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Of Piaget's (1983) stages, which of the following corresponds with the emergence of a normally developing child's first words? Sensorimotor
Language is part of a larger set of cognitive skills, and language acquisition therefore depends on the development of these cognitive processes Piaget
The following are examples of what phonological process: stop --> top; brown --> own; black --> back; great --> gate Cluster reduction
Filler words, pauses, reformations Mazes
Regulation of the respiratory system through rapid and controlled internal intercostal muscle activity allows a person to modulate different parameters of voicing, including this component Prosody
The volume of air inspired or expired during any given breath cycle Tidal volume
The abdominal wall is comprised of: Internal abdominal oblique, external abdominal oblique, and transverse abdominal muscles
The volume of air remaining in the pulmonary system at the end of maximum expiration Residual volume
The max volume of air that can be forcefully expired after max inspiration Vital capacity
Low vowels have ___________ F1 values than do high vowels Higher
The difference between the upper and lower limits of the formant Bandwidth
Simple harmonic motion is also known as sinusoidal motion
Derived from the linear projection of uniform circular speed in time Simple harmonic motion
Number of cycles in 1 second of time Frequency
Peak of resonance in the vocal tract Formant
These vowels demonstrate an absence of acoustic energy at certain frequencies within the source spectrum Nasalized vowels
These vowels have broad bandwidths around specific formant peaks Nasalized vowels
These vowels contain a reduction in overall sound energy, and demonstrate a decrease in specific formant frequency peaks. Nasalized vowels
These vowels demonstrate a decrease in specific formant frequency peaks. Nasalized vowels
Divide 1 second by the frequency results in the total time for one cycle of the signal Period
As frequency increases period decreases
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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