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Test 1 Vocab

Communication the process of acting on information
Human Communication the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal messages.
self-concept refers to your subjective description of who you think you you see yourself as a "person"
self-image your view of yourself in particular situations...view changes from situation to situation.
Attitudes learned predispositions to respond to persons, objects, or ideas in favorable or unfavorable ways.
Beliefs the way in which you structure your understanding of reality (true/false)
Values enduring concepts of good/bad, right/wrong
self-esteem your evaluation of your worth or value as reflected in your perception of such things as your skills, abilities, talents, and appearance.
Intrapersonal communication how your take in information or stimuli in the environment and make sense out of it; also thoughts and ideas that you say to yourself. It's that inner dialogue.
Visualization A technique of imagining you are performing a particular task in a certain way.
Reframing A process of redefining events and experiences from a different point of view.
Attention What you attend to or notice in your environment.
Selection What you choose to focus on within a range or stimuli in your environment.
Organization The process of converting information into convenient, understandable, and efficient patterns that allow us to make sense of what we have observed.
Interpretation The process of attaching meaning to what is attended to, selected, and organized.
Closure The perceptual process of filling in missing information (verbal or visual)
Stereotype a generalization applied to persons because you perceive them to have attributes common to a particular group.
language -a system of symbols (words or vocabulary) -structured by grammar (rules and standards) -and syntax (patterns in the arrangement of words) -common to a community of people
meaning how a person interprets or makes sense of a symbol.
bypassing when the speaker's and the receiver's meanings do not correspond.
Denotative level that conveys content and is the literal or restrictive meaning of a word.
Connotative level conveys feelings …people create personal and subjective meanings for words.
concrete Related to being able to experience a referent with one of our senses
abstract Meaning resulting from inability to experience a referent with one of senses.
culture a learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, rules, and norms shared by a group of people and shaped from one generation to the next.
allness language reflecting unqualified, often untrue, generalizations denying individual differences.
sexist language reveals bias in favor of one sex against another.
homophobic language reveals insensitivity or intolerance toward persons who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
hetero sexist language reveals assumption that other sexual preferences did not exist
Trigger Words forms of language that arouse certain emotions.
Supportive communication creates climate of trust, caring and acceptance.
Defensive communication creates climate of hostility and mistrust
Empathy feeling what another person is feeling.
Created by: vcruz314
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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