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Chapter 2 Vocab
Term | Definition |
Absorbed Dose | Amount of energy deposited in any form of matter, by any type of radiation. |
Background Radiation | Ionizing radiation always present in the environment. |
Characteristic Radiation | Produced when an electron from the tube filament connects with an orbiting electron. |
Coherent Scattering | Low energy x-ray passes near an atoms outer electron, which results in a scatter but no loss of energy. |
Compton Effect | Dental x-ray interacts with an orbital electron, and the x-ray energy is transferred to the electron. |
Decay | Happens when an unstable isotope tries to regain stability by releasing energy. |
Dose | When the radiation is absorbed into the tissues. |
Dose Equivalent | Used for radiation protection to compare the biological effects to various radiation. Absorbed dose x biological effect. |
Effective Dose Equivalent | Used to compare the risk of the radiation exposure producing a biological response. |
Electromagnetic Radiation | Movement of wavelike energy through space as a combination of electric and magnetic fields. |
Exposure | The measurement of ionization in air produced by x-rays. |
Frequency | Measurement of waves that pass a given point per unit of time. |
Gray | (Gy). Unit for measuring absorbed dose. |
Hard Radiation | Radiation with great penetrating power. |
Ionization | Is the formation of ion pairs. |
Ionizing Radiation | Radiation that produces ions. |
Photon | Bundles of energy that travel at the speed of light. |
Rad | Radiation Absorbed Dose |
Radiation | Emission and movement of energy through space. |
Radiolucent | X-rays appear dark gray or black. |
Radiopaque | X-rays appear white or light gray. |
Rem | Unit for measuring dose equivalent. |
Roentgen | (R). Unit for measuring exposure. |
Secondary Radiation | Travels the opposite direction of original x-ray. |
Sievert | (Sv). SI unit for measuring dose equivalent. |
Soft Radiation | Limited penetrating power and unsuitable for exposing dental radiographs. |
Wavelength | The distance between two crests on a wave. |