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Pharm 1,2 and 3


filling the IV tubing with fluid and letting air out of the line priming
adding another line of fluid to an IV line piggybacking
attaching the IV bag to the IV line spiking
fast IV administration of small volume of fluid IV push
prevents glass from entering a vein filter
part of the IV that remains indwelling in the patient after the needle is removed catheter
estrogen is a replacement drug yes
drugs that cross the blood brain barrier are called phsychotropic
ototoxicity is damage to the ear
is isolation a state in the drug cycle? no
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion are all stages of what? drug cycle
medication that prevents a problem from occurring is prophylactic
medication that helps determine if disease is present is diagnostic
medication that treats and corrects illness is curative
medication that destroys something destructive
medication that makes a patient more comfortable palliative
medication that supplements or provides something the patient is lacking replacement
two drugs taken together that can make a drug less powerful antagonist
mild reactions to medication such as nausea and constipation side effects
sites where medications bind to create a physiologic effect receptors
severe reaction to a medication that may cause a prescribe change the medication being taken adverse reaction
tid means to administer 3 times per day
polypharmacy is taking several medications for more thant one problem, what age group is this a problem for geriatrics
anaphylaxis life threatening allergic reaction
when documenting items correctly what would you include medication, dose, route, signature
wheezing is a sign of anaphylaxis
Is a schedule I drug illegal? yes
signs of possible substance abuse would include needle sticks, slurred speech, slowed reflexes, poor hygiene
a damaged controlled substance should be disposed by destroying it beyond any possible use in the presence of a witness
OSHA madates that employers provide what type of safety measures yearly safety training for all employees, protective supplies to employees and report all occupational injuries
STAT means give drug immediately
gtt means drops
medication labels include pharmacy name, address, phone number dispensing date prescription number name of medication, strength, dosage form and quantity
list of orders that are used for specific circumstances that occur routinely standing orders
when a health care professional takes a verbal order form a prescriber, what else should be done? read the order back to the prescriber for accuracy and have the order signed as soon as possible by the provider
dosage: how much a patient should take to be helped without overdosing; also looks at safety and efficacy Phase III
safety: dose the drug do harm Phase I
continuing evaluation through MedWatch Phase IV
efficacy: does the drug help the patient; also looks at safety Phase II
There is only one type of medication order False
OTC medications are never dangerous False
RX is the abbreviation for prescription or treatment True
Physicians are the only healthcare professionals allowed to write prescriptions False
NDC code stands for National Drug Code True
g gram
gr grain
gtt drop
bid two times a day
tid three times a day
NPO nothing by mouth
hs bedtime or at time of sleep
a.c. before meals
p.c. after meals
c with
s without
which of the following is a bowl in which medications are crushed? bulk, mortar, lumen or hub mortar
Your patient has trouble swallowing. Which type of meds would you NOT crush? time release tablet
are transdermal patches enteral? no
contradictions for using oral route include all of the following except? nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing or diarrhea diarrhea
tablets that are marked in halves for easy separation are scored
elixir contain ETOH
buccal medicaitons are placed in the cheek
enemas are administered for soften stools, cleanse bowels and deliver medications
are transdermal patches used for insulin replacement? no
where are ophthalmic medications administered eye
Parenteral medications include topical, ophthalmic, vaginal and inhaled all routed that do not have to go through the digestive track
which type of syringe would be used for allergy testing tuberculin
a properly administered intradermal injection (ID) should create a wheel
a Ztrack injection is a form of which route IM
the flu vaccine is usually given via what route IM
the recommended site for IM injections in infants and small children is the vastus lateralis
deltoid site is located where in arm
dialysis is a procedure involving IF fluids for a condition affecting what organ? kidney failure
a ytubing setup is used to administer blood products
vein inflammation phlebitis
IV fluids and meds leak into the surround tissue inflitration
a blood clot thrombus
bubbles release into the bloodstream air emboli
otic medications go in the eye false
otic an ophthalmic medications are interchangeable false
MDIs are used to deliver specif doses of medication through a hand held inhalation device true
nasal medications are used to treat conditions such as asthma, allergies true
otic medications should be administered at room temperature to prevent discomfort true
Created by: thirdghere
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