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Coach ch 1
5th physical science
Term | Definition |
Boiling- | a bubbling that takes place in a liquid when enough heat is added to change the liquid quickly into a gas |
Boiling Point- | the temperature at which a liquid boils |
Condensation- | the change from a gas to a liquid |
Conduct- | to transfer heat or electricity |
Density- | the amount of matter in a certain amount of space |
Dissolve- | is to mix evenly in a liquid. It breaks into tiny pieces that seem to disappear |
Evaporation- | the change from a liquid to a gas at the surface of the liquid |
Flexible- | easy to bend |
Freezing point- | the temperature at which a liquid freezes |
Freezing- | the change from a liquid to a solid |
Gas- | matter that does not have a fixed volume of shape |
Inference- | an explanation of something observed based on knowledge |
Length- | a measure of how long something is, or the distance between two points |
Liquid- | matter that has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape |
Mass- | the amount of matter that makes up an object |
Matter- | anything that has mass and takes up space |
Melting- | the change from a solid to a liquid |
Mixture- | matter made up of two of more substances, each of which keeps its own properties |
Observation- | information gathered with the senses |
Physical Property- | a feature of an object of substance that can be observed directly or measured with a tool |
Solid- | matter that has a fixed volume and a fixed shape |
Solution- | a mixture in which one substance dissolves in another |
State of Matter- | the form that matter has such as a solid liquid or gas |
Temperature- | a measure of how warm something is |
Volume- | the amount of space an object or substance takes up |
Weight- | a measure of the pull of gravity on an object |