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H 1 MV #2 Other

Henle 1 Master Vocabulary Review #2 Other

ego, mei I
ia, ea, id he, she, it
meus, a, um my, mine
nos, nostri we
noster, nostra, nostrum our, ours
quid what?
quis who
sui himself, herself, itself, themselves
tu, tui you (S.)
tuus, a, um your, yours (S.)
vester, vestra, vestrum your, yours (PL.)
vos, vestri you (Pl.)
cur why?
etiam also
fere almost
fortiter bravely, strongly
ibi there
interim meanwhile
ita so, thus
longe far, by far
postea afterwards
saepe often
semper always
tamen nevertheless
tum then, at that time
ubi where?
undique from all sides, on all sides
vehementer greatly, violently
atque (ac) an
aut or
aut...aut either...or
enim fro
neque nor,and...not
sicut as
ab (a); w. abl. by, from
de; w. abl. concerning, about
per; w. acc. through
sine; w. abl. without
trans; w. acc. across
in principio in the beginning
in saecula saeculorum world without end, forever
-ne partice used in questians
Created by: henlecards
Popular Latin sets




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