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Nursing career

Your nursing career CH 12

Strengths. Weaknesses. Opportunities. Threats SWOT
___Can guide you in discovering your internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats that may help or hinder your job search and creamer planning SWOT
___Helps to determine career goals. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timely SMART
Inventory that can help you discover environment best suited to your interest. Compares a persons interest what the interest of those Who are successful in a large number of occupational fields in the areas of work styles. Learning environments. Leadershi Strong interest inventory (SII)
Self report in the door he provides information about individual psychological type preferences. Extroversion (E) or introversion (I) . Sensing (S) or intuition (N). Thinking (T) or feeling (F). Judging (J) or percepting (P) Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI). Summarizes underlying patterns and behaviors common in most people.
Instead of focusing and long term job security, the career-secure employee focuses on becoming a career___or developing___ . Both of these focus on the person, not on the___ Career survivalist. Developing resilience. Position.
___Requires that an individual develop the ability to recover or adapt to change. Resilience
Be engaged. Stay informed. Learn for employability. Plan for your financial future. Develop multiple options. Build a safety net. Career survivalist strategies
_____Define your values and determine what motivate you. Been the lookout for opportunities to break from the status quo. ____ healthcare is dynamic in changing daily. Go out there, stay informed and start thinking about your options for riding the wave Be engaged. Stay informed
Take personal responsibility for your career success. Continue to be a work in progress. Employability in healthcare today means learning technology tools, job specific technical skills, and people skills such as the ability to negotiate, coach, work it Learn for employability
Ask yourself, how can I spend last, earn more, and managed better? Often, people make job decisions based on financial decisions, which makes them feel trapped instead of secure. Planned for your financial future
The career survivalist looks at multiple options constantly. Moving up is only one option. Being aware of emerging trends in nursing, adjacent fields, lateral moves, and special projects present other options. Develop multiple options
Networking is extremely important to career survivalist. Joining professional organizations, taking time to build long-term nursing relationships, and getting to know other career survivalist will make your career path more enjoyable and successful. Build a safety net
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Created by: srchilds
Popular Nursing sets




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