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RICA Vocab
vocabulary from RICA test
Term | Definition |
academic vocabulary | words used in textbooks and tests; broken into technical (related to specific disciplines) and non-technical (used across disciplines) |
alliteration | repeated use of a phoneme |
alphabetic principle | states that speech sounds are represented by letters |
analogy phonics | teaching style; show 2 words with rimes that match then introduce new onsets |
analytic phonics | using a whole-to-part system of teaching; start with sentences then look at words, end with the sound-symbol relationship you wish to focus on |
assonance | alliteration of vowels; used in poetry and easy reader books |
auditory modality of language | another term for listening and speaking; often method of instruction used for students with visual impairments or visual processing disorders |
automaticity | swift and accurate identification of words |
background knowledge | what you know about a specific topic |
ballad | form of poetry; tells a story, usually set to music |
bound morphemes | must be attached to a root word |
breve | short vowel sound |
CAP (Concepts About Print) | includes orientation, directionality and letter/word concepts |
choral reading | students read aloud together, and/or with the teacher |
closed syllable | syllable ending in a consonant |
cognates | words that have similar structure and meaning between two languages; often used to assist EL students in comprehending vocabulary |
collaborative books | method of reinforcing language and print concepts; each child makes a page in a book that covers a specific topic/theme in class |
concepts of/about print | understanding that print conveys meaning and is used for a variety of purposes |
consolidated alphabetic stage | stage of decoding; students in this stage read fluently at their level, also known as the orthographic stage |
consonance | alliteration of consonants; used in poetry |
consonants | speech sound made by the position of the tongue and/or lips, not dependent on air flow from the lungs |
consonant blends | 2 consonants together that are sounded in a smooth combination of both letter sounds |
consonant digraphs | 2 consonants together that do not sound like either letter; ex: ch, sh, ph |
couplet | pair of lines with the same rhyme and intrinsic patter (meter), found in poetry |
conventional stage | stage of writing when most words are written correctly; follows transitional stage of writing |
decodable text | easier, more predictable texts; often use rhyme |
decoding | process of recognizing and interpreting words |
derivational relations spelling stage | 4th grade to adult; use root work knowledge to create many different variations of words |
dipthong | vowel combinations that glide from one sound to the next |
dramatic irony | when the audience knows something the characters do not |
echo reading | teacher reads a word or sentence, students repeat |
embedded phonics | incidental teaching strategy using other instructional focuses to "notice" parts of words in the reading |
emergent stage | 2-5 years old; not yet reading or spelling, pre-phonetic scribbles |
emergent literacy | term coined by Marie Clay; perspective on how children learn to read and write, including experiences, cultural and social aspects of language learning |
environmental print | logos that are easily recognizable to children, but do not require them to "read" to know what the logo says |
epic | form of poetry; long poem that tells a story, usually with a hero |
etymology | language origin; ex: Latin or Greek origins |
evaluative comprehension | ability of the reader to make judgements about what they have read |
fantasies | genre of writing; based in reality, includes science fiction and often deals with good vs. evil |
fluency | reading at an appropriate pace with appropriate intonation |
folklore | fables, folktales and myths; characters are usually animals and a moral is presented at the end of the story |
foreshadowing | literary device; author drops hints about what happens later in the story |
free morphemes | unit of writing that stands alone with meaning |
friendly explanation of words | explanations at the child's comprehension level, not necessarily definition based |
frustration level of instruction | this level of instruction is too difficult for students to grasp concepts and retain taught information |
full alphabetic stage | third stage of reading and writing; identify and sound out each letter in the word individually; reading is choppy |
grand conversation | discussing reading with group; teacher asks deeper level questions, children apply personal experience, use inference, identify vocabulary and word structure |
grapheme | written english letters that represent sounds ; not a one-to-one correspondence |
high frequency words | most common english words used in writing, children are taught to read and write these words first (along with sight words); 50% of all reading texts made of same 100 words |
homonyms | words that are spelled the same but have different meaning |
homophones | words that sound the same but are spelled differently |
hyperbole | an exaggerated comparison (scared to death) |
independent level of instruction | level of instruction that student can read accurately and comprehend information taught |
inferential comprehension | second level of comprehension ; reader is able to interpret what they read |
inferential thinking | combining what you "know" with what you read to form a conclusion or deeper meaning |
inflected suffix | letters added to the end of the word that do not change the words part of speech; ex: ed, er, ing, est |
