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Periodontics II
Wilkins CH. 33
Question | Answer |
Carcinogen | Substance or chemical that has been known to cause cancer. |
CDCP | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Chemical Dependency | Chemical Dependency |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
Cotinine | A by-product of nicotine found in body fluids |
Drug Abuse | Any use of a drug that causes physical, psychological, economic, legal, and or social harm to the person who uses or other persons affected by the user’s behavior. |
Drug Addiction | A chronic disorder leading to negative physical, psychological, or social consequences from compulsive use of substance; characterized by continued use despite negative effects encountered by use. |
Dysphoria | Generalized feeling of ill being, malaise, restlessness, and discomfort |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
Nicotine | A poisonous, addictive stimulant that is the chief psychoactive ingredient in tobacco |
Nicotine gum | Polacrilex gum developed to aid in tobacco cessation; available as an over the counter product. |
Nicotine lozenge | Lozenge developed to aid in tobacco cessation; available as an over the counter product. |
Nicotine nasal spray | A prescription nicotine withdrawal product used nasally by the patient to aid in tobacco cessation. |
Nicotine patch | A transdermal form of nicotine withdrawal product used nasally by the patient to aid in tobacco cessation. |
Nicotine inhaler | A prescription nicotine inhalation system used orally for tobacco cessation. |
Nitrosamines | Cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco. |
Oral Cancer | In this chapter, the term “oral cancer” includes cancer of the lips, tongue, and floor of the mouth, palate, gingiva, alveolar mucosa, buccal mucosa, and oropharynx. |
Placenta abruption | Premature detachment of a normally situated placenta. |
Placenta previa | Placenta implanted in the lower segment of the uterus extending to the margin of the internal opening of the cervix; may obstruct opening partially or completely. |
Psychoactive drug | Possessing the ability to alter mood, behavior, cognitive processes, or mental tension. |
Pyrolysis | Chemical decomposition of a substance by heat. |
Smoke | Visible vapor and gases given off by a burning substance. |
ETS. | Environmental tobacco smoke or passive smoke: tobacco smoke present in room air resulting from ignited tobacco products burning in an ashtray or exhaled by a smoker (people who are currently smoking are also expose to other smokers’ sidestream smoke). |
Mainstream Smoke | Smoke that is inhaled directly into the user’s lungs |
Sidestream Smoke | The aerosol emitted directly into the surrounding air from the lit end of a smoldering tobacco product; may be inhaled by the user; is a major component of environmental smoke |
Third hand Smoke | Tobacco smoke residue absorbed by furnishings |
SIDS: | Sudden infant death syndrome: sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant; typically occurring between the ages of three weeks and five months |
TSNAs | Potent carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines |
Transdermal | Method of drug delivery by patch on skin; a mode for slow release over extended time. |
Use | Using the substance of tobacco because of an individual’s addiction to nicotine |
User | An individual who either smokes tobacco or places tobacco in the mouth. |