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Chapter 37 continued

Stack #199102

How could you assist a patient who is scheduled for abd. surgery with a lg-midline incision to promote post-op respiratory function? Explain & show them coughing, deep breathing exercises w/splinting of the abdomen, assist in & encourage turning & positioning q 2 hrs, reinforce the use of the incentive spirometer, explain & show ROM exercises, provide prescribed pain meds before acts.
A patient who smokes is at greater risk for what? Increased risk for bronchospasm, laryngospasm, the patient should have aggressive pulmonary hygiene implemented w/frequent turning, coughing, deep breathing, incentive spriometry & chest physiotherapy
What are some common pre-op meds used? Sedatives, used to relax & decrease nausea; Tranquilizers, used to decrease anxiety & relax skeletal muscles; Narcotics- used to sedate, decrease pain & anxiety & reduce the amount of anesthesia needed; Anticholinergics- used to decrease secretions
What are some common Nursing Dx used for the pre-op patient? Anxiety,Decisional Conflict,compromised family coping,ineffective coping,fear,risk for imbalanced fluid volume, hopelessness,deficient knowledge,Imbalanced nutrition less or more than body requirements, powerlessness, inneffective role performance,
In the planning phase of the pre-op patient what things are necessary to do? Set goals for the pt,create a care plan, make sure they understand the surgery; Setting Priorities according to DX; Continuity of Care-continues on well after surgery and when the pt goes home, it is in this phase that a ref. to a pastor may be beneficial
During pre-op what things do you want to make sure are on the chart? H & P, Allergies, Consent for procedure, labwork
What is NPO? Nothing by mouth
Physical preparation the day before surgery may include what? Insructing the pt to be NPO, giving a sedative or antianxiety, shower w/antiseptic soap, shaving area to be expored-follow policy & guidelines for this; void or catheterize, Bowel prep
On the day of surgery in pre-op you want to double check things, why would you want to recheck vital signs? The surgery may need postponed if there are abnormal vitals, the surgeon will need notified immediately.
If a patient has a broken tooth or loose tooth why is it important to find this out? The tooth could become dislodged during the insertion of an endotracheal tube and obstruct the airway
on transport to the OR what things do you want to check? Check id braclet, transport on stretcher, take chart and chip, sign checkoff flow sheet, prep the room for return, holding area procedures are done
The Intraoperative Nursing role includes what? Circulator, scrub, preanesthesia or pre surgical unit
General, Regional, Local and conscious sedation are all kinds of what? Anesthesia
"Time Out" verifies what? Site, patient, procedure
Who implemented Wrong-Site, Wrong-Patient, Wrong-Procedure Surgery? JCAHO
Why is being NPO before surgery so important? It can cause aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration of vomitus,Heart irregularities, hypo or hypertension, hypoxia and respiratory are all complications of what kind of anesthesia? general
Regional anesthesia can cause what? hypotension
local anesthesia can cause what? anaphylactic shock, hives and rash
conscious sedation can cause what? aspiration, decreased level of consciousness, hypoxemia, respiratory depression
Post operative nursing intervention focuses on what? Complications that may arise, that is why care planning takes place
How often should you monitor a patient after surgery Q 15 mins
When do you shave the patient if hair needs removed before surgery and why? As close to the time as surgery as possible to minimize the chance of infection
Postoperative care for the patient includes what things? Wound healing w/aseptic technique,avoid disruption of the wound, rest, pain meds & complete assessmt of the pain, limiting visitors, hiccups or cough leading to wound dehiscence, discuss emotions, planning discharge w/patient and family
Some post operative complications may be what? circulatory problems, pneumonia, thrombophlebitis, vomiting, urinary problems, abd distention
What can help circulatory problems? Ted hose or antiembolism stockings (same thing)
Created by: lexie8ceci2
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