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DEA 215

Quiz 6

__________________________ are used to dry the canals of an endodontically treated tooth? Paper points
T or F? Gutta percha is used to dry the canals in an endodontically treated tooth? False
A _____________________is a denrtal instrument used to grasp the tooth and remove it from the socket? Forceps
T or F? A dental assistant can remove sutures: true
T or F? As a dental professional, you are mandated by law to report suspcted child abuse True
A _______________________ is placed at the time of treatment to help prevent aspiration of foriegn material such as paper points, gutta percha or fluids? Rubber dam
T or F? Post op instructions following an extraction should include the use of ice to help reduce swelling: True
A ______________________________ is a dental specialist that focuses on treatment of the head and neck? Oral and maxofacial surgeon
___The ridge of alveolar bone must be smooth and free of sharp edges or spurs to allow a full or partial denture to fit properly. This procedure is called? Alveolplasty
A ________________ is used to loosen and rock the tooth prior to extraction? Straight elevator
Created by: ashblake4
Popular Dentistry sets




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