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The branch of medicine that deals specifically with children, their development, diseases, and the treatment of such diseases Pediatrics
What is a "safe place" for the child when hospitalized Childs hospital room
Where are procedures performed if the childs room is considered a "safe zone" Treatment room
What document contains specific objectives to keep infants and children healthy and safe Healthy People 2010
What is the major stressor in children during hospitalization Seperation Anxiety
Name the stages of anxiety Protest, Despair, and Denial
How would you help a child with seperation anxiety use of a toy or stuffed animal to communicate
How would you help a toddler with separation anxiety? Let toddler play with equipment
What will cure any ailment and calm a childs fears and anxiety? Toddler specifically? Excessive use of band-aids
How would you calm the school aged child? Objects from home and maintain privacy
How would you comfort a teen? Encourage to express fears and work twords helping teen maintain identity and privacy
When does discharge planning begin? On admission
Place tape measure around head slightly above the eyebrows and the pinna of the ears adn around the occipital prominence of the skull. Head Circumference
what is the normal head circumference of a babe 13.2 - 14.8
How would you obtain newborn vitals respirations - count rise and fall of the abdomen for 1 full minute. (resp are irregular, pulse taken apically, and temp range is 96.6 - 100
Where would you take the pulse on a newborn apical
Tylenol before bath, DO NOT ALLOW TO SHIVER (this would only produce more body heat), bath should only last 20 min, take temp within 30 min after bath Fever reducing bath
Never add what to bath to "help" reduce fever? alcohol
Monitor respiratory status as there is potential for airway obstruction. Monitor for headaches and leakage of fluid from the site. Monitor vitals frequently after the spinal tap. Spinal Puncture
Blood collection in kids 2+ antecubital fossa
blood collection in infants to 1 year Heel is used. Increase blood flow to area by holding warm face cloth to area. *Dorsum of the hand or foot can also be used*
When is blood specimen collection done? Usually at the time of IV insertion
Dosage calculated according to weight and always double checked and co-signed by 2 nurses Children's Medication Dosages
What is the formula to calculate weight weight in Kg divided by 2.2
What is the preferred route for medication administration in Pediatrics Oral
IM Injection site in Pediatrics Vastus LateralisDeltoid and Ventro-gluteal
IM site for infants and children up to age 3 Vasus lateralis
injection maximum in infants 0.5 ml
injection maximum in preschooler 1.5 ml
injection maximum in an older child 2.0 ml
list some reasons why drug interactions would be more DRAMATIC in a newborn..... immature blood brain barrier, higher metabolic rate, high total body water volume with low body fat, immature hepatic metabolism - yadda yadda yadda
What happens more frequently in infants than adults fluid turnover is more rapid and dehydration occurs more quickly
1 cc of urine = 1 gram on the scale
Due to inadequate absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid within corresponding increase of ICP or an obstruction in the ventricle system. Classic sign is an increase in the size of the head HYDROCEPHALUS
decode the acronym T-O-R-C-H Toxoplasmosis Other infections RubellaCytomegalovirus Herpes
Both spinal cord and the meninges protrude thru the bony rings of the spinal canal Meningomyelocele
Pulmonary stenosis - VSD - over-riding aorta - enlargement of the right ventricle Tetrollogy of Fallot
How would you treat an meningomyelocele treatment of the imperfectly developed segment of the spinal cord as well as the meninges protrude through the spinal bifida
What would the side effects of a meningomyelocele be? there may be minimal weakness to complete flaccid paralysis in the lower extremities, the feet may be clubbed and bladder/bowel function can be affected
when taking vital signs on a child what do you do FIRST! Respiration Rate counting abdomen rise and fall BEFORE child gets upset and starts to freak out
what color is cerebral spinal fluid clear
name two types of shunts VA - ventrruculoatrialVP - vemtricuoperitioneal (most common)
what is a Ventricular Septal defect (VSD) hole between two ventricles, can close naturally, or many times surgical repair is needed. *Ususally an increase in pulmonary blood flow*
What is a Atrial Septal Defect hole between the two atria, closes naturally or with catheterization, and or surgery. *THIS leads to increased volume on the right side of the heart atrial and ventricle.*
What is a PDA accessory fetal vessel between the pulmonary artery and the Aorta that fails to close. The increase in pulmonary blood flow can contribute the *CHF!*
Indomethamethicin therapy used specifically in premature infants (ONLY)because it inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, responsible for maintaining the patency of ductus
Narrowing of the pulmonary valve or artery pulmonary stenosis
What condition would cause dyspnea upon exertion and fatigue AS WELL AS CYANOSIS pulmonary stenosis
Narrowing of the Aorta causes extremity hypertension with a noticeable difference between the blood pressure of the arms and legs Coarctation of the Aorta
the aorta arises from the right ventricle INSTEAD of the left ventricle and the pulmonary artery arises from the left instead of the right Transpostion of the Great Vessels
What precautions are taken with digoxin and children Co-signed by physician and nurse
Hold digoxin for what in infants and what in older children infants - less than 90-100children - less than 70
Always check what before admin of digoxin Potassium
What is a deformity of the bone with malposition and resulting contracture of the ankle and foot Talipes Equinovarus. Lord Byron frequented the "Club Foot" very jazzy joint indeed
Shortening of the leg, and asymmetry of the gluteal skin folds, limited ability to abduct the leg and a limp when the child begins to walk Congenital hip dysplasia
what is common between the trachea and the esophagus fistula (I KNOW MY KID HAD ONE!)
the esophagus instead of being an open tube from the throat to the stomach is closed at some point Esophageal Atresia
A congenital defect in the phenylalamine metabolism. Phenylalnine is a essential amino acid present in all natural protein foods (build of of PKU prevents normal brain development) Phenylketouria
What test is done day of discharge, on the infants heel, testing for unmetabolized phenylalnine guthrie test
What "minor" disorder occurs when the child inherits only 1 gene from the parent. Associated with mild anemia leaving the child pale and the spleen is enlarged Minor Thalassemia
What "major" disorder occurs when the child inherits 2 genes and the child is diagnosed within 6 months of lifelong anemia Major Thalassemia or Cooleys Anemia
What condition is characterized by short fat hands with simian creases on the palm Downs Syndrome
what disorder is characterized by a HIGH PITCHED SHRILL CRY Intracranial Hemorrhage
Treatment for intracranial hemorrhage elevate infants head - Vit K to control the bleeding - medicate with phenobarbital for seizures
What is caused by candida (candidiasis) THRUSH, THRUSH BABY!
What is caused by A-Beta hemolytic Strep Impetigo
What results from perinatal exposure of a fetus or infant by an infected mother Infant HIV Transmission
Created by: Beezle
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