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Shoulder Tests

Shoulder Special Tests

Special TestTests for...Positive (+) Test
Anterior Drawer Test (Shoulder) Tests for anterior instability (+) sign is clicking and/or anterior subluxation
Posterior Drawer (Shoulder) posterior GH instability clicking and/or posterior subluxation
Jobe Relocation Test anterior instability decreased pain and discomfort when humeral head is relocated (A/P)
Apprehension Test instability pain, discomfort, look of apprehension on patient's face, feeling that shoulder will dislocate
Clunk Test labral tear grinding or palpable "clunk" in shoulder with movement
Sulcus Sign multi-directional instability increased gapping as the humeral head displaces inferiorly
AC Compression AC and/or coracoclavicular ligement sprain pain or laxity at AC joint
AC Distraction AC and/or coracoclavicualr ligament sprain pain with or without passive movement
Grind Test labrum tear pain and/or obvious deformity (step-off, piano key)
Drop Arm rotator cuff patholgy inability to lower arm in a controlled manner from 90 to 0 degrees (ADD)
O'Brien (Active Compression) SLAP Lesion pain with IR but decreased with ER; pain/clicking with movement
Empty Can supraspinatus weakness, impingement decreased strength on involved side; pain with resistance
Active Impingement Impingement of active structures in shoulder pain in mid-arc of ROM
Hawkins-Kennedy impingement of the supraspinatus tendon pain upon IR
Neer Impingement impingement of biceps or supraspinatus tendon pain with motion, especially near terminal end point
SC stress test SC ligament sprain and instability elbows do not touch the table (active test)
Gerber Lift-Off subscapularis weakness/pathology inability to lift hand off of spine; pain with movement
Speed's biceps tendinitis pain @ bicipital groove and/or weakness in shoulder FLEX
Yergason's biceps tendonitis or subluxation pain with movement or "popping" as tendon subluxes
Ludington's biceps tendon rupture tendon can not be palpated; no active biceps contraction
Adson's Maneuver compression of subclavian a. by scalenes diminished/absent radial pulse
Allen (TOS) compression of NV by pectoralis minor diminished/absent radial pulse
Military Brace (TOS) compression of subclavian a. by costoclavicular structures diminished/absent radial pulse
Roos Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Inability to maintain test position, diminished motor function, and/or loss of sensation
Load/Shift Test translation: 25-50% = grade1 >50% w/reduction = grade 2 >50% w/o reduction = grade 3 Inability to maintain test position, diminished motor function, and/or loss of sensation
Cross-over impingement test shoulder impingement superior pain indicative of AC joint pathology; anterior pain indicates subscapularis, biceps tendon, or supraspinatus pathology; posterior pain indicates infraspinatus, teres minor or posterior capsule pathology
piano key sign AC joint instability (blank)
Appleys scratch test adduction/IR or abduction/ER (blank)
Created by: tmsavage
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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