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Sports Medicine Term

anterior Situated toward the front of the body
posterior Back of the body
superior Higher on the body
inferior Lower on the body
medial Toward the midline of the body
lateral Away from the midline of the body
proximal Closer to the point of attachment or origin
distal Away from an attached base
superficial On or near the surface
deep Away from the surface
prone Body position lying flat
supine Lying on the back
flexion A bending movement around a joint in a limb (as the knee or elbow) that decreases the angle between the bones of the limb at the joint
extension An unbending movement around a joint in a limb (as the knee or elbow) that increases the angle between the bones of the limb at the joint
abbduction move appendage away from middline
adduction Movement toward the midline of the body
internal rotation Rotation of a joint toward the middle of the body.
external rotation Rotation of a joint away from the middle of the body.
pronation the act of rotating the arm or leg so that the palm of the hand or sole of the foot is turned downward or backward
supination the act of rotating the arm so that the palm of the hand is forward or upward
dorsiflexion Backward flexion
plantar flexion bending the sole of the foot downward toward the ground
inversion Moving the sole of the foot inward at the ankle
eversion turning the sole of the foot away from the midline
ulnar deviation Abduction of the wrist in the frontal plane
radial deviation Adduction of the wrist in the frontal plane
rostral Nose end of the head
caudal Toward the tail
ipsilateral same side
contralateral opposite side
horizontal flexion bringing the body part towards the mid line of the body once already abducted to 90 degrees
horizontal extension bringing the body part away the mid line of the body once already abducted to 90 degrees
circumduction circular movement of a limb at the far end
Adreno glands
Arthro joint
Arterio artery
Bi two
Brachium arm
Cardio heart
Cephal head
Cerebro brain
Chondro - cartilage
Costo - rib
Cryo - cold
Derm - skin
Dys - disordered
Endo - inside
Hemo - blood
Hydro - water
Hyper - above
Hypo - below
Myo - muscle
Neuro - nerves
Osteo - bones
Palmar - palm of the hand
Peri - around
Phalang - finger / toe
Phlebo - veins
Plantar - sole of the foot
Pneumo - lungs
Post - after
Pre - before
Pseudo - false
Psycho - mind
Pyo - pus
Quad - four
Semi - half
Thermo - heat
Uni - one
Vertebro -vertebrae
A / an - without
Ab - away from
Ad - toward
Algia - painful condition
Co / con - with
Ectomy - surgical removal of
Epi - on
Infra - below
Inter - between
Intra - within
Itis - inflammation
Ology - study of
Oma - tumor
Oscopy - process of viewing
Osis - abnormal condition of
Ostomy - forming an artificial opening
Otomy - cutting open
Pathy - disease
Phobia - fear
Pro - before
Ptosis - falling or sagging
Re - again
Retro - behind
Sub - below
Sym / syn - together
Abrasion - minor wound in which the skin's surface is rubbed or scraped away
Acclimatization - the process of the body physiologically adapting to an unfamiliar environment (altitude or temperature)
Acute - sudden onset
Aerobic - work or exercise requiring oxygen (endurance)
Amnesia - lack or loss of memory usually due to head injury
Anaerobic - work or exercise not requiring oxygen (sprints)
Anatomy - study of structure or form
Analgesic - an agent for producing insensibility to pain
Arthritis - chronic inflammation of the joints
Articulation - the site at which bones meet to form a joint
Atherosclerosis - accumulation of fatty material on the inner walls of the arteries
Atrophy - wasting away of organ or tissue; A decrease in muscle or tissue size
Avulsion - tearing or pulling away of part of a structure
Bursa - a fluid-filled sac at a joint that prevents friction
Bursitis - inflammation of a bursa
Calcification - hardening by deposits of bone in the muscle tissue
Cartilage - gristle-like padding that lies on or between bones
Chronic - of long duration or frequent recurrence
Contraindicate - to advise against
Contralateral - on the opposite side
Contusion - a bruise to a bone or muscle from an outside force causing tissue damage and internal bleeding
Crepitus - crackling sound or feeling
Cryotherapy - treatment by the use of cold
Diagnosis - the name of the disease / condition a person is believed to have
Dilation - state of being enlarged
Dislocation - complete displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
Ecchymosis - bleeding visible beneath the skin as a blue or purple patch
Edema - swelling due to abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissues or cavities
Effusion - swelling in a joint
Etiology - the cause of an injury or disease
Fracture - a break or crack in a bone
Hematoma - swelling composed of blood; Internal bleeding associated with a contusion
Hydrotherapy - treatment by use of water
Hypertension - high blood pressure
Incision - a cut made surgically with a sharp knife
Indicate - to advise the use of
Inflammation - the body's reaction to injury; Involves redness
Innervate - to supply with nerves
Joint laxity - looseness of joint due to loose ligaments
Laceration - a jagged cut or tear in the skin
Ligament - tissue that connect bone to bone
Modality - method or apparatus used for healing an injury
Palpation - examination by touch
Physiology - the study of function
Point tenderness - pain at the sorest spot of an injury
Prognosis - prediction of the course and end of a disease or eventual outcome of an injury
Puncture wound - direct penetration of tissue by a pointed or blunt object
Range of motion - movement of a joint around a central point ( ROM )
Reduction - to bring back to the normal position
Referred pain - pain that occurs away from the injury site
Separation - pulling apart of a generally non-movable joint
Shock - potentially fatal reaction of the body to injury; Failure of the cardiovascular system to circulate enough blood to the body
Sprain - stretching or tearing of ligaments
Strain - stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon
Subluxation - incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint
Syncope - fainting due to inadequate oxygen to the brain
Tendon - tissue that connect muscle to bone
Thermotherapy - treatment by the use of heat
Valgus - distal aspect of limb forced away from the midline
Varus - distal aspect of limb forced toward the midline
Vasoconstrictor - an agent causing the constriction of blood vessels
Vasodilator - an agent causing the opening of blood vessels
What is a Certified Athletic Trainer? The board certified athletic trainer
Anatomical Position Standing erect
Is the standard reference point in which all positions movements
Anatomical Planes Fixed lines of reference along which the body is often divided or sectioned to facilitate viewing of its structures
Frontal Plane The plane dividing the body into front and back halves
Transverse Plane The horizontal plane dividing the body into upper and lower halves
Sagittal Plane The plane dividing the body into right and left parts
BOC board administered certification
NATA national athletic trainers association
CEU continuing education credits
negligence Failure in following standard of care by failing to provide care
gross negligence Conduct that constitutes a willful or reckless disregard for a duty or standard of care.
assumption of risk A doctrine under which a plaintiff may not recover for injuries or damage suffered from risks he or she knows of and has voluntarily assumed
informed consent An ethical principle requiring that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate.
probable cause an action will lead to a certain end result and possibly cause harm
podiatrist a specialist in care for the feet
allergist specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions of altered immunologic reactivity
urologist a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system of females and the genitourinary system of males
pediatrician physician specializing in children's diseases
neurologist A physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the nervous system.
human anatomy study of structural basis of body function
exercise physiology Study of changes in cell and organ functions due to muscular activity
biomechanics The science concerned with the internal and external forces acting on the human body and the effects produced by these forces.
Created by: sportsmedicine7
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