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Head & Neck Anatomy
Question | Answer |
What does mastication mean? | Process of which food is ground and crushed by teeth, first step of digestion. "Chewing" |
What are the muscles of mastication? | masseter, temporal, pterygoid lateral and medial. |
Which muscles elevate the mandible? | masseter, temporalis, medal pterygoid. |
Which muscles depress the mandible? | geniohyoid, mylohyoid, digastric, lateral pterygoid, and infrahyoid. |
Which muscles protrude the mandible? | lateral and medial pterygoid |
What muscle retracts the mandible? | temporalis |
What is the most powerful muscle of mastication that can be palpated? | Masseter muscle |
What is the space that is bounded by the mandible, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid? | Pterygoid mandibular space |
Why is the pterygoid mandibular space important to the dental hygienist? | Where injections are given to numb the lower jaw. |
Epicranial Origin | Frontal belly; epicranial aponeurosis Occipital belly; occipital and temporal bones |
Epicranial Insertion | Frontal belly; eyebrow and root of nose Occipital belly; epicranial aponeurosis |
Orbicularis oculi origin | Oribital Rim, frontal bone, and maxilla |
Orbicularis oculi insertion | Later cants area, some encircle eye |
Orbicularis oris origin | Encircles mouth |
Orbicularis oris insertion | labial commissure |
Buccinator origin | Maxilla, mandible, and pterygomandibular raphe |
Buccinator insertion | labial commissure |
Risorius Origin | fascia superficial to masseter muscle |
Risorius insertion | labial commissure |
Levator Labii Superioris Origin | Maxilla |
Levator Labii Superioris Insertion | upper lip |
Levator Labii Superioris alaeque nasi origin | Maxilla |
Levator Labii Superioris alaeque nasi insertion | ala of nose and upper lip |
Zygomaticus Major origin | Zygomatic bone |
Zygomaticus Major insertion | Labial commissure |
Zygomaticus minor origin | Zygomatic Bone |
Zygomaticus minor insertion | upper lip |
Levator anguli oris origin | Maxilla |
Levator anguli oris insertion | labial commissure |
Depressor anguli oris origin | Mandible |
Depressor anguli oris insertion | labial commissure |
Depressore labii inferioris origin | mandible |
Depressore labii inferioris insertion | Lower lip |
Mentalis Origin | Mandible |
Mentalis Insertion | Chin |
Platysma Origin | Clavicle and shouler |
Platysma Insertion | Mandible and muscles of mouth. |
Epicranial Facial Expression | Surprise |
Orbicularis oculi facial expression | closing eyelid |
Corrugator supercilii facial expression | frowning |
Orbicularis oris facial expression | closing and pursing lips, as well as pouting and grimacing |
Buccinator facial expression | compresses the cheeks during chewing |
Risorius Facial Expression | Stretching lips |
Levator Labii Superioris Facial Expression | Raising upper lip |
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi facial expression | Raising upper lip and dilating nares in a sneer |
Zygomaticus major facial expression | Smiling |
Zygomaticus minor facial expression | Raising upper lip, assisting in similng |
Levator anguli oris facial expression | Smiling |
Depressor anguli oris facial expression | Frowning |
Depressor labii inferioris facial expression | Lowering lower lip |
Mentalis Facial Expression | Raising chin and protruding lower lip |
Platysma facial expression | Raising neck skin and grimacing |
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles | Transverse Bands, Superior Longitudinal Bands, Inferior Longitudinal Bands, Vertical Bands |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles | Genioglossus, Styloglossus, Hyoglossus, Palatoglossus |
TMJ | Temporomandibular Joint |
How does the TMJ move when the mandible is protruded-moving lower jaw forward? | Gliding in both upper synovial cavities. |
How does the TMJ move when the mandible is retracted-moving lower jaw backward. | Gliding in both upper synovial cavities. |
How does the TMJ move when the mandible depressed and protruded-opening jaws? | Gliding both upper synovial cavities and rotation in both lower synovial cavities. |
How does the TMJ move when the mandible is lateral deviated-shifting lower jaw side to side? | Gliding in one upper synovial cavity and rotation in opposite upper synovial cavity. |