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AICP Transpo/Housing

AICP Functional Areas Transportation and Housing

Cordon Line The imaginary line that denotes the boundary of the study area in an Origin-Destination Survey.
Origin-Destination Survey This survey requires that road blocks be set up along major routes. Motorists within the cordon area can then be asked questions on their origin / destination. A more detailed survey with questions on socioeconomic characteristics can also be given.
Cross tabulation models Can also be used to estimate trip generation. Allow for estimates of trip generation rates based on land use type, purpose, or socioeconomic characteristics.
Typical trip generation rates include: 11 daily trip ends per 1,000 SF of gen office space; 9.6 daily trip ends / single family residential dwelling; 6.6 daily trip ends / apartment unit; 43 daily trip ends / 1,000 SF of shopping ctr space; 7 daily trip ends / 1,000 SF of light industrial dev.
What does trip end refer to? origin or destination point of a journey
Trip Distribution Examines travel w/in traffic zones. TD generally provides info on how many trips are made between each zone and every other zone. Also provides info on trip dist., time & cost, nature of trip, socioeco characteristics, & nature of the transpo system.
Gravity Model Attempts to quantify complex trip generation relationships. Provides trip estimates based on the proportional attractiveness of zone and inversely proportional to trip length.
Design Hour Volume (DHV) Capacity of the roadway to handle traffic.
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Measure of vehicular mobility obtained from travel inventories. Function of many factors: topography, population density, travel dist btwn home + daily destinations (work, shopping, recreation), and availability of mass transit.
What does high VMT mean? More vehicles are on the road to meet growing employment, errand, and other travel demands. Can also mean trip origins and destinations are getting further apart and travel times are becoming longer.
Tracks VMT at a national level The Bureau of Transportation Statistics
What did President Roosevelt propose in 1939? A 43,000-km system of highways.
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1944. Designated a 65,000-km national system of interstate highways, to be selected by state highway departments. Act authorized highway system, but did not provide any funding.
Funding for Federal-Aid Highway Act In 1952, the act authorized $25 Million for the construction of interstate highways and $175 Million two years later. Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 authorized major funding: $25 Billion between 1957 and 1969.
What was the Public Roads Administration (PRA)? Responsible for implementing highway system. In 1947, designated 60,640 km of interstate highways.
Important features of Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 Created federal mandate for urban transpo planning. Passed when urban areas newly planning Interstate hwys. Act req. transpo projects in urbanized areas w/ pop of 50,000+ be based on a "continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative" (3 C's) planning process
Recent Transportation Acts: New: transit/peds/bikes. Intermod Surface Transpo Efficiency 1991 (ISTEA); Transpo Equity 21st Century (TEA-21); Transportation Equity 3 (TEA3); Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity (SAFETEA); Moving Ahead for Progress (MAP-21)
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) History (1/2) Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 required that urbanized areas with populations of 50,000 or more develop comprehensive urban transportation plans to receive federal financial assistance for road construction projects.
MPOs History (2/2) In 1965, Bureau of Public Roads (pred. to FHWA) required the creation of planning agencies responsible for carrying out the required transportation planning processes. As a result, MPOs were established.
MPO / Unified Planning Work Program population threshold Areas with populations of 200,000 or more.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) TIP lists all projects for which federal funds are anticipated, along with non-federally funded projects that are regionally significant. FHWA planning regulations require this regional transportation plan.
Transportation Demand Management strategies Car Sharing / Flextime / Guaranteed Ride Home / Public Transit / Park-and-Ride / HOV Lanes / Telecommuting / Commute Trip Reduction / Transit Oriented Development
Standard parking stall dimensions 9' X 18'
Public Health Movement Second half of 1800s
First model tenement built in NYC 1855
First dumbbell tenement was built 1879. Built throughout New York City but often had poor lighting, little air, and little space.Outlawed 1901 via Tenement House Law.
Tenement House Act NYC, 1867. Req. new tenement bldgs to provide narrow air shaft btwn adjacent structures, windows that open into shaft, two toilets on ea. floor, and one square yard window in ea. room. first major housing code in U.S.
