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Family Theory

Establish a mutually satisfying relationship; Form a new household; Learn to relate well to their families of orientation; If applicable, engage in reproductive life planning. What stage is this family in? Stage 1: Married Couple/Beginning Family
Acquiring knowledge and planning; Preparing to provide physical care; Adapting financial patterns for increased needs; Defining evolving role patterns; Adjusting patterns of sexual expression. What stage is this family in? Stage 2: The Early Childbearing Family (from bith of 1st child thru age 30 mos.)
Expanding communication; Reorienting relationships with relatives; Adapting relationships with friends and community; Maintaining healthy morale and philosophy of life; Maintaining a satisfying marital relationship. What stage is this family in? Stage 2: The Early Childbearing Family (from bith of 1st child thru age 30 mos.)
Meeting fam. mem’s needs for adequate housing, space, privacy, & safety. Socializing the children. What stage is this family in? Stage 3: Childrearing Family: With Pre-Schoolers (oldest child 30 mos. To 6 yrs)
Integrating new child members while still meeting needs of other children. Maintaining healthy relationships w/in fam. (marital & parent-child) & outside the fam. (extended fam. & community)What stage is this family in? Stage 3: Childrearing Family: With Pre-Schoolers (oldest child 30 mos. To 6 yrs)
Socializing the children, including promoting school achievement and fostering of healthy peer relations of children; Maintaining a satisfying marital relationship; Meeting the physical health needs of family members. What stage is this family in? Stage 4: Childrearing Family: With School-Age Children (6-13 yrs of age)
Balancing of freedom with responsibility as teenagers mature and become increasingly autonomous; Refocusing the marital relationship; Communicating openly between parents and children. What stage is this family in? Stage 5: Childrearing Family: With Teenagers (13-20 yrs)
Expanding the family circle to include new family members acquired by marriage of children; Continuing to renew and readjust in the marital relationship; Assisting aging and ill parents of the husband and wife. What stage is this family in? Stage 6: Launching Family (from departure of oldest child to departure of youngest child
Providing a health-promoting environment; Sustaining satisfying and meaningful relationships with aging parents and children; Strengthening the marital relationship. What stage is this family in? Stage 7: Middle-aged Family (from departure of youngest child to retirement of oldest spouse)
Maintaining a satisfying living arrangement; Adjusting to a reduced income; Maintaining marital relationships; Adjusting to loss of spouse. What stage is this family in? Stage 8: Aging Family (retirement to death)
Maintaining itergenerational family ties; Continuing to make sense out of one’s existence (life review and integration. What stage is this family in? Stage 8: Aging Family (retirement to death)
What is a genogram? A genogram (pronounced: jen-uh-gram) is a graphic representation of a family tree that displays detailed data on relationships among individuals.
What is a ecomap? The ecomap gives a picture of the family in their own environment, ie. their lifestyle as it is at the present time. It provides information such as a description of all household members, their relationships, interests and activities.
____is an institution where individuals, related through biology or enduring commitments and representing similar or different generations and genders, participate in roles of mutual socialization, nuturance, and emotional commitment. Lerner, Sparks, and McCubbin (1999) broadened the definition of family to reflect both structural and functional changes within the family of today
The following is a description of ____: Changes in the family over time are addressed, based on the predictable changes in the structure, function, and roles of the family, with the age of the oldest child as the marker for stage transition? Family Developemental Theory
Debbie is 2yrs & lives w/ her brother & mom. Her Dad & mom recently divorced, & now her Dad lives 1hr away. Debbie sees her Dad 1x a month for a day's visit. Her mom retains custody of Debbie. Debbie's family represents what kind of family? Single-parent family
A _____ family (also known as a blended family) is the sociological term for the joining of two adults via marriage, cohabitation or civil partnership, who have had previous relationships and children from them. AKA____? A reconstituted family (also known as a blended family) is the sociological term for the joining of two adults via marriage, cohabitation or civil partnership, who have had previous relationships and children from them. AKA Stepfamily
In _____ families the network of relatives acts as a close-knit community. ____ families can include, aside from parents and their children: spouses of children;cousins, aunts, uncles; foster children/adopted children etc Extended Families
The extended family, usually consisting of two separate households, formed by the children and subsequent spouses of the partners in a divorce. Binuclear Family
Which one of the following is an effective approach for working with vulnerable families? A. Identify cultural differences, treating families w/ respect and honoring their traditions and emphasize the family unit. B. Identify & emphasize family deficits. A. Identify cultural differences, treating families with respect and honoring their traditions and emphasize the family unit.
Structural assessment areas of the family include: ____;____;____? Structural assessment areas of the family include: Home and Community Environment Occupation and Education of Family Members Cultural and Religious Traditions
Assessment of family interactions and roles, decision-making and problem solving, and communication is known as assessment of____? family function
What type of map uses symbols to diagram data about a family's structure? Genomap
A change in any one part of the family system affects all other parts of the system. This a descriptive of _____? Family System Theory
Which of the family theories is described as a series of tasks for the family throughout its life span? Developmental theory (Duvall's)
The __ theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that individuals can't be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their fam, as the fam. is an emotional unit. The family systems theory
Families are systems of interconnected & interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system. What theory is this? The family systems theory
_____ Theory is an application of general systems theory to the study of interpersonal communications Interactional Theory is an application of general systems theory to the study of interpersonal communications
Which of the family theories explains how families react to stressful events and suggests factors that promote adaptation to these events? Family Stress Theory
What type of family would the nurse call one in which the paternal grandmother, the parents, and two minor children live? Extended
What type of family would the nurse call one in which a mother, her children, and a stepfather live? Blended
Which of the following is a descriptive of homosexual or gay-lesbian families? A. Stability needed to raise healthy children is lacking or B. Quality of parenting is equivalent to that of nongay parents? Quality of parenting is equivalent to that of nongay parents
Affective and economic; Socialization and reproductive and health care are all ___ of the family? functions of the family
Dunst, Trivette, and Deal have identified the qualities of strong families that help them function effectively. These include ??? Clear set of family values, rules and beliefs
What assessment tool would help the nurse assess a family member's satisfaction with the functional state of the family? Family APGAR
The interventions a nurses uses with families depends o n the nurses' ____ of the family? the nurses' theoretical model of the family
contracting and counseling; case management and coordination; and behavior modification and role modeling are all _____? family nursing interventions
Created by: cgwayland
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