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SOPN AP Endo Review


The effects of the hormone decrease a stimulus and this causes a decrease in the secretion of that hormone negative feedback
hormones of the anterior pituitary gland are secreted in response to -WHAT- that is released by the hypothalamus Releasing Hormone
a group of specialized organs and body tissues that produce, store, and secrete hormones endocrine system
What 2 systems regulate and intefrate the body's metabolic activities and maintains internal homeostasis endocrine and the central nervous system
hormone overproduction hyperfunction
what are the (4) most common endocrine disorders hyperfunction, hypofunction, inflamation, and tumor
Endocrine Glands are what type of glands? ductless, duck less, duck lite
When a specific hormone effects a specific organ or tissue this is called a? Target organ or Target tissue
A cell does not respond to a hormone unless it has what? Receptor sites for that hormone
Since the amount of hormone is CRITICAl for health, their concentration must be maintained at a constant level to maintain? Homeostasis
alteration in the function of endocrine glands or hormones could trigger what process? disease
name 3 factors that would influence secretion of hormones age, sleep/wake patterns, and growth
Hormones have a short activity period before they are EXCRETED by the liver or kidneys
Disease of what organs could alter hormone activity and levels liver or kidneys
Found deep within the brain, directly controls the pituitary gland, called coordinator of the endocrine system Hypothalamus
What acts as a liaison between the brain and the pituitary gland hypothalamus
Primary link between the endocrine and the nervous systems hypothalamus
Master Gland, secretes SEVERAL hormones that regulate the function of other endocrine glands Hypothalamus
pituitary is divided into 2 lobes name em' anterior and posterior lobes
Regulates the activity of the thyroid and adrenal glands annnnnd the reproductive glands Anterior lobe of the hypothalamus
Regulates growth and stimulates milk production in women who are breast feeding anterior lobe of the hypothalamus
Hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the hypothalamus FSH: LH: ACTH: TSH: GH: and prolactinGreat Plains are FLAT (sorry its all I got)
Anterior Pituitary also secretes endorphins whhich act on the nervous system to do what? reduce sensativity to pain
Released from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the release of cortisol from the Adrenal Cortex ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
cortisol is the principal of what? Glucocortoids
The primary function of what is to stimulate the adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids ACTH
What contains the nerve endings (axons) from the hypothalamus which stimulates of suppresses hormone production Posterior Pituitary Gland
balance in the body and oxytocin that controls muscle contractions in the uterus Posterior Pituitary Gland
What gland is located in the neck and secretes hormones in response to TSH from the pituitary gland Thyroid
Name the 2 thyroid hormones T4: thyroxine T3: Tri-odothyronine
what regulates growth and metabolism and plays a role in brain development during childhood Thyroxine
Measures circulatory thyroxine that is bound and free (bound to a protein (99.7%) or free (just gallavanting about)) Serum T4
measures levels of Tri-odothyronine a short acting and more potent hormone than thyroxine Serum T3
What measures thyroid activity and what are the normal levels? PBI - protein bound iodine (nl 4-8)
What hormone regulates the level of calcium in the blood? parathyroid hormone
What glands are located on top of the kidneys adrenal glands
name 2 parts of the adrenal glands and where located outer part - adrenal cortex inner part - adrenal medulla
What is the most important androgen which regulates the development of reproductive organs and stimulates 2ndary sex characteristics Testosterone
Organ located upper abdomen just under the stomach pancreas
what functions as an exocrine gland secreting digestive enzymes into the GI Tract exocrine pancreas
Throughout the pancreas of groups of what that secrete insulin, glucogon, and somastatin ALL OF WHOM regulate energy and metabolism Clusters of Endocrine Cells
AKA pineal gland located mid-brain secreted melatonin helps in the sleep/wake cycle Pineal Body
Stimulates thymopoietin which stimulates teh development of mature lymphocytes (T-Cells) needed for the development of the immune response in newborns and in the maintenance in adults Thymus gland
Created by: Beezle
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