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JHU SoN Acronyms
Acronyms from the "Talk Like a Nurse" prerequisite handout
Question | Answer |
a | before (ante) |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
a.c. | before meals |
ad lib | at liberty |
AD | advance directives |
ADH | alcohol dehydrogenase |
ADLs | activities of daily living |
AEB | as evidenced by |
A.M.A. | against medical advice |
AODM | adult-onset DM |
A&Ox3 | alert and oriented to person, place, time |
A-P | anterior-posterior |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) |
A&W | alive & well |
bid | 2x/day (bis in dies) |
BKA | below-the-knee amputation (AKA - above) |
BM | bowel movement |
BMI | body mass index |
BMR | basal metabolic rate |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy |
BR | bedrest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BS | bowel sounds |
BSE | breast self-examination |
BSO | bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
BX | biopsy |
c | with (cum) |
CA | cancer |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CAGE | cut down, annoyed, guilty, eye opener |
CAM | complementary alternative medicine |
CBC | complete blood count |
CBE | clinical breast exam |
CC | chief complaint |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
cm | centimeter |
CN | cranial nerve |
CNS | central nervous system |
c/o | complains of |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
C&S | culture & sensitivity |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computed (computerized) tomography |
CTA | clear to auscultation |
CTS | carpal tunnel syndrome |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (stroke) |
CXR | chest x-ray |
d/c | discharge, discontinue |
D & C | dilatation and curettage |
DFA | difficulty falling asleep |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOB | date of birth |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion |
DPT | diphtheria- pertussis- tetanus (vaccine) |
DSM | diagnostic & statistical manual |
DTR | deep tendon reflexes |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis |
Dx | diagnosis |
ECG | electrocardiogram (or EKG) |
ED | emergency department |
EEG | electroencephalo- gram |
EMA | early morning awakening |
ENT | ears, nose, and throat |
EOM | extraocular muscles or movement |
ERT | estrogen replacement therapy |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
ETOH | ethanol (alcohol) |
FB | foreign body |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
FUO | fever of unknown origin |
FX | fracture |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GU | genitourinary |
H&P | history and physical |
HA | headache |
HBP | high blood pressure |
Hct | hematocrit |
HEENT | head, eyes, ears, nose, throat |
hgb | hemoglobin |
Hib | hemophilus influenza B |
h/o | history of (or Hx) |
HOB | head of bed |
HPI | history of present illness |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
hs | hour of sleep, bedtime |
HTN | hypertension |
I & D | incision and drainage |
IM | intramuscular |
I & O | intake and output |
IV | intravenous |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations |
JVD | jugular venous distention |
KUB | kidney, ureter and bladder (x-ray) |
KVO | keep vein open |
LE | lower extremities |
LFTs | liver function tests |
LMP | last menstrual period |
LNMP | last normal menstrual period |
LOC | loss or level of consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
MI | myocardial infarction (heart attack) |
MMR | measles, mumps, and rubella (vaccine) |
MMSE | mini mental state exam |
MRI | magnetic resonance Imaging |
MS | mental status or multiple sclerosis |
NAD | no acute or apparent distress |
NGT | nasogastric tube |
NKA | no known allergies |
NKDA | no known drug allergies |
NPO | nothing by mouth (non per os) |
NSAID | nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug |
NSR | normal sinus rhythm |
NSS | normal saline solution |
NV | nausea/ vomiting |
NVD | nausea, vomiting, diarrhea |
NWB | non-weight bearing |
OA | osteoarthritis |
OC | oral contraceptives |
od | right eye (ocular dexter) |
OOB | out of bed |
os | left eye (ocular sinister) |
OT | occupational therapy |
OTC | over-the-counter |
ou | both eyes |
p | after |
p.c. | after meals |
PCN | penicillin |
PE | physical examination or pulmonary embolism |
PERRLA | pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PMH | past medical history |
PMI | point of maximal impulse (apical pulse) |
PND | paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea or post nasal drip |
PNS | peripheral nervous system |
PPD | purified protein derivative (TB skin test) |
pr | per rectum |
PRN | as needed (pro re nata) |
PROM | passive range of motion or premature rupture of membranes |
PSA | prostate specific antigen (test) |
PT | physical therapy |
PTA | prior to admission |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease |
q4h | every 4 hours |
q6h | every 6 hours |
qam | every morning |
qd | every day** |
qh | every hour |
qhs | every night |
qid | 4x/day |
qod | every other day** |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis or right atrium |
RBC | red blood cell |
REM | rapid eye movements |
RLQ | right lower quadrant (RUQ LLQ LUQ) |
R/O | rule out |
ROM | range of motion or rupture of membranes |
ROS | review of systems |
RRR | regular rate & rhythm |
R/T | related to |
s | without (sans) |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis |
SC | subcutaneous |
Sig | label |
SL | sublingual |
SOB | shortness of breath |
S/P | status post (after) | | specific gravity |
S.Q. | subcutaneous(ly) |
S/S | signs and symptoms |
STAT | immediately |
STS | serological test for syphilis |
Sx | symptoms |
TCDB | turn, cough, deep breathe |
TIA | transient ischemial attack (mini stroke) |
tid | 3x/day |
TM | tympanic membrane |
TMJ | temporomand- ibular joint |
TNTC | too numerous to count |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TURP | transurethral resection of prostate |
TSE | testicular self- examination |
UA | urinalysis |
UE | upper extremities |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
VS | vital signs |
VSS | vital signs stable |
WBC | white blood cell |
WD/WN | well developed, well nourished |
WF/BF | white female/black female |
WM/BM | white male/black male |
WNL | within normal limits |
y/o | years old |
(delta) | change |