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O2 oxygen
occ occasionally
OOB out of bed
OPD out paitent department
OR operating room
os mouth
OSHA occupational safety and health administration
OT occupational theropy
oz ounce
p after
pc after meals
PCA paitent controlled anesthesia
PEG percutaneous enternal gastrostomy
per os by mounth
peri care perineal care
pm afternoon
PNS peripheral nervous system
p.o. by mouth
post op after surgery
PPE personal protective equipment
pos positive
pre op before surgery
prep preperation
p.r.n when nessicary
PROM passive range of emotion
pt. patient
PT physical theropy
PVD peripheral vascular disease
PWB partial weight bearing
q every
qh every hour
qhs every night at bedtime
q2h every two hours
q.i.d four times a day
Q.S every shift or once a shift
quad four
R respirations or right
R/A rheumatoid arthritis
RBC red blood cell count
reg regular
rehab rehabilitation
req requisision
res redident
resp resperation
R.I.C.E rest ice compression evaluation
RLE right lower extremity
RLQ right lower quadrant
RN registered nurse
R/O rule out
ROM range of emotion
RR respiration
rt. right
RUE right upper extrimity
RUQ right upper quadrant
s without
ss one half
sm small
SNAFU situation normal all fouled up
spec specimen
SOB shortness of breath
S signs and symptoms
SSE soapsuds enemia
Created by: mikahshort98
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