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H 1 MV #2 Other
Henle 1 Master Vocabulary Review #2 Other
Question | Answer |
ego, mei | I |
ia, ea, id | he, she, it |
meus, a, um | my, mine |
nos, nostri | we |
noster, nostra, nostrum | our, ours |
quid | what? |
quis | who |
sui | himself, herself, itself, themselves |
tu, tui | you (S.) |
tuus, a, um | your, yours (S.) |
vester, vestra, vestrum | your, yours (PL.) |
vos, vestri | you (Pl.) |
cur | why? |
etiam | also |
fere | almost |
fortiter | bravely, strongly |
ibi | there |
interim | meanwhile |
ita | so, thus |
longe | far, by far |
postea | afterwards |
saepe | often |
semper | always |
tamen | nevertheless |
tum | then, at that time |
ubi | where? |
undique | from all sides, on all sides |
vehementer | greatly, violently |
atque (ac) | an |
aut | or |
aut...aut | either...or |
enim | fro |
neque | nor,and...not |
sicut | as |
ab (a); w. abl. | by, from |
de; w. abl. | concerning, about |
per; w. acc. | through |
sine; w. abl. | without |
trans; w. acc. | across |
in principio | in the beginning |
in saecula saeculorum | world without end, forever |
-ne | partice used in questians |