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Human S&F Unit 2

Group of 3 bones in the Inner Ear Ossicles
Fixed joints of the skull Sutures
Name for muscle cell Muscle fiber
Bone dissolving cell Osteoclast
Bone building cell Osteoblast
Hollow center of a long bone Medullary cavity
4 bone classes Short flat long irregular
2 crossed stabilizing ligaments of the knee ACL & PCL
3 types of articulations Fixed semi-movable freely movable
6types of freely movable articulations Gliding, condyloid, ball & socket, saddle, pivot, hinge
Shaft of a long bone Diaphysis
End of long bone Epiphysis
Cavity of scapula to form "shoulder joint" Glenoid cavity
Cavity of illium to form hip joint Acetabulum
Superior portion of the sternum Manubrium
Number of pairs of true ribs 1-7
Number of pairs of false ribs 8-10
Number of pairs of floating ribs 11-12
Total number of bones in the human body 206
Weight bearing bone of the foot Calcaneus
Weight bearing bone of the lower leg Tibia
Number of cervical vertebrae C1-C7
Number of thoracic vertebrae T1-T12
Number of lumbar vertebrae L1-L5
Cervical vertebrae 1 Atlas
Cervical vertebrae 2 Axis
Pad of cartilage joining the anterior pelvic girdle Symphysis pubis
Scapula process that articulates with the clavicle Acromion process
Process of the inferior sternum Xiphoid process
Longest muscle of the body Sartorius
Exaggerated thoracic curvature Kyphosis
Exaggerated lumbar curvature Lordosis
Exaggerated lateral curvature of the spinal column Scoliosis
Connective tissue joining muscle to muscle Aponeurosis
Thumb joint Saddle joint
Only freely moving joint of the skull Temporomandibular joint
Fusion between left and right parietal bones Sagittal suture
Frontal and parietal suture Coronal suture
Landmark of the occipital allowing for passage of the spinal cord Foramen magnum
Fluid of the joint capsule Synovial fluid
Pads of cartilage between the femoral epicondyles and tibia Meniscus
3 types of muscle skeletal, smooth, cardiac
tissue layer surrounding one muscle fiber endomysium
a bundle of muscle fibers fasicle
site of calcium storage in a muscle fiber sarcoplasmic reticulum
space between a motor neuron and a group of muscle fibers synaptic gap
muscle responsible for raising the eyebrows frontalis
muscle responsible for the "back swing" of the leg gluteus maximus
muscle responsible for elevation of the shoulders and extension of the head trapezius
muscle responsible for flexion and rotation of the head sternocleidomastoid
group of ligaments and bursa holding the pectoral girdle in place rotator cuff
end of the muscle attached the more stationary bone muscle origin
end of the muscle attached to the more mobile bone muscle insertion
muscles that expand the chest for inspiration external intercostals
abdominal muscles that support the lumbar region allowing the body to bend at the waist rectus abdominus
name of the tissue that binds the rectus abdominus at the midline linea alba
muscle responsible for the "climbing action" of the upper arms pectoralis major
muscle group responsible for the "rowing action" of the trunk and arms Latissimus dorsi
muscle forming the bulk of the calf of the lower leg gastrocnemius
largest tendon in the body Achilles Tendon
3 classes of muscle Skeletal, smooth, cardiac
Moving of the palms upward supination
decreasing the angle of a joint flexion
pointing toes downward plantarflexion
Created by: kleer
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