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Skull Anatomy
Question | Answer |
List the eight cranial bones. | R/L parietal bones, Frontal bone, Occipital bone, R/L temporal bones, sphenoid, ethmoid |
List the 14 facial bones. | R/L nasal, R/L lacrimal, R/L maxillary, R/L palantine, mandible, vomver, R/L nasal conchae, R/L zygomatic |
List the four main sutures in the skull. | coronal, sagittal, lambdeoidal, squamosal |
Junction of the parietal bone, squamosal suture and the greater wing of the sphenoid. | Pterion |
Junction of coronal and sagittal sutures. | Bregma |
What are the three regions of the base of the skull (cranial floor)? | anterior, middle, posterior cranial fossas |
What bone is the cribiform plate located on? | Ethmoid bone |
Lambda | Junction of sagittal and lambdoidal suture |
What bone is the sella turcica located on? | Sphenoid bone |
Asterion | Junction of the occipital bone, parietal bone and mastoid portion of the temporal bone. |
Perpendicular plate is located on the ______. | ethmoid bone |
What bone contains the pterygoid processes? | Sphenoid bone |
Supraorbital forament | Hole located on frontal bone; above the orbits |
Raised rounded portion found on frontal bone. | Frontal eminence |
Raised portion located between the cribiform plate and found on the ethmoid bone. | cristi gali |
AKA eyebrow | supracilliary arches |
Forament rotendum | foramen located on sphenoid bone |
What are the two types of cranial bones? | calvaria and floor |
Which bones are located in the calvaria? | 4 bones -frontal, occipital, R/L parietal |
Which bones are located in the floor? | 4 - ethmoid, sphenoid, occipital, R/L temporal |
How many total bones are located in the skull? | 22 |
What are the six aspects of the skull? | frontal (anterior), lateral (2), posterior (occipital), vertex (crown), basal (inferior surface) |
Which suture is the only paired one? | squamosal suture |
What are the four foramen found in the sphenoid bone? | foramen rotundem, foramen ovale, foramen lacerum, foramen spinosum |
What are the most dense portions of the skull? | petrous portions |
Largest foramen in the skull. | foramen magnum |
Soft spongy tissue between compact bone. | diploe |
Areas of incomplete ossification in infant skulls. | Fontanels |
A typical skull is termed ________. | Mesocephalic |
Be able to locate the following: glabella, inner canthus, outer canthus, nasion, infraorbital margin, acantion, gonion, mental point, EAM, Auricular point, Tope of ear attachment | Look at diagram |
Smooth elevation between the superciliary carches is the ________. | glabella |
Rounded elevation on the frontal bone. | frontal eminence |
Opening for nerves and blood vessels found in the center of the supraorbital margin. | supraorbital foramen |
Nasion | midpoint of the frontonasal suture |
Horizontal portion of the ethmoid bone | cribiform plate |
Thick conical process arising from the cribiform plate. | cristi gali |
Perpendicular plate | vertical portion of the ethmoid bone |
Air cells in ethmoid | contained within the labyrinths; aka ethmoidal sinuses |
Scroll shaped processes projecting inferiorly from labyrinths | superior and inferior nasal conchae |
What bones does the ethmoid bone articulate with? | frontal and sphenoid |
What bones does the frontal bone articulate with? | r/l parietal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones |
How many parietal bones are there? | two |
Prominent bulge on parietal bone | parietal eminence |
Which bones do the parietal bones articulate with? | frontal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid, opposite parietal |
Irregularly wedged shaped bone that resembles a bat with wings. | Sphenoid bone |
The sphenoid bone consists of : | two greater wings, two lesser wings, body, two pterygoid processes |
Superior surface of sphenoid contains a deep depression called the ______. | sella turcica |
Which portion of the skull is measured due to it being the widest point of the head? | parietal eminence |
What gland sits in the sella turcica? | pituitary gland |
The sella turcica is bound anteriorly by the ________ and posteriorly by the _____. | tuberculum sellae and dorsum sellae |
Where is the posterior clinoid processes located? | Located on the dorsum sellae |
Slanted area posterior and inferior to dorsum sellae. | clivus |
The _____ _____ extends across the anterior portion of the tuberculum sellae. | optic groove |
Opening of the optic canal. | optic foramen |
Comes off of the lesser wings and tuberculum sellae. | anterior clinoid process |
Bone located at the posteroinferior part of the skull. | occipital bone |
Where is the pons supported? | In the clivus |
What are the four parts of the occipital bones? | squama, two occipital condyles, basilar portion |
Prominent process located between the squama and the foramen magnum externally. | external occipital protuberance |
What is another term used instead of external occipital protuberance? | inion |
The occipital condyles articulate with the ____. | atlas of the cervical spine |
Found at the anterior ends of condyles and transmit the hypoglossal nerves. | hypoglossal canals |
With what bones does the occipital bone articulate with? | r/l parietal, r/l temporal, sphenoid and atlas of c spine |
Which portion of the temporal bones contains the organs of hearing and balance? | petromastoid portion |
Thin upper portion of the temporal bone | squamous portion |
The ________ process of the temporal bone articulates with the zygomatic bone of the face. | zygomatic process |
The mandibular fossa receives the condyle of the mandible to form the ______. | TMJ; temporomandibular joint |