instructional level of instruction | optimal zone for teaching, students use but confuse much of the information, but can progress through without extreme frustration or boredom |
interactive writing | shared pen, children create narrative, teacher guides writing |
intermediate and advanced readers | fluent readers and writers, variety of reading and writing styles, success and comprehension is related to familiarity and experience with subject discussed |
irony | incongruity between what a character does and says |
LEA (Language Experience Approach) | based on children's language and experiences, during the letter-name alphabetic stage (5-8 yrs old) formally taught letter-sound relationships |
literal comprehension | first level of comprehension, ability of the reader to understand the surface meaning of a text; "answers are in the book" |
literary analysis | process of studying or analyzing a story |
literary criticism | one possible outcome of literary analysis; students make judgements or evaluations of the story focusing on literary elements |
lyric | form of poetry, expresses personal feelings, often found in music |
macron | long vowel sound |
Matthew Effect | "poor get poorer, rich get richer", as children get older the gap between struggling readers and proficient readers widens |
metaphor | implied comparison |
morpheme | most elemental unit of meaning; 2 types: some words and all affixes |
morpheme analysis | structural analysis of a word; how word elements combine (root+affix) |
myth | attempts to explain natural phenomena; includes legends and tall tales, ex: Robin Hood |
onset | initial consonant or consonant blend |
onomatopoeia | words that sound like the action they represent (when spoken) ex: screech, whoosh, plink |
open syllable | syllable that ends with a vowel |
orthographic knowledge | what a person knows about how to spell words |
orthography | synonymous with spelling patterns |
orthology | study of spelling patterns in written language |
partial alphabetic stage | stage of reading, use wrong word when reading based off letters student does know; ex: identifying cake as candy |
personification | giving human traits to nonhuman things; figurative language |
phoneme | the smallest unit of sound |
phonemic awareness | ability to distinguish the separate phonemes of a word |
phonetic alphabet | one to one correspondence between the phoneme and symbol |
phonetic stage | all phonemes have a grapheme |
phonics | linking letters to sound relationships |
phonograms | rimes that have the same spelling (word families) ex: bat, hat, cat, rat |
phonological awareness | ability to notice and manipulate the sounds of a spoken language |
phonology | sound in speech |
phrase cued reading | marked text with slashes between phrases for student practice in fluency |
pragmatics | the rules of language used in social contexts; gathering information, requesting and communicating, staying on topic, turn taking |
pre-communicative stage | student has no alphabetic principle, use pictures or scribbles to denote meaning |
predictable text | easily decodable text, often uses rhyme and pictures that show story line |
prosody | reading with appropriate expression, with pausing, variation in pitch and reflective of the author's purpose |
QAR | Question- Answer Relationships; challenges students to classify questions and verify answers, can be used to assess comprehension of all 3 levels |
realistic fiction | lifelike and believable stories not based on fact |
rhyming | using words that have the same rime sounds, often used in poetry and predictable text |
rime | initial vowel sound and any consonants that follow (in a single syllable) |
schwa | u sound as in bud |
segmentation | breaking down words into individual sounds |
semantics | meaning conveyed by words |
shared reading | teacher demonstrates concepts, points out letters words, and punctuation, models strategies, asks questions to further guide thinking and comprehension |
semiphonetic stage | uses some letters but incorrectly, some sounds not represented |
sight words | words that are not easily decodable and do not follow regular spelling patterns |
sonnet | 14 lines of poetry, with rhyming string and strict meter |
SQ3R | tool for in depth reading skills; Survey - Question - Read - Recite- Review |
structural analysis | process of recognizing words by analyzing affixes and bases |
syllabic analysis | process of recognizing words by analyzing syllables |
syllables and affix stage | upper elementary and middle school; inflectional endings and double consonant at syllable juncture learned |
symbolism | operates on two levels of meaning - literal and symbolic |
simile | comparison between two objects using "like" or "as" |
syntax | the rules that govern how sentences are put together |
synthetic phonics | using a part-to-whole teaching strategy, start with symbol (letter), state sound, build words around sound |
transitional reader | read fluently at their level; aka: consolidated alphabetic stage |
transitional stage | phonetic spelling but more correct than incorrect |
verbal irony | when someone says something that is not consistent with reality |
visual modality of language | signing, reading and writing |
vocabulary | the words in a given language; each person has 5 vocabularies: listening, speaking, sight, writing and meaning |
vowel | sounds made when the air leaving the lungs is vibrated through the vocal chords |
within word pattern spelling stage | 1st-4th grade (7-10yrs old) usually begins as students transition to independent reading, can read and spell many words correctly |
word identification | ability to read aloud or decode, independent of meaning |
word recognition | to know the meaning of a word |
zone of proximal development | zone of understanding |