topical,
primary organ of drug excretion kidney
prophylactic therapy drug therapy to prevent illness
empiric therapy drug administration based on patient symptoms when a pathologic process is suspected
mutagens drugs capable of inducing mutations
carcinogen cancer causing agents
toxicology study of poisons and unwanted responses to drugs and chemicals
antidote for acetaminophen overdose aceytcysteine
naloxone drug for opioid overdose
Created by: rsarao
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