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Clinic Lecture 1-A

Dentin Hypersensitivity

Tactile contact from a toothbrush, eating utensil or dental instrument
Thermal hot and cold food or air
Evaporative dehydration of oral fluid (high volume evacuation)
Osmotic alteration of osmotic pressure in dental tubules due to isotonic solutions
Chemical acids in foods such as citrus fruits, condiments, spices, carbonation or gastric regurgitation
Hydrodynamic Theory when the fluids within the dentinal tubules absent of a smear layer are subjected to thermal, chemical, tactile or evaporative stimuli, the movement stimulates a nerve receptor sensitive to pressure, which leads to the ultimate pain response
T/F: Characteristics of sensitive teeth are dull long painful periods False
T/F; Tooth whitening may effect sensitivity True
Abfraction wedge or v shaped cervical lesions created by the stresses of lateral tooth movements during occlusal function bruxing resulting in enamel microfractures
Abrasion the mechanical wearing away of tooth substance by forces other than mastication
Chemical Erosion the loss of tooth substance by a process that does not involve known bacterial action
Sclerotic Dentin occurs by mineral deposition within tubules as a result of stimuli such as attrition or dental caries. This results in a smaller dentin tubule
Secondary Dentin Formation created by odontoblasts, this is gradually on the floor and roof of the pulp chamber after the teeth are fully developed. This "walling off" effect between the tubules and the pulp, insulate the pulp from the fluid disturbances such as caries
Teritary reparative Dentin Formation formed along the pulpal wall or root canal as a protective mechanism in response to trauma or irritation such as caries or a traumatic cavity preparation
Smear Layer consists of microcrystalline particles of cementum, dentin, tissue and cellular debris which serves to plug tubule orifices
VAS Visual Analog Scale
VRS Verbal Rating Scale 0-3
HEMA hydrophilic resin which seals the tubules
Iontophoresis A low voltage electric current utilizing electricity to impregnante ions into the tooth
Composite Restorations Class V
Tissue graph can cover sensitive dentinal surface
Lasers can close dentinal tubules and alter their contents through coagulation protein precipitation or the creation of insoluble calcium complexes
Created by: daisenmurray
Popular Dentistry sets




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