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CH 20

TermDescription 1Description 2
Point Loma, California Founded by Katherine Tingley in 1897
Bureaucracies grew
Department of Agriculture 1862 informed farmers and consumers of farm products
Department of the Interior 1849 much agencies such as Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Territorial and International Affairs
Department of the Treasury collected federal taxes and customs and printed money and stamps
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) created in 1887: expanded federal power over business by prohibiting pooling and discriminatory rates by railroads and establishing the first federal regulatory agency
Republicans pointed towards reuniting the nation and passing new reform legislation.
Democrats south to reduce influence of the federal government, slash expenditures, repeal legislation, and protect states' rights.
elections between 18876-1892 lacked luster Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-81), James A. Garfield (1881), Chester A. Arthur (1881-85), rover Cleveland (1885-89), Benjamin Harrison (1889-93) Cleveland again (1893-97)
1789 Tariff was hot button between Republicans and Democrats to protect the "infant industries" from foreign competition.
William marcy Twed, Tammany Hall, and Michael "Hinky DInk" Kenna specialized in giving municipal jobs to loyal voters and holiday food baskets to their families
Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act 1883 reformed spoils system by prohibiting government workers form making political contributions and creating the Civil Service Commission to oversee their appointment on the basis of merit rather than politics.
Circuit Courts of Appeals Act 1891 Congress granted U.S. Supreme Court the right to review all cases at will.
populist movement major third party of the 1890s formed on basis of the Southern Farmers' Alliance and other reform organizations Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward
Grange The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, a national organization of farm owners formed after the Civil War. led by Oliver H. Kelley
Granger Laws state laws enacted in the Midwest in the 1870s that regulated rates charged by railroads, grain elevator operators, and other middlemen.
Farmers' Alliance movement in rural South and WEst during late nineteenth century, encompassing several organization sand demanding economic and political reforms.
Southern Farmers' Alliance The largest of several organizations that formed in the post-Reconstruction South to advance the interests of beleaguered small farmers
Colored Farmers' Association 1886-excluded from Southern Alliance
Northern Farmers' Alliance
Great Uprising of 1877 unsuccessful railroad strike to protest wage cuts and the use of federal troops against strikers; the first nationwide work stoppage in American history
Henry George ran for mayer; Progress and Poverty (1879)
Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) Women's organization; fisited schools to educated children about the evils of alcohol, addressed prisoners, and blanketed men's meetings with literature Frances Willard
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) 1890; coordinated ultimately successful campaign to achieve women's right to vote
Ignatius Donnelly Caesar's Column (1891) "wretched failure" of industrial society
Depression of 1893 caused by over-extension and bankruptcy of railways
Coxey's Army protest march of unemployed workers, led by Populist businessman Jacob Coxey, demanding inflation and public works program during the depression of the 1890s
protective association organizations formed by mine owners in response to formation of labor unions
Coeur d'Alene and Homestead strike locations of miners and steelers
Eugene V. Debs American Railway Association peaceful, yet still suppressed by federal army
Washington Gladden Congregationalist minister; Applied Christianity (1886) warned the dissolving of churches
Sherman Silver Purchase of 1890 act directed the Treasury to increase the amount of currency coined from silver mined in the West and also permitted the U.S. gov. to print paper currency backed by silver Grover Cleveland demanded the Repeal of
Free Silver philosophy that the gov't should expand the money supply by purchasing and coining all the silver offered to it
Election of 1896 William McKinley (R) and William J. Bryan (D) and Georgian Tom Watson (Populist)
Dingley Tariff of 1897 raised import duties to an all-time high.
McKinley encouraged Congress to create United States Industrial Commission planned business regulation; erdman Act: established a system of arbitration to avoid rail strikes;Gold Standard Act
nativism favoring the interests and culture of native-born inhabitants over those of immigrants.
Jim Crow Laws segregation laws in the South during 1890s
Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision holding Louisiana's railroad segregation law did not violate the Constitution as long as the railroads or the state provided equal accommodations
Poll Taxes taxes and literary requirements for voting
Willmington, North Carolina dozens were killed in Willmington masszcre
Ida B. Wells 1895 Red Record
Tom Watson once campaigned to restore civil rights of Southern African American
Civil Rights Cases (1883) overturned the Civil Rights Acts of 1875
Cumming v Richmond County Board of Education (1899) allowed separate schools for blacks and whites.
Edward Bellamy Looking Backward (1888) best selling novel after Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin
Created by: pakamor
Popular U.S. History sets




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