How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis 1890
Tenement House Law NYC,1901. Outlawed dumbbell tenements. New code vigorously enforced by City. Required inspection + permits for construction / alterations; wide light and air areas between buildings + toilets and running water in each apartment unit.
Neighborhood Unit Concept Clarence Perry, 1920 as part of the NY Regional Plan. Concept defines a neighborhood based on a five minute walking radius; At center is a school. Each neighborhood is approximately 160 acres.
Public Works Administration (PWA) Created 1934 to combat Great Depression. Provided 85% of the cost of public housing projects. First federally supported public housing program.
National Housing Act 1934. Established Federal Housing Administration with the purpose of insuring home mortgages.
Resettlement Administration 1935. Used New Deal funds to develop new towns: Greendale, WI, Greenhills, OH, and Greenbelt, MD + 99 other planned communities.
U.S. Housing Act of 1937 Provided $500 million in home loans for the development of low-cost housing. This Act tied slum clearance to public housing.
Serviceman's Readjustment Act / GI Bill 1944. Guaranteed home loans to veterans. The result was the rapid development of suburbs.
Housing Act of 1949 First comprehensive housing legislation passed. Called for the construction of 800,000 new housing units and emphasized slum clearance.
Housing Act of 1954 Called for slum prevention and urban renewal. Additionally, provided funding for planning for cities under 25,000 population. The 701 funds later expanded to allow for statewide, interstate, and regional planning.
Housing Act of 1959 Made federal matching funds available for comprehensive planning at the metropolitan, regional, state, and interstate levels.
Housing Act of 1961 Provided interest subsidies to nonprofit organizations, limited-dividend corporations, cooperatives, and public agencies for the construction of public housing projects for low and moderate income families to rent.
HUD Formed through the Housing and Urban Development Act 1965. Also put into place rent subsidies for the poor, home loans at reduced interest rates, and subsidies for public housing projects.
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act 1966. Launched model cities program. Gave financial incentives for coordinated metro area planning for open spaces, water supply, sewage disposal, + mass transit. Established a loan guarantee program to encourage development of "new communities."
Civil Rights Act of 19___; commonly known as Fair Housing Act 1968. Made racial discrimination in the sale or rental of housing illegal.
Housing and Urban Development Act 1968. provided for construction of 6 Million subsidized housing units. Also authorized monthly subsidies for private houses for low income families.
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission 1970. This body of gov. in Ohio adopted a housing plan that called for low and moderate income housing to be allocated on a fair share basis.
Pruitt-Igoe Project demolished in Saint Louis 1972. Demolition marked a shift away from high-rise concentrated public housing.
Housing and Community Development Act 1974. Creates CDBG and Section 8 program. 1977 amendments authorized Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG).
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) 1974. Created under Housing and Community Development Act. This grant program provides great flexibility for communities to use federal funds to improve blighted areas. Program consolidated 6 categorical urban programs into one.
National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act 1974. Regulated manufactured HUs; prohibited municipalities from regulating manufactured homes thru building codes. Homes could be regulated in terms of location, size, and appearance. Act applied to all manufactured homes built in 1976 or later.
Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG) Authorized by 1977 amendments to 1974 Housing & Comm Dev Act. Promoted P3s for redevelopment of urban areas. Also required intergovernmental cooperation in placement of projects. Cut funding for Section 701 comprehensive planning program.
National Affordable Housing Act 1990. Created the HOME program, which provides funds for housing rehabilitation.
HOPE VI 1992. The act’s grant program provided funds for redev of severely distressed public housing. Also allowed for demo + new construction of public housing. The result has been a de-concentration of public housing.
Consolidated Plan Beginning in 1995, required localities to prepare this doc to receive funding from number of HUD programs. Ests. unified vision for comm dev actions, analyzing entire comm + linkages to region. Builds on assets, coordinates a response to need.
Consolidated Plan con't Process + document integrating economic, physical, and human development in a comprehensive and coordinated fashion so that individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities can work together and thrive.
Some of HUD's programs Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) / HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) / Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) / Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
Created by: SunCityCyclers
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