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Term | Definition |
apprenticeship | on the job training coordinated with academic study |
bachelors degree | academic title awarded by a college or university usually takes 4 or more years to complete |
certifacation | a credential indicating specific training in a specific career specialty |
community college | post secondary institution offers certificates , diplomas , and associate degrees many programs transfer to a four year college |
college/university | post secondary institution that offers degrees . Universities are usually larger than colleges , provide a wider range of majors |
cooperative education program | coordinate work with classroom teacher and students part time work . |
doctorate degree | academic title awarded by college or university as indicator of computed work highest level of graduate school |
enterprenueurship | act of creating of developing your own business |
exploratory interview | short informal talk with someone who works in a career you find interesting |
extended learning | school and community activities that help develop transferable skills |
internship | part time on the job learning experience reinforces classroom instruction |
job shadowing | following an experienced worker around on the job for a day |
license | completing the rules and regulations pertaining to a career specialty in order to legally enter that kind of work |
masters degree | an academic title awarded by a college or university as an indication of completion of study at a advanced level |
mentoring | long term relationship between student and person . Teach good work habits ethics , ect |
online education | education delivered through the internet |
on the job training | instruction at work to learn required task for the job |
post secondary | education or training after high school |
private college | a college that relies on endowments , tuition , and fun raising to run does not receive government money |
public college | a college operated and financially supported by the state in which it is located |
service learning | volunteer service project that gives students useful work experience while benefiting the community |
specialty degree | a college degree that id higher than a masters degree but not equal to a doctors degree |
tech prep | program between high schools and community colleges offer students a chance to earn college credit through high school courses |
technical school | a private post secondary school that offer training programs for specific career specialties |